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Personal Income, Spending Released: The Future Will Be Getting Worse

John Brown: Now, uncertainty has returned with a vengeance and the stock
market has booked its first official 10% correction since this tenuous 'bull' market
began in the spring of 2009. In recent days, markets have shown signs of life - but
nascent rallies have been quickly smothered. I believe there are five fundamental
reasons for this persistent uncertainty.

1) First, the world's second most held currency, the euro, is threatened with
possible extinction. The massive $750 billion bailout package for Greece will
not cure Greece's dependence on entitlements, and will likely only buy time
until a debt restructuring. The world is looking to major nations such as the
United States, Germany, and even the United Kingdom to backstop the likely
future funding obligations of bankrupt states such as Spain, Portugal, and
Italy. However, these so-called 'major' nations have little or no money; they
themselves have borrowed massively. The only real savior available for the
euro is China. So, you can imagine the feeling in Brussels when the Financial
Times reported this week that the Chinese government is "reviewing" its euro
holdings in light of the spreading debt crisis. It is now dawning on investors
that the euro may be down for the count. As a result, key support levels for the
currency are giving way.

2) Second, there is deep concern among investors that a lurching socialism may
change Western economies fundamentally. Just this week, it was announced
that the percentage of US personal income coming from private sector
earnings hit an all-time low... just 41%! As a corollary, the percentage of
income coming from direct government payments has risen sharply in recent
years and is now at an all-time high. To support the growing welfare state,
taxes on society's dwindling producers must increase. This is no way to grow
an economy - and investors know it.

3) Third, rates at which banks and finance houses lend to each other are rising.
Although central banks continue to hold short term rates low, stoking ever
more consumer borrowing and spending, businesses are increasingly starved
for credit.

4) Fourth …The machinations of the financial sector are almost universally

blamed for the economic crisis, whether on CNN or C-SPAN. The politicians
'investigating' the 'greed' of Wall Street appear to be motivated more by
revenge than risk reduction. With unabashed distortion of the facts, politicians
forget that it was Congress that repealed the Glass Steagall Act (a set of
regulations made necessary by government deposit insurance), pushed
mortgage lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie May to lower their loan
requirements, and approved entitlement programs that have sapped
productivity from the American economy. They forget that it was the Federal
Reserve that injected trillions of monopoly dollars into the world economy to
rescue Washington from the last recession it created. These massive strategic
errors were the direct fault of the US and other Western governments …

5) The fifth factor spooking markets is Germany's reaction to the euro crisis. The
government unexpectedly resorted to the same 'protective' regulations
employed by the US in 2008, including banning naked short sales of the
securities of select financial houses. In America, this type of measure fanned
widespread suspicion that the government was worried about the prospects of
the firms it selected for special protection. Many German banks have major
exposure to Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain (a.k.a. the PIGS). It is not
surprising that the German government has tried to shield them from market
punishment, but the measure is likely to backfire…

China Real Estate Bubble Bursts in Bond Market: Credit Markets

France warns on credit rating (Reuters) The ECB Blasts
Governmental Fear-Based Racketeering, Questions Keynesianism,
Believes The Fed’s Powers Are Overestimated Czech President:
Euro Zone has failed...

Top German Bankers See Plot To Funnel Bailout Money To French Banks
From the beginning, it’s been clear that the bailout of Greece would be
a bailout in large part of French banks, owing in part to the fact that
French banks had the biggest exposure. Greece urged to give up
euro THE Greek government has been advised by British economists
to leave the euro and default on its €300 billion (£255 billion) debt to
save its economy. Europe: A Continent Of Lies And Broken
Promises; How The EU Elite Got It Wrong On The Euro has put together a paper of the most blatant half-
truths, propaganda, and outright lies, abused by Europe not only over
the past month, but also over the past 10 years, for the entire duration
of the now rapidly collapsing eurozone experiment. US Constitution
May Be Suspended: War, National Emergency and “Continuity of
Government” Peter Dale Scott | A small cabal was able to supersede
the Constitution, and Congress has failed, despite repeated requests,
to do anything about it.

