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Kelly ODonnell

Mini-Lesson Reflection
1. What was the biggest challenge you faced while planning the lesson?
- The biggest challenge while planning this lesson was typing up the power
point in Pig Latin. Spelling the words with the first letter at the end and
adding ay to the end was confusing at times. We learn to spell words by
putting letters in a specific order and changing this order was confusing at
2. What was the biggest challenge you faced while teaching the lesson?
- The biggest challenge while teaching the lesson was reading the words as
smoothly as possible. Since it was a foreign language to me it was hard to
read without being choppy.
3. What did you rely on the most during your instruction to overcome these
- I relied heavily on the PowerPoint during the lesson because it had the
words that I needed to say written down. I also relied on the help of my
group members to help me out if I needed it.
4. Was communication with your students easier or more difficult than you
originally thought?
- I thought that we were going to get blank stares when we asked our
review questions at the end. Since Pig Latin is something that can be
figured out especially when it is written down, a lot of the students were
able to participate and answer the questions. There was a lot more
student interaction than I thought there was going to be and that was a
pleasant surprise.
5. Do you feel you used co-teaching as effectively as you could have?
- I think we all split up the lesson effectively. We all took different parts of
the lesson and taught accordingly. One of our group members was very
familiar with Pig Latin and the rest of us were not so she did step in when
more talking was necessary.
6. Do you feel you achieved your objective? How can you be sure you did or
- I do feel as though we achieved our objective. We explained the
ingredients needed to make a pizza and also presented the order of the
steps to make a pizza. At the end we asked the students to identify the
ingredient that did not belong and also had the students unscramble the
steps. The students were able to answer these questions and that is how
we were sure that we achieved our objective.
7. As a student of other groups lessons, what was the biggest challenge you
- As a student I found it was very hard to follow along with the lesson when
I did not understand the language being spoken. For example, one of the
math lessons that was taught in Spanish. Even though I have learned that
math concept already, hearing it being taught in another language it was
very hard to understand what was going on in the lesson.

8. As a student, what did you rely on most to comprehend what was being
- Since I did not understand the language that was being spoken I relied
heavily on visual cues. The pictures on the board were very helpful to
understand what was going on in the lesson. It was also helpful to watch
the hand gestures and body movements of the teachers.

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