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Learning Aeronautical and Naval Engineering from The Quran

Dr. Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi



I will show in this article how to learn naval and aeronautical engineering
from the guidance of the last revelation of Allah (God) to people (i.e. The
Quran) by pondering upon the verses of the book. The basis for learning
naval and aeronautical engineering can be found by pondering upon verse 30
of chapter 21 which states: (Have not the disbelievers seen that the heavens
and the earth were a weaved fabric and then Allah (God) tore them apart,
and Allah (God) has made from water every living thing, will they not then
believe?), Such that we learn from this verse that the universe that we see
today was a weaved fabric and then Allah (God) tore it apart.

Among the engineering applications of this knowledge from the Quran is the
knowledge that water is composed of a weaved fabric of atoms arranged in a
hexagonal pattern as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Hexagonal fabric of water atoms.

This also applies to air and thus this knowledge that water and air are
composed of weaved fabrics yields the following question: What are the
optimal specifications for a vehicle to go through this fabric?

The optimal specifications for a vehicle to go through water and air fabrics:

The optimal specifications for any vehicle travelling in the fabric of water and
air atoms can be known by pondering upon verse 191 of chapter 3 which
states: (Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the
alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of
understanding), we learn from this verse that Allah (God) urges us to ponder
and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creatures
there in; and thus to know the optimal specifications for objects to travel
within air and water we need only to ponder upon how Allah (God) created
birds and fish.

Thus if we think about how Allah (God) designed the bodies of fish and birds
as shown in figures 2 and 3 we find that the frontal regions are sharp and
pointy which correlates with the statement of Allah (God) in the Quran that
the heavens and earth are a weaved fabric. Thus for an object to travel
through this fabric it must tear up this fabric like the function of a knife and
this is found in the design of the frontal region of birds and fish.

The design of the frontal region of birds and fish is from the mercy of the
creator onto His creation, such that the frontal sharp regions of birds and fish
tear up the fabric of air and water with ease which reduces the effort needed
to fly and swim, thus we see why the quality of mercy is the main quality of
Allah (God). This mercy of Allah (God) on birds and fish explains verse 44 of
chapter 17 which states: (The seven heavens and the earth and all that is
therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you
understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving).
Figure 2: The design of Allah (God) for the bodies of fish.

Figure 3: The design of Allah (God) for the bodies of birds.

Thus the first engineering application from this knowledge is that any vehicle
to move in the fabric of air and water it needs its frontal regions to be sharp
having small contact region, which reduces the resistance to movement, fuel
consumption, and the stress on the body of the vehicle. I did some computer
models which show how sharpness in the frontal region of vehicles increases
the stress on the fabric of atoms of water and reduces the effort needed for
movement as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: A computer model showing the tearing of water fabric by a pointy surface.

People noticed that there is a need to reduce the contact volume between the
front of vehicles (airplanes and ships) and the fluid they travel in as shown in
figure 5.

Figure 5: The design of humans for the frontal regions of ships and airplanes.

If we ponder again on the design of birds and fish we notice that Allah (God)
placed feathers and scales on the outer surface of their bodies as shown in
figure 6.
Figure 6: Objects on the surface of creatures which fly in the air.

Thus the question now arises as to the engineering function of feathers and
scales on the body of birds and fish?

The answer for this question solves a problem that eluded engineers for years
now, which is the problem of the boundary layer which reduces the efficiency
of flying and swimming, and this layer increases fuel consumption in vehicles
and it also increases the stress exerted on the body of vehicles.

The feathers and scales cause turbulence in air and water atoms which are
near to the outer surface of the bodies of birds and fish, this turbulence
causes breaking of the boundary layer which is caused by the accumulation
of atoms. This in turn causes reduction in the resistance of movement for an
object in a fluid compared to a surface not containing objects on it as shown
in figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7: Turbulence in air atoms due to the presence of feathers and scales on the surface.

Figure 8: Accumulation of atoms on a surface of an object not containing objects on it.

Thus Allah (God) teaches us how to eliminate the boundary layer, which is
done by placing objects on the outer surface of a vehicle, such that these
objects vibrate and scatter atoms near to the surface and thus does not allow
the formation of the boundary layer which reduces the resistance for
movement in the fabric of water and air.

The idea of having vibrating objects on the surface of a vehicle is a fertile

field for believers to apply practically such that they would be the teachers of
others and not the ones on the receiving end.

Zaid Kasim Mohammad


Website: www.quran-

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