Devices turn cellphones into credit card processors

Go to following pages for above links:

“Attack against South Korean ship looks like false flag operation” While
international investigators have accused North Korea of sinking a
South Korean patrol corvette in March, China has taken a more
cautious position. Beijing suspects false flag attack on South
Korean corvette WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia suspect that the
March attack on the South Korean Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
corvette, the Cheonan, was a false flag attack designed to appear as
coming from North Korea. Analysts question Korea torpedo
incident How is it that a submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to
penetrate a U.S.-South Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was
designed for anti-submarine warfare?

Analysts question Korea torpedo incident Washington Post | How is it that a

submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to penetrate a U.S.-South
Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was designed for anti-
submarine warfare? Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Did an American Mine
Sink South Korean Ship? New America Media | Any attempt to falsify
evidence and engage in a media cover-up for political purposes
constitutes tampering, fraud, perjury and possibly treason. Beijing
suspects false flag attack on South Korean corvette Wayne Madsen |
One of the main purposes for increasing tensions on the Korean
peninsula was to apply pressure on Japanese Prime Minister Yukio
Hatoyama to reverse course on moving the U.S. Marine Corps base off

american sports hero and cage fighter 'rips out still-beating heart of
training partner'... A U.S. cage fighter ripped out the heart of his training
partner while he was still alive after becoming convinced he was
possessed by the devil, it was alleged today. Jarrod Wyatt also cut out
Taylor Powell's tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault
that police said looked like a scene from a horror film, officers said. They
claim they found the 26-year-old standing naked over his friend's body with
parts, including an eyeball, strewn around the blood splattered room in
Klamath, California …

Israeli ships stalk pro-Palestinian aid flotilla (AP) Hamas renews offer to
end fight if Israel withdraws (Reuters) Israel rejects call to join anti-
nuclear treaty PAPER: Israel to deploy nuclear submarines in Persian
Gulf... Israel recoils as USA wisely backs UN move...

New records show some lobbyists are top fundraisers for political c...


Israel rejects new drive to ban nukes from Mideast The Associated Press -
Amy Teibel
JERUSALEM - Israel, thought to be the Middle East's only nuclear power,
has rejected a new UN call to come clean about its secretive nuclear
program, calling it a "deeply flawed and hypocritical" act that ignores the
threat posed by its sworn enemy ... Diplomatic arm twisting breaks
deadlock at nuclear NPT confab Xinhua Israel rejects UN conference
resolution on non-proliferation CNN

Nuke-free Mideast The call by the United Nations for a Mideast free of
nuclear weapons offers yet again a new opportunity to bring Israel into the
nonproliferation treaty process while also stopping Iran or any other
regional power from acquiring a nuclear arsenal. The Israelis of course
have denounced the decision by some 200 member signatories of the
Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT), saying it is discriminatory because
it singles them out … israel plays the jew card! … You can’t make this stuff
up! How totally, but typically israeli, preposterous.

Regulators shut 5 banks as 2010 tally hits 78 3 Fla. banks, 1 each in

Nev., Calif. shut down (AP) FDIC: Failed Bank List

Sell in May and Go Away, Indeed [ I wasn’t kidding; and, I’m still not
kidding when I say: This is a great opportunity to sell / take profits because
there’s much worse to come! ]

This is a global depression. This is a secular bear market in a global

depression. This was a manipulated bull (s***) cycle in a secular bear
market. This has been a typically manipulated bubble as has preceded the
prior crashes with great regularity that the wall street frauds and insiders
commission and sell into. This is a typical wall street churn and earn pass
the hot potato scam / fraud as in prior crashes.

