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RtI/MTSS Tier 2 Step by Step Process

1. A student is consistently not meeting identified instructional targets and/or is performing at a level that is
noticeably discrepant. Additional data supports the discrepancy as well as consideration of language
2. I bring up my concern in PLC and identify targeted areas of need (without the coach).
3. With the coach* present, we identify the intervention and progress monitoring procedures (including how
to collect data on a bi-weekly basis).
4. Student would start and or continue the intervention for 12-16 weeks.
5. After a minimum of 6 data points are collected, data is again shared at PLC to determine progress.
6. If student HAS shown appropriate rate of progress and or mastered the targeted skill, discuss whether to
discontinue intervention, change intervention frequency or target a new skill if needed (without coach).
7. If the student has NOT shown appropriate rate of progress, the coach* and PLC team should decide
whether to continue with current intervention, change intervention or the frequency or target a new skill if
needed. Repeat steps 4 and discuss step 5 with coach*.

RtI/MTSS Tier 3 Step by Step Process

1. If student has NOT shown appropriate growth at the Tier 2 level after at least 2 different interventions,
and coach and PLC team have determined that a recommendation to Tier 3 is appropriate, teacher fills
out Tier 3 Referral Checklist and submit to psychologist.
2. Teacher completes Skyward RtI Referral under RtI information.
3. Psychologist schedules initial Tier 3 meeting and teacher invites parents.
4. Teacher and coach* meet to draft intervention for each area of need through Skyward
Add Student Intervention Detail.
5. Tier 3 team meets with parents to discuss student needs and their Tier 3 intervention plan.
6. Review meetings will take place every 6-8 weeks.
7. If student has NOT shown appropriate growth at the Tier 3 level after several different
interventions, the team will determine if additional information is needed for a recommendation to
consider a case study evaluation at this time.

*for social emotional needs invite/contact the social worker and psychologist

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