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Beaverton High School: 2016-2017

Ms. Casi Yost

Marketing 1
PCC Course: MSD 123A Innovation & New Products
Room C220 1.0 AA credit

Marketing 1
This year-long class introduces students to the essentials of marketing including foundations
and functions, utilities, segmentation, marketing mix (product, price, promotion, distribution),
economics, social responsibility, social media marketing, green marketing, and the
promotional mix (advertising, publicity, promotions, public relations). PCC credit is available
for this course.

You are expected to:
arrive to class on time;
work effectively and efficiently;
share when necessary; and
respect each other and the equipment.
Any violation of these expectations will result in a reduced grade and/or loss of classroom and
computer privileges for the remainder of the semester.
1) You are not to discuss Marketing 1 or myself on any social media platform.
2) You are not to take photos during class and post them at any time to any social media
platform. Any violation of these policies will result in a referral to the office and potential legal

Class Website: Yostca.Weebly.Com

Use this site to access the calendar, assignments, extra credit, and grades. I will also be
sending out a Marketing 1 updates and announcements email.
You will be evaluated in three areas: Project Assessments (60% of total grade), Professional
Behavior (20% of total grade), and the Final Assessment (20% of total grade).
*You will receive full credit based on accomplishment of learning targets if you complete
the assignment accurately, honestly, and on time.
*Assessments will be due at the end of the final class of each week.
*You will receive full credit if you arrive to class on time, work independently and efficiently,
and respect each other and the rules of the classroom.
The grading scale is as follows:
A >= 90%
B >= 80%

C >= 70%

D >= 60%

< 60%

Extra credit will be offered and accepted at random times throughout the semester.
If you miss class because of an excused absence, you are responsible for making up the
missed activities by the following class period. No additional extensions will be granted
except under extreme circumstances that are immediately discussed with the teacher. If your

Beaverton High School: 2016-2017

Ms. Casi Yost

Marketing 1
PCC Course: MSD 123A Innovation & New Products
Room C220 1.0 AA credit

absence is unexcused, you will not receive any participation points for that day, and if an
assignment is due that day, you will not be allowed to turn in it late.
Bottom line: DONT SKIP CLASS!
Turn your assignments in to the In Box. They will be graded and returned to the Out Box.
DO NOT EVER HAND ME AN ASSIGNMENT EVER!!! Your understanding of the material and
ability to communicate it effectively in an assignment is paramount. I will know your work
and work standard; any attempt to turn in something less than your best effort will be graded
as such.
Flexibility Statement: The instructor reserves the right to modify course content and/or
substitute assignments and learning activities in response to institutional, weather or class
PCC Grading Guidelines Statement: For specific information related to PCC grading guidelines, please
refer to the PCC Dual Credit Student Handbook accessible through your high school instructor and
located at: .

We will be using flip cams, computers, laptops, and other computer equipment during the
year. You are to use the equipment for the intended purpose only. Any breakage or theft will
result in a student fine and referral.
Student Conduct In-Class Policy
Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss
with instructors the educational process relative to subject content will not be tolerated, in accordance
with the Student Code of Conduct described in the Student Handbook.

Forgery, Lying & Academic Integrity Policy

Forgery, lying or academic integrity which entails forging signatures, cheating, plagiarizing, and/or
any other misrepresentation of the truth in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct described in
the Student Handbook. Students are expected to uphold the schools standard of conduct relating to
academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic
work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted
work, examinations, and projects must be that of the student's own work. Students shall be guilty of
cheating if they:
1. Represent the work of others as his or her own.
2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students.
4. Modify, without teacher approval, an examination, paper, record, or report to obtain additional
5. Misrepresent the content of submitted work.
Any student caught cheating is subject to receive a failing grade for the project and/or the course and
will be referred to the office for further disciplinary action. If a student is unclear about whether a
particular situation may constitute cheating, the student should meet with the teacher to discuss the
I have read and understand the syllabus for Marketing 1 to be taught by Emily Ramberg.

Beaverton High School: 2016-2017

Ms. Casi Yost

Student Signature

Marketing 1
PCC Course: MSD 123A Innovation & New Products
Room C220 1.0 AA credit

Parent Signature

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