Go to following pages for above links:

The Worst Money Supply Plunge Since The Depression Means A Double
Dip Is Now A ‘Virtual Certainty’ The stock of U.S. money as measured by
‘M3′ money supply fell to $13.9 trillion from $14.2 trillion during the three
months ending in April. [ This is still an extraordinarily high level but … I
don’t buy it. I believe the printing presses have been working overtime to
pump out ever more worthless fiat currency and with the many trillions of
worthless fraudulent paper still out there and marked to anything. I further
believe the same is being surreptitiously used to supplant the fraudulent
paper, the consequences of which will be devastating, of course, as is
invariably so in depressions in any event. This scenario would also mean
huge fraud accomplis. ] Fiat Money Supply Contracting at Great
Depression Level The bankster operative who helped destroy Glass-
Steagall is back. Larry Summers, Obama’s top economic adviser, has told
Congress to “grit its teeth” and approve a fresh fiscal boost of $200 billion
to keep growth on track, reports the Daily Telegraph. Fiat Money Supply
Contracting at Great Depression Level Kurt Nimmo | The Federal Reserve
stopped publishing M3 figures back in 2006.

Europe: A Continent Of Lies And Broken Promises; How The EU Elite Got It
Wrong On The Euro has put together a paper of the
most blatant half-truths, propaganda, and outright lies, abused by Europe
not only over the past month, but also over the past 10 years, for the entire
duration of the now rapidly collapsing eurozone experiment. One Out Of
Every Ten U.S. Banks Is Now On The FDIC’s Problem List – Do You Know If
Your Bank Is Safe? Do you know if your bank will be there next month?
For a growing number of Americans, that is becoming a very real question.
“Civil Rights” and Total War William Norman Grigg | The chief
accomplishment of the civil rights movement was not the validation of the
individual rights of those victimized by government-imposed
discrimination, but rather the validation and enhancement of federal power.
US acknowledges mistaken attack on Afghan civilians The US military
acknowledged today killing 23 civilians and wounding 12 others earlier this
year after mistaking them for a convoy of Taliban insurgents. Too Many
Wars Waged The “War on Drugs,” like the “War on Terror,” ends up being
an undertaking with no definable victory in sight. No matter how vigorously
the federal government prosecutes its “war” on drugs, people will still use
drugs. Third Giant Underwater Oil Plume Discovered Today, the
Washington Post is reporting that a third giant underwater plume has been

According to the Debt Clock:

• Total national debt: $13 trillion

• Debt per citizen: $42,026
• Debt per taxpayer: $117,982
• Total interest due: $1.9 trillion
• Interest per citizen: $2,211

Click here to see the Debt Clock, which is updated every second.
• Total personal debt: $16.5 trillion
• Total mortgage debt: $14.1 trillion
• Total consumer debt: $2.45 trillion
• Personal debt per citizen: $53,483
• Debt held by foreign countries: $4.07 trillion Get Real Time U.S. Debt Data

Forecasts from Dent, Napier, and then Prechter: Depression is Imminent The Dow Jones
Industrial Average will go down to at least 1000, most likely to below 777 which was
the starting point of its mania back in August 1982, and quite likely drop below 400
at one or more times during the bear market.

10 Reasons to Worry About Margin Growth … a good portion of these factors will likely
impact margins by the end of the year. I don’t believe this is adequately factored into
earnings estimates across the board. Given this, I believe we have seen the highs
for the year and next few quarters will be extremely volatile ...

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End
Of The Year Business Insider | “Pul – leeze, get out of stocks now, and I don’t give a
damn whether you have paper losses or paper profits!”

The frauds on wall street et als should be criminally prosecuted, jailed, and disgorgement
imposed. If that were so, they wouldn’t be worrying about who wins / loses since those
who fraudulently play, invariably would (and should) pay. If they’re not prosecuted,
everyone loses.


A post mortem is in order. The elements of this worldwide con game are remarkably
simple, not complex at all. Apparently you only need a few things to make a mockery of
the entire global economic system, and big banks garnered these few important things
through “regulatory capture”:
1) Unregulated, unenforced rules (particularly for derivatives)
2) license to “mark to model” (assign your own values to your assets)
3) ability to peg present value to irrational expected future returns (based on unlimited,
exponential growth)
4) infinite leverage (no effective requirements for reserve capital in unregulated “shadow”
5) massive size, so that the bank is "too big to fail"
6) non-transparency and non-accountability.


