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SS.G.2.3, SS.G.3.

Name __________________________________________________________
Period _________

Reading Maps and Charts

Directions: Use pages 44-49 in the Nystrom World Atlas Book to answer all of the questions.
Pages 44 & 45
1. Which U.S. states have areas that receive over 80 inches of rainfall per year?
2. How does the state of Florida compare in rainfall with Nevada?

3. What is the difference in square miles between Alaska and the continental United States
(lower 48 states)? Show your work!

4. Map Analysis: On the Growing Season Map on page 45, why do you think most of the
states with growing seasons of 8 or more months are located in the south and most of the
states with growing seasons under 4 months are in the north? Explain.

Pages 46 & 47
1. Identify the states that are major producers of corn and wheat in the United States. Put a
star next to the states that are major producers of both.
2. According to the Energy Resources Map on page 47, which 3 states have the most known
reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium in the United States?
3. Bar Graph/Map Analysis: On the Energy Supply and Demand Bar Graph on page 47, you
see that Oil consumption in the United States is much higher per year than coal and
natural gas.
a. Looking at the Energy Resources Map on page 47, why do you think that our oil
consumption is higher?
b. Our oil consumption EXCEEDS our reserves here in the United States. What must
we do in order to provide all of the necessary oil to keep our industries working?
Pages 48 & 49
1. Critical Thinking Map Analysis: Look at the Major Highways Map on page 48 and look at
the Population Map on page 49. Analyze the maps carefully and be sure refer to the key
a. According to the information on the maps, why are there more major highways
located in the eastern part of the U.S. than in the western part of the U.S.? Explain.

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