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Math - Grade 8



Teacher: Miss Doolaar


The plan for the grade 8 math program is set up so it can

foster the students learning, understanding and appreciation for
math and its components. The students will be taught using a
variety of methods. These include: mini lessons, workshop, visual
cues, manipulatives, small group work, whole class activities, as well
as independent work. My goal is to present the concepts in a
manner that each student is able to understand and gain the
confidence to develop his/her mathematic literacy.
This course outline is designed to provide parents and
students with information that will help them understand the
expectations and direction we will take this year. Please call or email
if you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout the
year. I am looking forward to working with the students of Our Lady
of the Snows!

Course Evaluation
Summative Assessment






Mid Term




Students will need to bring the following
80 pg. coil notebook
Personalized Journal for homework reflections
Whiteboard marker
pencils and eraser
geometry set (for Geometry unit)

1. Everyone can
learn math to the
highest levels.
2. Mistakes are
3. Questions are
really important.
4. Math is about
creativity and
making sense.
5. Math is about
connections and
6. Math class is
about learning not
7. Depth is more
important than

Course Expectations
1. Students are expected to arrive in class before the bell, and have all the needed
supplies. Students are expected to sign in and sign out, including the date and time, if
and when they are leaving class.
2. Repeated lateness to class will warrant a call home. The principal will be notified.

3. Assignments will be passed in at the beginning of class on the due date. Students will be
assigned to Study Hall for 4 days or until the assignment is completed. For each day that
the assignment is late, 5% will be deducted up to a maximum of 20%. If the assignment is
not received after the 4 days, the assignment will be marked NHI until handed in. Parents
will be called.
4. If a student misses class, it is his/her responsibility to copy the missed notes on his/her own
time. The homework site will be updated with all important material.
5. All students are expected to respect the ideas and questions of all others.

6. I will be available for extra help. Please ask.

7. No cell phones or mp3 players. They will be taken to the office to be collected by
parents and/or guardians.

Year at a Glance


August/September (~2 weeks)

Unit 1: Integers

September (~2 weeks)

Unit 2: Operations with Fractions

September/October (~3 weeks)

Unit 3: Percents, Ratios and Rates

October (~3 weeks)

Unit 4: Linear Equations and Graphing

Review and Mid Term

November (~3 weeks)

Unit 5: Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem

November/December (~3 weeks)

Unit 6: Measuring Prisms and Cylinders

December (~2 weeks)

Unit 7: Geometry

January (~2 weeks)

Unit 8: Data Analysis and Probability

Review for Final Exam

Math Website: Students will be able to access the math website to help
them with their studies. On this website, students will be able to find the notes and activities that have
been covered in class. There will also be links to further practice to help students solidify their
understanding of the concepts being covered in class. Looking to the website is a great way to prepare
for any upcoming assessment.

UNIT OUTCOMES: At the beginning of each unit, the students will be getting a copy of the concepts
they will be learning for that unit as well these will be accessible online on the math website. Students
should be keeping track of their progress and taking ownership of their own learning seeking help when

HOMEWORK: Students will be completing most of their math practice at school as they are given
class time to work on tasks and complete their practice. Should they not use their time wisely it will be
expected that it will be completed at home. Students will be expected to take their math journals home
to complete the reflection questions relating to that days tasks. There will be occasional assignments
sent home in order for students to review previous concepts that have been covered in class throughout
the year.


I will be offering math help whenever students are in need. Students should take the
initiative to book a time that works for them to come in for extra help whether it be before school, at
lunch or after school.

If you have any questions or concerns at any time throughout the year, please feel free
to contact me at

Please indicate the preferred way(s) to contact parents:

home phone:
cell phone:

Please read this course outline with your child. Sign and return by next class.
(parent(s) signature)

Print Parent(s) name(s)

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