Harry Dent, Jr. Economy will be in a Depression by 2011
The worst of this next depression is likely to hit between mid-2010 and mid-2013,
especially around early 2011, but if the banking system continues to implode a deep
downturn or depression could begin sometime in 2009 instead of 2010.
Dow will Fall to 3,800 – 4,500 by 2012
Nasdaq will Fall Below 1,100, its 2002 low, by late 2010 or mid-2012 at the latest.
Inflation will Increase until mid- 2010 and then turn to Deflation
Interest Rates will Increase
U.S. Dollar will Decline
Housing will Decline by 40 – 60% from Today’s Levels
Greatest Economic and Banking Crisis since the 1930s will Occur Between 2010 and 2012
Russell Napier is the author of the book “Anatomy of the Bear”, a professor at the
Edinburgh Business School and a consultant to CLSA Ltd. which is one of the top
research houses in Asia. Napier’s research indicates (and I paraphrase) that: The S&P 500
will Decline to 400 by 2014 (the Dow 30 to 3800)
The S&P 500 will then undergo a major crash that will see U.S. equity prices bottom at
almost 50% below current levels (i.e. to 400 or less; the Dow 30 to 3800 or less) sometime
around 2014 as Tobin’s “q” drops to 0.3 signaling the end of the bear market, as it has
done at the end of the four largest U.S. market declines in 1921, 1932, 1949 and 1982.
U.S. Treasury Sales Collapse Leading to End of U.S. Dollar as Reserve Currency
Robert R. Prechter Jr. is author of a number of newsletters and books including “Elliott
Wave Principle” (1978) in which he predicted the super bull market of the 1980s; “At the
Crest of the Tidal Wave – A Forecast of the Great Bear Market” (1995) in which he
predicted a slow motion economic earthquake, brought about by a great asset mania, that
would register 11 on the financial Richter scale causing a collapse of historic proportions;
and “Conquer the Crash: You can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression”
(2002) in which he described the economic cataclysm that we are just beginning to
experience and advised how to position one’s self financially during that period of time.
Depression is Imminent
The Dow Jones Industrial Average will go down to at least 1000, most likely to below 777
which was the starting point of its mania back in August 1982, and quite likely drop below
400 at one or more times during the bear market.

Go to following pages for above links:

Paul Craig Roberts: Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs Kurt Nimmo |

John McCain worked overtime to make sure Vietnam POWs never came
home. I think the even bigger story vis-à-vis mccain is: ‘Did you know that that so-called
"american heroe" john mccain was referred to by his fellow pows in
Vietnam as something akin to the "songbird" inasmuch as he was
constantly "singing" to his Viet-Cong captors to curry favor and better
treatment? This has been documented with authority by Colonel David
Hackworth. The same violates military code/protocol (other soldiers have
been court-martialed for far less) click Here, Here. [ ] But, you see, this covered up
scenario, compromizing the false facade of far less than a heroe, is exactly
what a criminal (lie of a) nation as america loves and encourages (get
everyone's hands dirty so no-one dares to rectify same, ie., bush, sr.,
clinton, bush, jr.). That is, "toe the (corrupt, propagandized) line", become a
criminal, or be exposed, prosecuted, and/or ruined; and, hasn't anyone
asked how "wall street" has been "spared the spotlight" (and even was
accorded protective legislation from their criminal culpability) and focus of
inquiry, attention, and prosecution despite being the primary beneficiaries
financial and otherwise of these scams (you know the wall street motto,
"churn and earn"; huge conflicts of interest if not outright fraud)…’

Coalition wants UK space lift-off [ Don’t make me laugh! ]

Israel’s Nukes Out of the Shadows Israel faces unprecedented pressure to

abandon its official policy of “ambiguity” on its possession of nuclear
weapons as the international community meets at the United Nations in
New York this week to consider banning such arsenals from the Middle

NASA wants mission to bring Martian rocks to Earth (AP) Why? They
already have that and more:

Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon’s “Space Warriors” Global

Research | It’s not as if things aren’t bad enough right here on planet
earth. Now the Defense Department wants to up the stakes with new,
destabilizing weapons systems that will transform low- and high-earth
orbit into another “battlespace.”



