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Cea , Stee i WRIGHT STATE Bayt, OF $5158.00" UNIVERSITY 937/775-3669 Ms. Marguerite Veres Senior Lecturer ‘Leadership Studies in Education College of Education and Human Services Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway Dayton, OH 45435 SUBJECT: NORAH FAHAD H ALSUBAIE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP [Norah Fahad H Alsubaie served as an Educational Technology inter in the Office of Institutional Research, Wright State University during May-Jun: 2016. During tat time, Norah ‘completed several tasks and very impressed with the quality and quantity ofthe work she created. (1) Converting PowerPoints to Animaker: Norah took PowerPoint presentations that we present at New Faculty Orientation each year and re-created them as excellent short videos. Rather than the traditional static presentations in PowerPoint, Norah as was able te make these presentations lively and entertaining, directing the viewer's eyes to where they needed tobe to focus on the relevant end important data. (2) Creating Animaker video using raw data. Norah took several years of student debt by saduation data and onee again created an excellent animated video to highlight the ‘impact of length of degree on student deb. It was with his project that I found how flexible and adaptive she was and how well she could eet content, After reviewing the video, I realized that presenting 20 years of data was too much, It was not her faut. It ‘was mine. [was trying to accomplish quite alot ina short span. Nevertheless, Norah's ‘expertise and professionalism took this one Video and ereated two very informative and ‘excellent videos that accomplished quite nicely what I ad hoped to echieve in one video. (@) Prezi: Norah created two very informative Prei's taking the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) results for Wright State first-year ad senior students. Her Prezi’s oan excellent job of presenting the data in a clear, concise and informative manner for the viewer, (4) Weebly: Finally, Norah created a blog for us to store these videos and presentations that ‘we ean lnk off of our homepage for athers to view. | greatly appreciated the work of Norah Fahad H Alsubsie. Her work ethic and dedication to each project was very welcomed and appreciated. She has an excellent skill set in Educational ‘Technology that we could use totum static reports into lively aad informative videos. It may not seem like she produced that much for our office, but the fault les with us and what we were asking not Noreh, All of our data presentations have been static (PowerPoint, excel spreadsheets) that we can pause und allow the reader to read and reflect upon. However, when placed into an animated video or a Prezi, it is quickly noticed how its too much. As a result, ‘Norah had to go back and revise videos, creating two or thee where ther initially had be one. ‘And, rather than make it look like an edited version, she artistically and professionally made ‘each video a powerful stand-alone video that achieved the goals set frth for that particular Video. Norah did an excellent job in her intemship. She created some use. More importantly, though, she helped us understand and. in new ways, le presentations for us te ‘ur presentation of datn ‘Thank you for allowing her to serve er internship here Sincerely, ‘Cniig ThE Director

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