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-- US History II -Disclosure Document

Schoology Code: P2- T5DW7-MR6DW

Phone: (406)924-2503
P4- H7Q29-C3GVW


All behavior must contribute to the learning environment in my classroom.
This includes, but is not limited to being:
1 Respectful of your peers, teachers, school, and yourself
Listen when its time to listen, Speak when its time to speak


Follow directions and be kind

**Please do NOT use your cell phone in class (unless you have explicit permission). Be
prepared to hand over your phone if you chose not to follow this expectation.**
Positive and perseveringdespite challenges
Be an active learner and advocate for yourself
On time and prepared
Being on time but not prepared may result in a tardy
See student handbook for disciplinary policy regarding detention, suspension, etc.
Proud of your work and always doing your best
If you cheat or plagiarize you will receive a 0 for that assignment and subject to
disciplinary action. Please refer to school policy for more information.
Responsible for your actions
Make good choices because you are responsible for the outcome good or bad.
See student handbook for disciplinary policy regarding behavior

My responsibility is to be your educational coach by providing you with the tools

and practice necessary to think about history then and connect it to today through
interactive lessons.
Your responsibility is to be an active and empowered learner by participating,
taking responsibility, and self-advocating.
My door (and email) are always open, please use them if you have any questions
or concerns. I am looking forward to fun year of learning and I hope you are too!

Be Prepared Everyday:
Please bring the following items with you to class everyday:
Three ring binder or section in a binder with lined paper
Pen and/or pencil
Homework/other are complete and submitted to Schoology (if applicable) or turned into bin
It is HIGHLY recommended that you keep all materials for the duration of the course

Assignment Policy
Do ALL assigned work and know when its due!
Printed out & ready to turn in at the start of class or submitted to Schoology before class
***Late work***
Homework May be turned in by the end of school the next day for 50% credit
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o Each quarter your lowest (1) homework assignment grade will be dropped
Project/EssayMinus one letter grade for each day that it is late with NO option for revisions
If you are absent, then you have the number of class periods missed to complete and turn in any
missed assignments. Please indicate Absent on your assignments
If you are absent on a test day, you must take it on your first day back in class unless you make
other arrangements with me
Projects/Essays assigned in advance of your absence are still due on the due date
Please see me BEFORE an assignment is due if you need additional time to complete it. If you
wait until the due date then the above late policies will apply.


Please make use of Infinite Campus to keep track of grades and assignments. I will do my very
best to keep Infinite Campus updated with graded work
***Your grade will be comprised of the following categories:
o In-class - generally worth 5-30 points each
o Homework - generally worth 15-50 points each
o generally worth 75-200 points each
Semester Final = 10% of semester grade

Course Overview
*Subject to Change

US History II (1932-Present)

Depression and Recovery

o The Great Depression, FDR, The New Deal, 1930s
o Chapter 22
World War II
o Dictators, American Isolationism to Intervention, Women at home
o Chapters 23-24
o The Cold War, Korean War, 1950s, JFK, Cuban Missile Crisis
o Chapters 25-26, 28
An Era of Protest and Change
o Civil Rights, Womens Rights, Environmental Movement, Vietnam
o Chapters 27, 29-30
Moving toward Today
o Watergate, Iran Hostage Crisis, Reagan, end of the Cold War, Technology Revolution
o Chapters 31-33
Description: An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for
America Today
our survival as a free people. ~ Thomas Jefferson. US
o Current Events
History is a course that analyzes how America became the
nation that it is today by examining topics such as: the
Great Depression, the New Deal, the Cold War, the 60s,
and more. In this course you will grapple with
fundamental questions concerning the history of the
United States from the proper role of government in a
representative democracy to the role of social movements
in shaping the character of the American experience.

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(Return Just This Portion and Keep the Rest)

Please read this entire document and contact me if you have any questions. Complete the
section below, and return to Ms. Zirbel the next class period to receive credit for this
assignment. Dont forget to sign up at Place the rest of this document
at the start of your class binder. Please also read through the student handbook for more
information about school-wide policies.
I, ______________________________, have carefully read, understand, and agree to abide
(Student Name)

by all of the policies and expectations listed in this disclosure document.

Student Signature: __________________________________

Date: _________________

Student Email: _____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________
Parent Email: _________________________________________________________
Parent Phone: _____________________________
Parent/Guardian We will be using Schoology this year- an online classroom platform where
your student can access power points, assignments, study guides, etc. If you would like your own
parent login that mirrors your students, please send me an email and I will send you an access

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