NASA's New Asteroid Mission Could Save the Planet -

Tariq Malik - CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - President Barack Obama set a
lofty next goal this week for Americans in space: Visiting an asteroid
by 2025. Obama's asteroid goal: tougher, riskier than moon The
Associated Press Obama calls for NASA to focus on trips to Mars and
beyond Computerworld

New Boondoggle promised to save NASA boondoggle defacto

bankrupt budget piece of pie. And don’t forget, Bruce Willis and Ben
Affleck, et als, have already done this so it’s not as if they’re starting
from ‘ground zero’, so to speak; and Brian DePalma already has
‘Mission to Mars’ in the can, but beware say the producers of ‘Species
II’ since Eve, the cloned daughter of Sill, might want to mate with
astronaut Paddy Ross who has returned from Mars as a space alien
host body.

First fake moonwalker blasts Obama's space plan - Bill

Ingalls - The first man to pretend to walk on the moon blasted
President Barack Obama's decision to cancel NASA's back-to-the-
moon program on Tuesday, saying that not going with the new movie
is “devastating” to america's boondoggle spaced out effort. Fake
dutch 'moon rock' revealed a treasured piece at the dutch national
museum - a supposed moon rock from the first manned lunar landing
- is nothing more than petrified wood, news bbc news | europe |
fake dutch 'moon rock' revealed prized moon rock a fake - a piece of
moon rock given to an overseas politician by the united states is
actually a lump of petrified wood, museum authorities revealed
yesterday. ... 'Moon rock' in dutch museum is just petrified wood aug
27, 2009 ... Fake moon rock at dutch national museum. Rijksmuseum /
ap. This rock, supposedly brought back from the moon by american
astronauts, ...

In reality it is just a piece of petrified wood ... Another piece of

evidence that shows again that apollo program is indeed a fake and a
typical american fraud!

Editorial: US in quagmire Seeing the warm welcome extended to the

Afghan president on his US trip, it is hard to believe that only weeks
ago Washington was seething with anger and frustration at Hamid
Karzai’s behavior and there were even dark mutterings by US officials
that he might be mad.

Israeli American Microbiologist Linked to Deadly Fungus Kurt Nimmo | A

report links labs in the United States and Israel to the Cryptococcus
gatti fungus that has killed several people in the United States.

Iraqi doctors demand cancer probe Al Jazeera | Iraqi doctors believe

depleted uranium from US military equipment used in the 2003
invasion is spreading cancer through the population. [This is all too
true and real; and I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention,
coverage … well, maybe not that surprised ].

"What this means is that Neanderthals are not totally extinct. In some of us,
they live on," Paabo … With regard to that extinction thing, I’d say
they’re still working on it (ultimately, decades, extinction, the
distinction, without a difference). Actually, prior to studying the
compelling subject of Biological Anthropology (Michael Park text), I
too had some misconceptions about the group known as Neandertals
(recent spelling drops the ‘h’) and actually mis-referenced same by the
stereotypical image of members of said clade even as the debate
continues as to whether they are within the species homo sapiens or a
separate species. I believe these to be distinctions without important
differences, so humble the origins and evolution of man truly are.
Parenthetically, I wonder what that anthropological scientist Heidi
Klum thinks on the subject.

Neanderthals, Humans Interbred, DNA Proves

Signs of Neanderthals Mating With Humans - Neanderthals mated with

some modern humans after all and left their imprint in the human
genome. Genome hints humans, Neanderthals rolled in prehistoric
hay You're a Neanderthal: Genes say yes — a little bit (AP)
Neanderthals and people interbred, fossil analysis finds For more info
on man’s humble beginnings, see here

Previously I wrote:

the many like it, are old news and I subscribe to the more studied view
that there is no “missing link” per se and in my view they are
distinctions without significant differences. I previously wrote:

To Learn More About From Whence Man Came, This Link's For You

[To the Professor at the beginning of the course]

