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he 1950s Disclosed!!!

Wake up Sheeple
Amerika, Big Brother, Geoengineering, Health January 20, 2016 Leave a comment

Over the last five years, our company has operated more than 150 separate projects in
18 states and six foreign countries. We had amassed more than 200,000 hours of seeding
experience in varying latitudes. We dont think we can increase rainfall we know
it. Colliers Magazine 1954
Like everything else we learn, the advancement of technology is much greater, much earlier than
the 99% realize. DARPA released the internet to the public in 1995, yet they had internet speeds
then, what we have now, 20 years later.
Here Dane Wiggington exposes how long GE has been going on and with technology doubling
every year (Moores Law), it is ez to understand why they are able to mind control remotely using
GE activities and ground based radar.

Touchless Torture. Target Humanity. recently acquired 2 excellent condition original copies of Colliers

magazine from May of 1954. The title on the cover of the 61 year old magazine is Weather Made
To Order.. Mans Progress In Weather Control. This kind of straightforward reporting on the
issue of global climate modification (geoengineering/solar radiation management) has long since
been shut down in mainstream publications. Though global weather modification and weather
warfare has been going on in plain site and at a significant scale for over 70 years. The official
narrative now is that programs of such magnitude are only proposals. This false narrative is
propagated by all those in corporate media and academic circles that are paid to deny the ongoing
and blatantly obvious atrocities occurring in skies around the globe. The so called experts are all
too invested in the denial of climate engineering to turn back, so they just keep doubling down on
the lie that it does not exist.

Skies around the globe are now constantly obscured with the aerosol spraying onslaught.
Even more astounding than this official denial, is the publics willingness to accept the official
narrative and thus ignore their own eyes and their own sense of deductive reasoning. In spite of
countless up-close film clips of jet aircraft spraying at altitude (turning the spray dispersion on and

off), in spite of countless incriminating documents including US military reports like Owning The
Weather, also recent congressional documents for the governance of geoengineering, a 750 page
US senate historical documents addressing the ongoing global climate engineering, an extensive list
of patents, and even half century old presidential reports on the rapidly expanding US government
weather modification programs, the geoengineering elephant in the room continues to decimate the
planet and all life with no organized public outrage as of yet. A few damning quotes from the
Colliers article are below.
we could use weather as a weapon of warfare, creating storms or dissipating them as
the tactical situation demands. We might deluge an enemy with rain to hamper a
military movement or strike at his food supplies by withholding needed rain from his
the development of cloud seeding or rain making techniques since the first successful
operations in November, 1946, by Drs. Irving Langmuir and Vincent J. Schaefer of the
General Electric Company.

Weather Made To Order, Connecting The Dots

January 20, 2016


Dane Wigington recently acquired 2 excellent condition original copies of "Collier's"
magazine from May of 1954. The title on the cover of the 61 year old magazine is "Weather Made
To Order.. Man's Progress In Weather Control" (our previous post from a 1958 edition of Popular
Science, "Weather As A Weapon" is also important to examine). This kind of straightforward
reporting on the issue of global climate modification (geoengineering/solar radiation management)
has long since been shut down in mainstream publications. Though global weather modification and
weather warfare has been going on in plain site and at a significant scale for over 70 years. The
"official" narrative now is that programs of such magnitude are only "proposals". This false
narrative is propagated by all those in corporate media and academic circles that are paid to deny
the ongoing and blatantly obvious atrocities occurring in skies around the globe. The so called
"experts" are all too invested in the denial of climate engineering to turn back, so they just keep
doubling down on the lie that it does not exist.

Skies around the globe are now constantly obscured with the aerosol spraying onslaught.
Even more astounding than this "official" denial, is the public's willingness to accept the "official"
narrative and thus ignore their own eyes and their own sense of deductive reasoning. In spite of
countless up-close film clips of jet aircraft spraying at altitude (turning the spray dispersion on and
off), in spite of countless incriminating documents including US military reports like "Owning The
Weather", also recent congressional documents for the governance of geoengineering, a 750 page
US senate historical documents addressing the ongoing global climate engineering, an extensive list
of patents, and even half century old presidential reports on the rapidly expanding US government
weather modification programs, the geoengineering elephant in the room continues to decimate the
planet and all life with no organized public outrage as of yet. A few damning quotes from the
Collier's article are below.
we could use weather as a weapon of warfare, creating storms or dissipating them as
the tactical situation demands. We might deluge an enemy with rain to hamper a
military movement or strike at his food supplies by withholding needed rain from his
the development of cloud seeding or rain making techniques since the first successful
operations in November, 1946, by Drs. Irving Langmuir and Vincent J. Schaefer of the
General Electric Company.
The present method of "modifying" a cloud is known as "seeding" because it consists of
introducing into the cloud certain particles which collect moisture and fall to the ground
as rain or snow. It is used to increase precipitation over any designated area.
How will we be able to prevent rain? by overseeding a cloud.
Over the last five years, our company has operated more than 150 separate projects in
18 states and six foreign countries. We had amassed more than 200,000 hours of seeding
experience in varying latitudes. We don't think we can increase rainfall we know it."
using weather as a weapon Russia would be at a disadvantage in any "strategic
weather warfare" because weather characteristically moves from west to east weather
control planes operating from Western European bases might be able to deluge any
selected area of Russia with heavy rain, disrupting lines of supply or movements of

armored units by truck convoys and tanks to bog down in mud.

Attacking The Enemy's Food Supply
Weather modification might also be employed to strike at an enemy's food supply.
Moisture clouds could be intercepted en route. over seeded and dried up, depriving
crops of needed moisture.
Man may well be on the threshold of a new era in which he will disprove the adage that
nothing can be done about the weather.
Click on images to enlarge them for reading the article. If you wish to make the image even
clearer, you can click the image a second time once it has completely enlarged from the first

The US military has made clear the fact they have long since considered climate change to be the
greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they
would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs
are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing
climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already
done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to climate and biosphere
in the process. Exposing and halting the geoengineering insanity is the most important challenge
we face at this critical time, make your voice heard in this essential fight for the greater good.
May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for
the article is prominently given to and the articles author with a
hyperlink back to the original story.

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