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Create a timeline (in your own words) that features all of the most important

achievements of a particular Renaissance famous figure. Your timeline must

feature at least 10 events, so make sure you choose someone who achieved a
great deal.
(15 points)

How he helped shape the Renaissance. How did Leonardo da Vinci contribute to his profession
and its development through time? How did that particular event help further his courier?

1. 1452 -Leonardo is born on the 15th of April, 1452. In the village of

Anchiano, near the town of Vinci. He was raised by his single father and
never attended a public school.
2. 1467 At the age of fifteen Leonardo joined the studio of Andrea del
Verrocchio in Florence. It was thought that Leonardos father Ser Piero, had
realised his sons potential in an artistic career. Many job options werent
open for a child of Leonardos age, but being an artist could be one of the
most ethical careers someone of his age or level could ask for.
3. 1472 At the age of twenty, Leonardo is accepted into the painters guild of
Florence. This was considered as a big achievement, as to be accepted you
would have to be very skilful and good at your job of being a painter.
4. 1478 At the age of twenty-one, Leonardo paints the Annunciation. The
artwork was at first said to be painted by Leonardo da Vinci but is now
thought to be painted by Lorenzo di Credi. Aside from the subject of who
painted it, the meaning behind the painting is one of the most known events
in Christian culture. This is the scene where the angel named Gabriel is sent
by god to tell a virgin called Mary that she would become pregnant and give
birth to a boy named Jesus.
5. 1482 - Leonardo moves to Milan to be in service of the citys duke,
Ludovico Sforza. He then becomes known as the painter and engineer of
the Duke.
6. 1495 Leonardo begins his work on The Last Supper in the dining hall of
Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Overall, this was a three-year process.
The artwork was finished in 1498. This is one of the most famous paintings
in the world to this day. Leonardo painted straight onto a dry wall, and
because of this, the painting began to disintegrate and was not being kept as
well as it would if it were to be on a canvas.
7. 1499 - When the duke (Ludovico Sforza) falls from his power, Leonardo
leaves Milan and temporarily lives in Venice.

8. 1500 Leonardo starts painting the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne. This
project took ten years to complete.
9. 1500 Leonardo Da Vinci returns to Florence.
10.1502 Leonardo undertakes work as a senior military architect and general
engineer for Cesare Borgia, which was the son of Pope Alexander VI (The
11. 1503 Leonardo is commissioned to paint the Mona Lisa. This took six
years to officially complete and is one of his most great and famous
paintings. It was famous for her mysterious smile when music from a piano
was played. When he had finished painting, the king of France decided to
buy it. Leonardo did not want to be separated from the portrait, so the king
let him keep it in his studio until he died.
12. 1515 Leonardo paints St. John the Baptist. This painting was one of his
only possessions with him when he died, as he had only painted it four years
13. 1516 Leonardo is asked by the King of France to come work for him as
his honoured guest. And with three paintings (the Mona Lisa, The Last
Supper, and the St. John the Baptist), a few belongings, and one apprentice
he set off for his new home.
14. 1519 On the second of May, Leonardo dies in France. Legend has it that
King Francis had come to visit him the day of his death. He sat down on the
side of Leonardos bed and put his arm around him to support him. Leonardo
then confessed that he had wasted too much of his life and his talent. He
then died in the arms of the King.

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