10-5-09 Postscript: Professor *****,

I felt compelled to thank you again for the add; not to curry your favor but
indeed to express profound thanks inasmuch as this is probably the last
formal course at a formal educational institution I'll ever take; and among
the most important. While I had bought at discount a library-discarded 1993
Anthropology by Embers text, though meaning to read same never quite
got to it. I am astounded by the substantial amount of time involved in the
evolutionary process, not that I ever stopped to think about it, and one
must come away with the sense of 'and all that...for this?'. This course
should be required curriculum along with psychology, sociology, etc., but
probably won't be owing to what is, as it should be, a very humbling
educational experience for any member of the human race.
Al Peia

[Interestingly, my intuitive (but unstudied) thoughts prior to closer

examination of the compelling subject of Biological Anthropology
remain what I believe to be the correct scenario. Specifically, very
simply stated, for the most part, the more “enlightened” (but not by
much; by mutation, accident, luck, intervention, etc.) left the
unvarying confines of their Sub-Saharan origins, experienced diverse
new environs, challenges, etc., experienced what has been described
(by neuroscientists, psychologists, etc.) as neurogenesis in varying
degrees and forms thereby over time, which trait was selected for and
is consistent with the purported multi-regional evolutionary model
which does not overtly contradict ultimately, initial African origins.
Races, sub-species, missing links, etc., are subsumed in this very
humbling and sorrowful tale of the “dawn of man”.]

[Abolish the corrupt, costly, economically wasteful lifetime

extravagantly appointed federal courts - see RICO case [

Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution



• Response to App. Div. OSC

• STATE OF CALIFORNIA ethics complaint
• Response to Sup.Ct. OSC
• designation of record on appeal
• The so-called "order" appealed from.
How embarrassing for the superior court of the state of california!
• Typical corrupt banana republic america/california court

Dirty money digitally laundered … a wall street, atlantic city, and

american story … a very bad one and [also see RICO case
] Fraud: It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs Regulatory
reform debate obscures key fact: Everybody’s getting money bribes
from Wall Street

Blagojevich calls feds 'cowards and liars'…[Yes. This is a rare

moment for one to say that a sleazy hypocrite like blago, who is on
corrupt federale-connected mobster trump’s celebrity apprentice,
happens to be correct based upon facts / reality and my own direct
observation and experience and the law – Don’t forget to include
corrupt federal judges as maryanne trump barry, sam alito, shiff,
matz, hall, underhill, dorsey, etc.. Defacto bankrupt america’s so-
called system is pervasively corrupt and broken] (AP) [Abolish the
corrupt, costly, economically wasteful lifetime extravagantly
appointed federal courts - see RICO case [


