My Researh Paper

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Tyrus Charley

My research paper
The career Im intrigued by is electrical engineering. The reasons or factors are that my
dad is involved with this line of work. Its always been an interest for me. The way electricity
operates and the way its used in our laptops, phones, and our T.Vs. The report will go over
the details and factors needed to be one and how to become a electrical engineer.

The involvement of the electrical engineering is you deal with any production of electricity
.This is the type of engineering that they observe and study electricity, electronics, and
electromagnetism. The field was introduced in the 19th century after learning what and how
electricity works and operates. Electrical engineers are the workers who look at your electronics
they are the main masterminds to your phone, computers, and T.V. The daily duties of this job
are they design new ways of electrical power and to improve and develop electrical devices.
They do a whole lot more such as perform detailed calculations to develop manufacturing,
construction, and installation standards and specifications. They overlook and direct the
manufacture, installation, and testing of electrical equipment to confirm that the safety codes and
the standards are met. Plus, they also listen to the people complaints or issue with their products
or objects and fix the problems or issues. Electrical engineers construct and design electrical
components, software, industrial products , and they help with medical and military needs. The
electrical engineers work environment are in an indoor building it usually in a office. . Also the
will go and visit the job construction if they are working on that project. They go outdoors to see

how their work is panning out.The lower ranked engineers are the ones who are always on the

A electrical engineer needs at minimum of a bachelors degree to start this line of work. The
more education you have the higher job position you will be in. Some jobs require a masters
degree to do research on this job line. The training and the skills needed for this job is to study
what electricity is and its characteristics. They will attend school for at least a year as they work
as a student. They will work on the electrical fields and observe the higher rank co workers.
After, the training of helping and being the right hand of his fellow higher ranked co workers. He
or she will then graduate from the school. The worker will than he or she will receive a license
stating that they are now allowed to do this line of field work. This is not all of their learning
process they will have a time when they first join the job they will be supervised for weeks or
months to just be confirmed they can do this job and need no assistance from anyone. Once they
past being supervised and is now is seen as he can do this job. He or she is now able to work
alone without any help or assistance.

There are about 315,900 hundred thousand electrical engineer workers in the United States of
America. In the past couple of years there has been a colossal change in the job outlook. There
was an increase if around 1,800 higher increase an employment since the last job census. It was
last checked in 2014.

The mediocre pay for an electrical engineer is around 95,230 thousand dollars. They are just
shy of 100,000 thousand dollars. The wages were last reported and observed as of May 2015.
The higher ranked people get paid variously depending on the importance of them or the
knowledge of the job. The electrical engineer could also make more money by having a better or
higher education in the field of work. The more knowledge the more money comes out and the
higher rank you are. What are some benefits with being a electrical engineer are is you have a
surplus amount of pay. There are a colossal amount of work or companies in need of these
workers. They have retirement set up as a 401k. Which it is a way they take money from your
pay check and they put it in account that you cant access in less of emergency purposes they can
take some money out of the account. Some companies will also give their workers insurance just
in case if something was to happen on the job they can cover or help pay the medical or anything
if it had occurred on the job site.

Ranks in your job position are what determines your knowledge of the job, the currency you will
make Major employees in this job is the journeyman, job leader and a foreman. The least paid
the lowest position in this field of work are the journeyman. These are the group of workers who
build and construct the electrical needs. Their ideas are not heard as much as the foreman or the
main job instructor. The formans are the main people who are out on the work field every day to
lead and over watch a group of workers. They help the journeyman with the quizzical questions
they may not know. The main electrical engineer the one who is the brains and the designer of all
the products that are to be made are the job leader. The people above the journeyman and

foreman work under the supervision of the job leader. The job leader is the creator of the
products they come up with the new devices, they draw it out and explain what it is and what it
does, and lastly they distribute the products to the workers to who than build the electrical
objects they thought of.
Preparation is vital to what youre going to do in your future. Without preparation for an
event its going to be harder to succeed. Ways to prepare yourself in high school is to take math
all four years, take at least two years of social science, four years of English, and elective classes.
Taking these class will prepare you for the next step if your serious of making this a life job. The
engineering fields involves a lot of mathematics, social work, and you need to sound professional
in your descriptions so taking English is very vital.
In conclusion electrical engineer are superbly fascinating. To be able to create and fix
electrical devices and programs may seem challenging but, has hours of fun creating. To have
this job as a adult would be a job worth trying for. The job does look easy to do but when
working and being in the field it may hard. This may be the job to look into in high school by
preparing for it and taking as a major in college. (1133)

"Become an Engineer." TryEngineering Today. N.p., 02 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Aug. 2016.
"What Does an Electrical Engineer Do?" WiseGEEK. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2016.
"Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, n.d. Web. 28 Aug.
"Work Enviroment Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2016. "Guide to Electrical Engineering Schools." Electrical Engineering
Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug. 2016.

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