Blue Mages Have The Following Game Statistics

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Blue Mages have the following game statistics.

Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d6.
Class Skills
The Blue Mage's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha),
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge
(dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int),
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis),
Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table 1-1: The Blue Mage

Level Attack Bonus Save
(+3) Creature Magic (+2)



Blue Magic, Indigo



Been there, Done that



Creature Magic (+1)

Been there, Done that



Azure Awareness
Been there, Done that

Been there, Done that (+5)



-Been there, Done that



Creature Magic (+3)

Turquoise Efficiency,

(+6), Creature Magic (+4)



-Been there, Done that

Awareness, Creature Magic (+5)


-Been there, Done that


Improved Azure



Been there, Done that




(+9), Creature Magic (+6)



-Been there, Done that

Been there, Done that (+10)


-Cerulean Reflection,

Class features
All of the following are class features of the Blue Mage.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Blue Mages are proficient with all simple weapons.
They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes
with a sorcerers gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
Use Magical Device: A Blue Mage's spell list is considered to be the spells he/she
Spells: The Blue Mage casts spontaneously, as a Sorceror. His/her Charisma controls the
level of the spells he/she is able to cast, spells' saving throw DCs, and bonus spells per
Spells Known: See Blue Magic.
Spells per Day
Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th




















Blue Magic (Ex): The only way a Blue Mage may learn new spells is to experience
them. A spell that is saved for and the result is (Neg.), is not counted as experencing the
spell. Once affected, the Blue Mage may make a Spellcraft check (DC 15+2 times the
spell's level) to learn it.
Spell Resistance totally blocks the spell from reaching the Blue Mage. This is tantamount
to not being affected, even more to a point than saving versus a (Neg.) spell. Under no
circumstances may a Blue Mage learn a spell that has been stopped by Spell Resistance.
Spells cast through Blue Magic require a somatic and/or verbal component as the original
version of the spell, but never require a divine focus or material component worth less
than 1 gp. (Material focus components, such as for the Fire Seed or Analyze Dweomer
spells, or costly material components as for Identify, are still required.)
The Blue Mage may also learn spell-like abilities, provided that the spell like ability
mirrors a spell. For instance, if a creature can naturally cast Fireball 3/day, the Blue Mage
would be able to learn this 3rd level spell. Spell-like abilities are cast by the Blue Mage
with components and casting times equal to the sorceror/wizard (or a class specified by
the DM) spell duplicated. If a creature ability does not duplicate a spell effect (such as
Mind Blast for an Illithid), the Blue Mage cannot learn it.
A Blue Mage can know a number of spell levels equal to five times his/her class level,
plus his/her Intelligence modifier ([Lv x 5] + Int. Mod). For purposes of calculating spells
known, a 0-level spell counts as half of a spell level. As long as he/she is conscious, a
Blue Mage may voluntarily forget a spell at as a move action that does not provoke an
attack of opportunity.
If learning a spell causes the Blue Mage's spell levels known to exceed his capacity,
he/she must make a Will save each round or lose 1 point of Wisdom for each spell level
known above capacity, beginning with the round in which the spell is learned. The DC for
the save is equal to 10 plus the number of spell levels above capacity. Wisdom lost in this
way persists until the Blue Mage's spell levels known fall below his limit, at which point
it may be recovered naturally or magically. The DC for the Will save increases by +1 for
every consecutive round.
A Blue Mage may only learn a number of spell levels in a day equal to his/her level plus
his/her Int modifier. For instance, a 10th level Blue Mage with an Int of 16, in one day,
may learn a total of 13 spell levels. 0 level spells count as 1/2 for purposes pertaining to
this limit.
At first level, a Blue Mage may select 2 0-level spells and 1 1st level spell, from any spell