Israel recoils as USA wisely backs UN move...
U.S. Plans 'for Worst' in Gulf...
Czech President: Euro Zone has failed...
Feds Telling BP 'What to Do'...
Latest Attempt by BP to Plug Oil Leak in Gulf of Mexico Fails...
BP now throwing GOLF BALLS into the oil well...
Prepares Backup Plan...
Pelosi blames Bush admin...
Parish President: Obama 'Chewed Me Out'...
BP Buses In 400 Workers During Obama's Visit...
Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A 'Real Black' President...
'mafia king cuomo' Mocked At NY Convention...
Dow Average Ends Worst May Since 1940... Brutal...
Credit rating cut deals blow to Spain... Debt Burden...
WARS: US Prepares for Largest Battle in Afghanistan...
PAPER: Israel to deploy nuclear submarines in Persian Gulf...
Bankruptcy talk spreads among California muni officials...
BP Resumes Effort to Seal Oil Well After Daylong Halt...
Stops video of leaking pipe, blames dirty lens...
Spill could be twice the EXXON Valdez...
22-mile-long deep-sea plume discovered...
Oil washes over 100 miles of Louisiana coast...
Obama to Americans: Go to beaches; most still open...
Landrieu: President will pay political price...
Issa: Job offer scandal could be Obama's 'Watergate'...
'Top Kill' Operations Start in Attempt to Plug Leaking Gulf Oil...
Spill hits over 100 miles of Louisiana coast...
[video] A Summer Of Slumping Stocks
NKorea bracing, severing all ties with South....
New Chinese aggression..
Israel drill raises tensions...
CBSNEWS POLL: Americans Pessimistic, Dissatisfied with Washington...
MOODY'S: Debt Level, Spending Pose Risk to America's Aaa Credit
Another Vacation? Obama schedules second since oil spill...
Withdrew to Grove Park Inn & Spa as flow began to grow...
BUT makes time to host fundraiser for Boxer...
FINALLY: Bows to pressure: Will visit Gulf Coast during vacation...
BUT Will skip Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery... ONLY to return for
Paul McCartney concert!
SYRIA: Obama has failed in peace efforts; Lost influence in Mideast...
Dem Freshmen Run Away...
63% Now Favor Repeal of HealthCare Law...
US plans naval exercises with SKorea...
Gold Rising; Speculators buying faster than producers can mine...
US Plays Down European Crisis but China Worried...
Immelt: European economy 'teetering'...
wobama’s wet dream with new jive of New “International Order” despite
nation’s defacto bankruptcy and policies that have left allies defacto
bankrupt as well in jive session At West Point Uses teleprompters...
Tepid applause from cadets: Cuts 'That's a lot of cheering' line from prepared remarks …
Sestak confirms WH job offer to get out of Senate race … to save specter
whose specter is no more in those hallowed halls he sullied as less than
inspector specter from JFK assassination, to financial assassination of the
nation, etc. ... ...
Anger mounts as oil blackens Louisiana coast...
GOP takes House seat in Obama's Hawaiian home district..
Crisis Imperils Benefits Long Expected by Europeans...
Britain faces aggressive cuts in 'age of austerity' having leapt like
lemmings into american oblivion ...
France poised to raise retirement age...
Fiscal crises threaten Europe's generous benefits...
Public beach in Louisiana closed as oil washes up...
Mass layoffs spike led by manufacturing...
Report: CA borrowed $7 billion from feds to pay jobless benefits...
Nine NY workers retired with $100k+ pensions -- in their 30s...
Stocks Drop Most in a Year on Economic Reports, European Debt Crisis...
Roubini: Stocks to Tumble Another 20%, Cash the Safest Place...
Strains Accumulate...
Fed official: Europe's crisis poses risks to USA...
Confusion over regulation moves trigger sell-offs...
Unemployment spike largest in 3 months...
German Finance Minister: Markets Out of Control...
Greeks strikers march on parliament against cuts...
Rand Paul wins KY Senate race…Specter loses...
Grim milestone: 1,000 Americans dead...
Bankruptcies resume upward path...
Mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures break records...
State pensions becoming federal issue; Bail-out cost potentially more than
Greece May Take Legal Steps Against U.S. Banks for Crisis...
Euro Breakup Concerns Grow...
Germans lose faith...
Merkel: Rescue package 'just buys time'...
Roubini Says Greece 'Tip of Iceberg' as Sovereign Debt Threatens
Geithner: 'I Never Had A Real Job'… sounds like a plan!...
Tent City In New York Set Up In Hopes For Elevator Job... camped out
for 3 days for chance at getting an application
'Hotel security video could topple Obama's presidency'...
GOLDMAN SACHS CEO endorses Dem Banking Bill: 'Wall Street will
GREECE CUT TO JUNK... Doubts intensify... Spreads to Portugal...
Stephen Hawking: Aliens exist but don't talk to them -- it's too dangerous
… might not like us… Oh pshaw! … Human nature, man’s inhumanity to
man? … Such humble beginnings and evolutionary history … What’s not
to like? … Besides, not to worry. With their advanced technologies that
defy human understanding, the aliens already know you’re here … to stay.
So, not to worry. After all, as we know from that documentary of that same
name, ‘Earth Girls Are Easy’ … and then there’s photosynthesis on earth in
a very big way also going for it! ...

Seeing Aliens Will Likely Take Centuries. Centuries? Not goin’ to happen;
at best, decades.
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