Narrative Texts Comprehension Rubric

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1. Questions the plot/theme of the text.
2. Questions character feelings & motives .
3. Questions text for clarification.

1.Uses text clues to make plot predictions.
2.Predicts the actions of characters.
3.Predicts outcome of events.






Unable to ask any questions relating to

the plot/theme of the text, characters
feelings and motives or for the purpose
of text clarification.

Asks vague or generic questions relating to the plot/theme of the text,

characters feelings and motives or for
the purpose of text clarification.

Asks some specific questions relating to

the plot/theme of the text, characters
feelings and motives or for the purpose
of text clarification.

Asks all specific questions relating to

the plot/theme of the text, the characters feelings and motives and for the
purpose of text clarification.

Asks a range of elaborate questions

relating to the plot/theme of the text,
the characters feelings and motives
and insightful questions for clarification
and comprehension of the text.

Unable to make any predictions or

judgements about the plot, characters
actions or outcome of events.

Makes a vague prediction or judgeMakes some typical predictions or

ment about the plot, characters actions judgements with limited details about
or outcome of events.
the plot, characters actions or outcome
of events.

Makes considered predictions and

judgements with some relevant details
about the plot, characters actions or
outcome of events.

Makes elaborate predictions and

judgements with reasoning and supporting details using text clues and
inferences about the plot, characters
actions and outcome of events.


1.Descriminates important plot details.
2.Summarises events in ordered sequence.
3.Uses text vocabulary and direct references.

1.Identifies directly related plot information.
2.Locates directly stated information.
3.Processes implicit ideas and complex

1.Interprets imagery in the text.
2.Infers the reasons for character responses.
3.Interprets figurative language.

1.Identifies text aspects for judgement.
2.Rsponds to the authors intended message.
3.Evaluates the impact of the text.

1. Identifies alternative links with the text.
2.Links text references to personal values.
3. Links text references to prior knowledge.

Unable to retell any events or details

about the plot, setting, characters or
complications in the text.

Retells a limited number of details

about the plot, setting, characters, or
complications in random sequence.
May include some misinterpretations.

Summarises the text with general descriptions and vague details

reflecting the plot, setting, events,
characters and complications.

Summarises the text with accurate

descriptions and ordered details about
the plot, setting, events, characters and
complications using some of the text

Summarises the text with sequenced

cohesion, using accurate descriptions,
details and relevant text vocabulary
indicating a high level of analysis,
applied knowledge and interpretation
of the text.

Unable to answer any literal questions

about the text.

Answers a limited number of literal

questions with inconsistent accuracy
and little reference to information or
event details to support responses.

Answers accurately most literal questions with some vague references to

information or event details to
support responses.

Answers accurately all literal questions

with direct references to information
and specific event details to support

Answers accurately all literal questions

with reasoning, direct references to
information, specific event details and
text vocabulary to support responses.

Indicates no real understanding of the


Indicates a limited understanding of

text, the text language, and is unable to
interpret or infer beyond vague reasoning.

Indicates a general understanding of

the text, its figurative language, and
interprets or infers with some
thoughtful reasoning.

Indicates a precise understanding of

the text, its figurative language, infers
with thoughtful interpretations, reasoning and makes a simple synthesis
from quotes.

Indicates a deep understanding of the

text, its figurative language, infers with
insightful interpretations, concludes
and synthesises from quote meanings
with profound reasoning.

Unable to reflect, provide a personal

response, make any judgement or
express an opinion about the text.

Expresses a vague opinion, judgement

or personal reflection about the text
message or its impact.

Expresses a precise opinion, judgement

or reflection about the text message or
its impact with limited references to
support responses.

Expresses some opinions, judgements

and reflections about the text message
and its impact, with some direct references to support responses.

Expresses deeply considered opinions,

judgements and reflections, about text
purpose, its message and impact, using
explicit text vocabulary and references
to support responses.

Unable to make any kind of connection

with the text.

Makes a vague personal connection

that may have limited relevance to the
text references and content.

Makes a relevant connection with the

text, using a limited number of references or supporting details to convey
personal values or prior knowledge

Makes some relevant personal connections with the text and provides supporting references, details and links to
convey personal values and prior

Makes multiple connections; text-text,

text-self, text-world, with different
aspects of the text, includes direct
references, explicit supporting details
and text vocabulary.

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