Creature Magic (Ex): A Blue Mage possesses the ability to sense inherent magical
ability in creatures. By observing a creature carefully, a Blue Mage can identify magical
or supernatural qualities present in a creature. The Blue Mage must be able to observe the
creature for a full round. At the end may receive the listed Creature Magic bonus to any
Knowledge check made for identifying creatures' special abilities and/or vulnerabilities,
per the PHB listing of this skill (PHB 78). This bonus does not apply to any other use of a
Knowledge check, and unlike most Knowledge checks, the Blue Mage may retry the
check (after spending another full round observing the creature). The Creature Magic
bonus, which is a competence bonus, is equal to +1 at level 3, +2 at level 6, and increases
by by +1 every three levels thereafter (+3 at 9th level, +4 at 12th, etc.).
If a Blue Mage successfully identifies a creature's spell-like ability through the use of
Creature Magic, he/she receives a +2 insight bonus to his/her Spellcraft rolls to learn that
ability. This bonus lasts for 1 minute per level.
Indigo Infusion (Su): A 1st level Blue Mage has the ability to change any
garment/equipment he/she is wearing/wielding to the match his color affinity. This takes
1 minute of undisturbed concentration to complete. This change is not permanent; when
the item in question leaves the Blue Mage's person or when the Blue Mage who infused it
chooses to dismiss the infusion, it returns to its normal colour in 1d4 rounds. As an
example of how this looks, a Flametongue sword might be wreathed in blue fire. This has
no other effect than altering the item's appearance.
The title "Blue Mage" (and the named abilities of this class) only refers to the most
common spellcaster of this type; casters with other color affinities exist and, though
uncommon, are not rare. (Color affinity is selected by the player when Indigo Infusion is
acquired, and my not be changed thereafter. Nontraditional color selections are under the
purview of the DM.)
Been there, Done that (Ex): A Blue Mage of 2nd level gains a +1 competence bonus to a
saving throw against any spell he currently knows through the Blue Magic ability. This
bonus increases by +1 for every two additional Blue Mage levels (+2 at 4th level, +3 at
6th, etc.).
Azure Awareness (Ex): Upon reaching 5th level, the Blue Mage has become more
sensitive to the feel of magic. The Blue Mage may now learn a spell even when its effect
is negated by a successful save. However, learning a negated spell is more difficult, and
the Spellcraft DC is 15+3 times Spell Level.
Turquoise Efficiency (Ex): The Blue Mage has learned the art of thrift. Whenever a Blue
Mage learns a spell, he or she can conserve the energy involved in its casting and gains a
temporary spell slot for the sole use of the spell just learned. This spell slot is fleeting,
and only remains for a number of rounds equal to the Blue Mage's level divided by 5.

Improved Azure Awareness (Ex): The Blue Mage is now a conduit between magical
and physical existence. By interacting with a spell's effect for 1 round per spell level, the
Blue Mage may attempt to learn "passive" spells. Spells without targets, such as Walls,
Summoned Monsters, and Creation spells may be learned through this method. The
Spellcraft DC for learning a spell in this way is 15 plus 3 times spell level (as a negated
spell via Azure Awareness).
Cerulean Reflection (Su): Whenever the Blue Mage successfully counterspells a spell, it
is reflected full upon the caster. If the counterspell is on a spell that normally could not
affect its caster, the spell is simply countered normally. (Unlike the Arch-Mage ability,
this does not take up a permanent slot.)
Starting Age: as Sorceror
Starting Gold: as Sorceror
New Blue Feats
Prerequisites: Azure Awareness
Benefit: Choose a school of magic (Transmutation, Divination, etc). You gain a +2 to
Spellcraft checks involving that school. You may also attempt to learn passive Blue
Magic spells of that school as though you possess Improved Azure Awareness.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take
the feat, it applies to a new school of magic. This feat overlaps (does not stack with) the
Improved Azure Awareness class ability (though the Spellcraft bonus still applies).
Prerequisite: Indigo Infusion Class ability
Benefit: Using the Indigo Infusion ability is now a free action. Additionally, all
spells/spell-like abilities you can cast may take on your color, which giving them a +8
DC to identify with spellcraft checks unless the one making it is a blue mage himself
(regardless of color affinity). The Blue mage can choose when casting a spell wether he
chooses to use this ability or not, at no additional casting time cost. He can also use this
ability on spell effects produced by magic items as a free action; a Wand of fireball could
shoot a blue fireball, and have a +8 DC to identify it.
Normal: Indigo Infusion only affects worn equpiment.
Prerequisites: Blue Magic, Combat Reflexes
Benefit: Your grasp of blue magic is like second nature; spell knowledge flows easily
through your mind. Forgetting one of your spells known may be performed as a Swift
actionl, even at the very instant a new spell is learned via the Blue Magic class ability
(thus potentially avoiding Wisdom loss due ot being over limit).
Normal: Forgetting a spell requires a move action.
Special: Note that under normal circumstances, only one Quickened spell may be cast
per round; using this feat counts against this restriction just as though the caster had cast a

