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Shot Timecode




1 2:24:27 - 2:24:35

CU Anwar sat in ornate chair, concentrating on

something directly infront

(music): Born free, life is

worth living, but only
worth living if

2 2:24:35 - 2:24:38

Cut/ A POV shot of TV with a scene from Arsan and

Aminah inserted

(music fades out): But

only worth living

2:24:38 - 2:24:50 Cut/ CU A smiling talks to J just off screen, sm

A: This is great, Joshua.

This is very good. I never
imagined I could make
something so great.
Anwar: This is great,
Joshua. This is very
good. I never imagined I
could make something
so great.
Music from TV continues

4 2:24:50 - 2:25:03

Cut/ Scene continues on TV

A: One thing that makes

me so proud is how the
waterfall expresses such
deep feelings.

6 2:25:03 - 2:25:24

Cut/ A continues to watch the TV, speaks to subjects

off camera.
A puts cigarette in his mouth.

A: You know the scene

where I am strangled
with wire?
A: Do you have it here?
J: where you are
A: Please put it on

7 2:25:24 - 2:25:31

Cut/ TV, with scene inserted in of bloodied A sat at a

desk with an interrogator opposite and behind.
Cut within TV insert to CU of bloodied A
A: Yan?
A: I want him to watch

8 2:25:31 - 2:26:12

Cut/ CU A taking a drag from his cigarette as he

watches the scene play on the TV in front.
A gets out of his chair, leaving it empty
Cut/ A pulls one child by the hand, sits back in the
chair and lifts the child onto his lap. Another child
follows at sits on the other knee. He adjusts them
both on his lap, and holds them close with one arm
each of their shoulders.
He smiles. One child looks at at someone off

9 2:26:12 - 2:26:21

Cut into scene playing on TV. A flinches in a chair as

two interrogators push him from either side. One
beats As chair with a plank of wood

A: Yan?
Anon: He is in bed
A: Yan,, watch the scene
where grandpa is
tortured and killed. Ami,
come see grandpa
beaten up and bleading
J: But this is too violent
Sound comes from the
A: Turn up the volume
J: But this is too violent
Anwar. Are you sure?
A: Its fine. Will you be
scared Yan?
Sound of wooden plank
beating against the chair
A: This is only a film,
look at that

10 2:26:21 - 2:26:23

Cut/ to head and shoulders of A and the


11 2:26:23 - 2:26:51

Cut/ A and his two grandchildren sit watching the TV

in the chair. Amis head rests on A. A looks down to
Yan face, smiling. Ami looks to his brother Yan.

A: Grandpa looks so sad

doesnt he?
Ami: So scary!

12 2:26:51 - 2:26:57

Cut/ CU to A in the interrogation scene, grimaces as

knife scrapes his face, with knife to his face. Blood
drips down

A: You are a filthy


13 2:26:57 - 2:27:00

Cut/ A watching. Yan has dissapeared. A kisses Ami

and pushes him from his lap.

Bang of wood against


14 2:27:00 - 2:27:04

Cut/ A has his head held pulled back by interrogator

holding wooden plank, which he beats on the side of
the chair

Interrogator shouts at A

15 2:27:04 - 2:27:13

Cut/ CU of wincing as he watches the scene unfold

on the TV

Typewriter tapping

16 2:27:13 - 2:27:18

Cut/ CU in interrogation scene of Anwar flinching,


Interrogators shouting

17 2:27:18 - 2:27:34

Cut/ CU Anwar blinks as he watches the TV from his


18 2:27:34 - 2:27:43

Cut / CU of Anwar in interrogations scene,

struggling as the blood drips in his eyes

A: Did the people I

tortured feel the way I do

19 2:27:43 - 2:29:16

Cut/ A in his chair explains to someone out of frame

Gesticulating, he continues.

A: I can feel what the

people I tortured felt
A: Because here my
dignity has been
destroyed. And then fear
comes, right there and
then. All the terror
suddenly possessed my
body. It surrounded me
and possessed me.

J: Actually, the people

you tortured felt far
worse because you know
its only a film. They
knew they were being
A blinks, looks down to the screen and looks back to killed.
Joshua behind camera
A: But I can feel it Josh,
His haw tenses; his eyes well with tears. He bites his Really, I feel it. Or have I
lips. Nods his head, taking sharp breaths. He looks
down to the screen. He points to the screen. He
swallows hard.
A: I did this to so many
He wipes his face
people, Josh.
Is it all coming back to
me? I really hope it
I dont want it to Josh.
A blinks, tilts head listening

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