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Emma Percival

EDUC 359
Mini Lesson Reflection
1. What was the biggest challenge you faced while planning the lesson?
In my opinion, the biggest challenge my group faced was the topic we were going to
teach the class. We wanted the lesson to be simple enough that they could grasp the
idea of it even though we were teaching it in a different language. Another challenge
my group faced was how we were going to assess
2. What was the biggest challenge you faced while teaching the lesson?
The biggest challenge I faced while teaching the lesson was the beginning when the
class wasnt responding. It felt like a very one-sided conversation. Eventually some of
my classmates caught on and were able to answer our questions.
3. What did you rely on the most during your instruction to overcome these
I was relying on the fact that some people would recognize words and be able to
make out the idea we were trying to get across. I also relied a lot on pictures. Our
first couple slides had pictures of pizza on them so the class had some understanding
as to what our lesson was about even if they didnt understand a word we were
4. Was communication with your students easier or more difficult than you
originally thought?
Communication was a lot more difficult than I originally thought; I expected more
people to be somewhat familiar with Pig Latin. I was surprised how confused
everyone looked when we first started our lesson.
5. Do you feel you used co-teaching as effectively as you could have?
It was a little difficult to co-teach this lesson because I was the only one in my group
that was comfortable speaking in Pig Latin. We definitely could have co-taught more
effectively by walking throughout the room during the lesson. I think we were so
focused on the language and getting the point across that we didnt think to use any
co-teaching methods.
6. Do you feel you achieved your objective? How can you be sure you did or

For the most part, yes, I do think we achieved our objective. We had two small
assessments at the end of our lesson that showed us how much the class learned. I
definitely think we could have been more organized with the assessment by having
groups or partners answer the questions and then share with the class rather than
one student raise their hand to answer.
7. As a student of other groups lessons, what was the biggest challenge you
I found that I was very easily distracted because I couldnt follow along with what the
group was saying. I wasnt entirely engaged because I wasnt sure what was
happening or what I was supposed to be doing.
8. As a student, what did you rely on most to comprehend what was being
I relied on visual aids to comprehend what was being taught. For example, one group
that taught the Pythagorean theorem. If they didnt draw a triangle and write the
equation on the board, I would have been completely lost.

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