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The following is a list of nutrients that enhance detoxification:

* Indole-3 carbinol-100 mg twice a day. This natural substance enhances phase II

. It is extracted from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussel's sprout
s and cauliflower. It can be purchased as an extract.
* Taurine 500 mg a day- This is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is used by t
he liver for sulfonation reactions. It is to be taken between meals.
* Milk Thistle (silymarin) 175 mg. Take two twice a day. This extract has been s
hown to substantially enhance liver detoxification and is also a very powerful a
ntioxidant for all cells.
* Curcumin- 500 mg three times a day with olive oil. This is an extract taken fr
om turmeric. It is an extremely powerful antioxidant, enhances both phases I and
II detoxification, is a radioprotectant, enhances bile flow, inhibits cancer gr
owth, and is a very powerful anti-inflammatory. Also enhances DNA repair enzymes
* Panthethine 250 mg Take one capsule 3X a day- This vitamin is the enzyme form
of pantothenic acid. It plays a vital role in enhancing the aldehyde dehydrogena
se enzyme. (For formaldehyde detoxification)
* Thiamine- 100 mg. Take three a day. (Vitamin B1) This vitamin plays a major ro
le in protecting nerves as well as the brain. It is commonly depleted with pesti
cide exposure.
* Pyrodoxyl-5 phosphate 50 mg- Take one a day. This is the functional form of vi
tamin B6. People exposed to chemical toxins frequently have low levels of this v
itamin. When vitamin B6 is deficient, taurine is also low. It plays a major role
in protecting against glutamate and aspartate toxicity.
In addition to detoxification, other nutrients play a more direct role in protec
ting cells and in promoting their recovery from toxicity. These include:
* Magnesium- 750 to 1000 mg a day. (Magnesium citrate/malate) Magnesium plays a
major role in cell protection, especially against excitotoxicty. In addition it
protects against strokes and heart attacks.
* Selenium- 200 ug a day. This mineral also plays a role in protecting cells fro
m toxins, especially mercury. It plays a major role in protecting against free r
* N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC)- 750 mg a day. This is a substance that in cells is
converted to glutathione. Glutathione is your cell's major protection against fr
ee radicals produced by toxins such as aspartame.. In addition, NAC removes merc
ury. NAC also enhances detoxification.
* Multi-"B" vitamins- This should be a multivitamins that contains 25 to 50 mgs
of each of the B vitamins. The multivitamin should not contain iron. Take one a
* Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols) 400 IU twice a day. A powerful antioxidant, p

revents heart attacks an stokes and the gamma-tocopherol is a powerful anti-infl

* Vitamin C (as magnesium ascorbate) 2000 mg twice to three times a day. Plays a
major role in cell protection against oxygen stress, protects the nervous syste
m and enhances tissue repair.
* CoQ10 100 mg twice a day. This is a major energy molecule and protects the bra
in against excitotoxicity.
* DHA 200 mg a day. This is a component of omega-3-fatty acids. It plays a vital
role in membrane repair and repair of synapses.
In addition to avoiding aspartame you must avoid other toxins as well. This incl
udes MSG, pesticides, herbicides, bug sprays, fluoride, mercury, cadmium, alumin
um and the many other toxins found commonly in the environment. Many of these to
xins act synergistically, that is, when combined they have toxic effects that ex
ceed their additive effects.
In addition, you need regular, moderate exercise (never aerobic), avoid soy prod
ucts, cheese, and vegetable oils. Do not smoke or use drugs. All of these things
increase free radical damage and prevent tissue repair. You should eat a diet h
igh in vegetables and with some fruits, no sugar (or honey), moderate complex ca
rbohydrates and pure water free of contaminants, including fluoride. Do not use
fluoride toothpaste, mouthwashes or receive fluoride treatments. If you follow t
hese principles you will notice quick recovery from your toxic encounter. More s
erious toxic encounters may take several months for recovery.
Please refer to my web site at for more informa
tion on my books. Russell Blaylock, M.D. (Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save You
r Life, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, etc.)

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