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Tax and Legal Alert / Special edition/ July 2014

Service permanent establishment

Non-residents and their

Kazakh customers are in
the spotlight of the
Kazakh tax authority

Service permanent establishment

The Government is developing an investment
Several large Atyrau companies have received
a letter from the Atyrau tax authority naming
various non-resident service providers, which,
the authority believes have a service
permanent establishment (PE) in
Kazakhstan. The tax authority strongly
recommends the Atyrau companies inform
their non-resident service providers about
their obligation to register as taxpayers in
The tax authoritys approach towards
determination of a PE typically is based only

on the length of the service companys contract

with its Kazakh counterpart. This is not in line
with the law.
A service PE is determined based on the
physical presence in Kazakhstan of the nonresidents employees for one or more related
projects (as defined by the Tax Code).
The tax agent (the Atyrau company paying the
fee) has responsibility to determine if a PE
exists. If no PE exists, but before applying
provisions of an applicable DTT, the company
should obtain documentary evidence to
support this approach.

If the tax agent wrongly invokes a DTT, in addition to any underpaid tax, it will pay a
fine of 50% of the underpaid tax and interest (currently 13,75% p.a). This can be a
very expensive mistake.
What do you need to do?
A Kazakh company receiving services from a non-resident should:

ensure the service provider does not have a PE (based on related projects)
and have evidence supporting the physical presence of the non-residents
personnel in Kazakhstan;

in the case of intercompany services, ensure that its related parties did not
establish PEs;

structure relationships within the Group to mitigate PE risk, which may

include provision of personnel under secondment arrangements.

Determination of whether a service PE exists is often relatively complex. We

recommend taking advice based on the specific facts.

Lets talk
For a deeper discussion of how this issue might affect your business, please contact:

Tax and Legal Services

Michael Ahern, Partner

Elena Kaeva, Partner

Timur Zhursunov, Partner

Richard Bregonje, Partner

Walter Daniel, Director

Omon Tursunov, Director

PwC Kazakhstan
34 Al-Farabi Ave.
Building A, 4th floor
Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050059
Tel : +7 (727) 330-3200
Fax : +7 (727) 244-6868

6 Sary-Arka Street
Business Centre Arman, 16th floor
Astana, Kazakhstan, 010000
T: +7 (7172) 55-07-07
F: +7 (7172) 55-07-08 kz

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