Quickened spell.
Prerequisites: Blue Magic
Benefit: The maximum number of spell levels per day that you can learn increases by 3.
Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Prerequisites: Azure Awareness
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against spells and spell-like
Special: This bonus stacks with Great Fortitude. This bonus is only against spells and
spell-like effects.
Prerequisites: Azure Awareness
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
Special: This bonus stacks with Lightning Reflexes. This bonus is only against spells and
spell-like effects.
Prerequisites: Endurance, Ability to cast Arcane spells spontaneously, Int 13, Cha 13
Benefit: You can cast one of your spontaneous spells using a lower level spell slot than
would normally be required for that spell, including any Metamagic effects. The spell's
level remains the same. Other requirements must still be met (knowledge of the spell,
sufficiently high casting stat).
For each level the slot is below the required level, you take 2D4 Charisma damage. (This
damage takes place after the resolution of the spell, and thus does not affect spell DCs,
and cannot be healed by the spell cast.) If either Intelligence or Charisma is reduced to 0
by this damage, the shock to your system is immediately fatal unless you succeed at a
Fortitude save, DC = 10 + 5 times the number of spell levels exceeded.
Normal: You can only use a spell slot to cast a spell of equal or lower level.
Epic Blue Mage


Blue Mage Level
Creature Magic +7
Been there, Done that +11
Been there, Done that +12, Creature Magic +8
Bonus feat
Been there, Done that +13
Creature Magic +9

Been there, Done that +14
Been there, Done that +15, bonus feat,
Creature Magic +10

The Epic Blue Mage retains the same HD and skill progression and continues to advance
in the Been There Done That and Creature Magic abilities. The Epic Blue Mage also
gains a bonus feat at 25th level, and every 5 levels after that, chosen from the Sorcerer
list, (minus the Familiar-based ones), and the new Epic Feats listed below.
Under no circumstances can a Blue Mage learn Epic spells through Blue Magic. The Blue
Mage must take the Epic feat "Epic Blue Spellcasting" and/or learn Epic spells normally.

New Blue Epic Feats

Prerequisites: Ability to cast 9th level spells, 27 Ranks in Spellcraft, 27 Ranks in
Knowledge: Arcana, Epic Spellcasting, Blue Magic class ability.
Benefit: When an Epic spell is cast upon you, you may attempt to partially learn it. The
DC for this is equal to 15 + Spellcraft DC of the spell. This patially learned spell takes up
ten spell slots until it is either forgotten or researched. A partially learned spell may not be
cast, but only requires half as much time, gold, and experience to research as would
normally be required for that Epic spell.
Normal: You may not learn Epic spells through the Blue Magic ability.
Prequisite: Ability to cast 9th level spells, Blue Magic class ability.
Benefit: The limit on the total amount of spell levels the Blue Mage may know increases
by 10.
Normal: A BM may know a number of spell levels equal to his/her class level times five,
plus Int modifier.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once. Its effects stack.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 9th level spells, Blue Magic class ability, Spellcraft Ranks
Benefit: You may now learn spells with certain metamagic effects applied to them. For
Blue Magic considerations, the spell is considered to be the level of the slot expended by
the original caster (so a Maximized Fireball is a 6th level spell). The only Metamagic
effects that are learnable in this way are ones that change the numeric data of the spell.
Heighten, Maximize, Empower, Extend, and Energy Admixture are examples of this.

Quicken, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Twin Spell, Repeat Spell and the like are not learnable
through Blue Mimicry. If a spell has both types of metamagic applied to it, those effects
not applicable are ignored, and the spell level is adjusted as necessary. For example, a
Maximized, Stilled Fireball Heightened twice costs its caster a ninth level spell slot
(3+3+1+2) but is learned and cast by a Blue Mage as an eighth level spell (3+3+2).
Normal: A spell learned with Blue Magic is learned as the base spell.
Special: Since the spell is learned with the metamagic feat already in place, it does not
take a full-round action to cast. Normal rules for applying metamagic apply (Empower
and Maximize do not affect each other, etc.); see the metamagic feat descriptions for
more specific information.
Prerequisites: Blue Magic and Improved Azure Awareness class abilities, Spellcraft 24
ranks, one of the following; Alertness feat, Blindfight feat, or Uncanny Dodge class
Benefit: You may use the Blue Magic ability to learn spells or spell-like abilities taking
effect up to 5 feet away at a penalty of -5 to your Spellcraft check. As with other spells a
blue magic user is not directly affected by, the DC to learn the spell is 15+4 times the
level of the spell to be learned.
Normal: You must directly interact with a magical effect to learn it.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time this feat is taken, it increases
the distance a spell can be learned from by 5 feet. When this ability is used, a penalty of
-5 for each 5 feet between you and the effect applies. Turquoise Efficiency may not be
used in conjunction with this feat.

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