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Buddhist Prophecies of Things to Come

a compilation of prophecies, and one horoscope

first edition compiled, June 2016
Since it seems right and good to me, I have compiled this short text
in good faith. Please distribute it freely, and as widely as possible.
Please also consider carefully what is written. I can make no claims
about this text, other than to say that it certainly appears to have
some authenticity. I would go so far as to say, it was written by the
late Dzongsar Khyentse Chkyi Lodr. His qualifications are well
known. He was widely respected, and considered a very venerable
master of Tibetan Buddhist traditions from the four major schools,
Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug. I have heard that his
reincarnation is the esteemed and very venerable Dzongsar Jamyang
Khyentse Rinpoche. Being what he is, I think I can in no way
reasonably doubt the providence of this text. Consequently, it seems
we must very seriously consider what is written in this text which is
called The Light That Makes Things Clear or Lamp That Makes
Things Clear, the Prophecy of Things to Come
Some people have been calling this text a chain letter. To characterize a Terma of the late master
Dzongsar Khyentse Chkyi Lodr as a chain letter seems, at the very least, to be uninformed. As such I
have disregarded such opinions.
The text which follows this introduction was copied from
Top image Dzongsar Khyentse Chkyi Lodr
Right image Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
For comparison I have also included below text copied from and also
I have refrained from any commentary on the following. However since it seems expedient, I qwill in
the future try to tabulate some of the information for comparison. When that is done, I will make a
second edition of this compilation.
I must apologize that this compilation is not beautifully arranged or typeset. I am not expert in that

regard. Moreover, if by some mistake I have included copyrighted information (or pictures,) and you
are the copyright holder, please understand that this is an error on my part. I sincerely apologize for
using your things without permission. It is my aim not to make money, or a name for myself. Rathere I
merely wish to spread this terma text, and the other appended text, for the benefit of all beings. Thank
you kindly for understanding.
It is my sincere wish that through compiling these texts in one document, and making it freely available
on the internet, beings might in some way benefit. In the very least, readers will having heard of him,
now have the opportunity to learn more about the great living master, the venerable Dzongsar Jamyang
Khyentse Rinpoche. He's quite wise, perhaps a little unconventional and tells funny jokes! Perhaps
people will be inspired by him, and make good use of their time and energies. That is my firm wish.
May all beings be happy, having the causes and conditions for happiness. May all sentient beings have
the causes and conditions for enlightenment. May all beings be enlightened. E Ma Ho!
Tibetan Prophesy: One Decade Left
The singular work entitled The Light That Makes Things Clear: A Prophecy of Things to Come, was
revealed by the late 'Jam-byangs mKhyen-brtse Chos-kyi bLo-gros (1896-1959), widely known and
celebrated as the "Master of Masters." It was first translated into English in 1988, by Karma gSungrab
rGya-mtsho, with the admonition that it be freely reproduced. We have elected to publish this work as
received, with only slight editorial revision, as the translator prepared his version with the assistance of
the late Khyentse Rinpoche's learned students, and other qualified commentators. Our revisions cover
matters of English expression; not content, which is unchanged, and basic meaning is left intact.
This work takes the form of a dialogue involving Shakyamuni Buddha, Ananda, Avalokitesvara, and
Maitreya concerning events commencing 2026, and lasting through 2032.
Homage to the Three Jewels. The Victorious One (Shakyamuni Buddha) once related this teaching
applicable to a time when the evil period would arise. It is like a path because all sentient beings are
connected to it.
When the Victorious One was sitting under the bodhi tree and thinking of all sentient beings of the
world, he saw that at the end of five-hundred years, an evil age would begin. As to the deeds and
thoughts of all these beings, those with great merit would come into contact with this teaching while
those with little merit would not. The pain of conflicting emotions would be great indeed.
Because it seemed that humans living on the surface of the earth would be as if cut to pieces with
swords due to this, the venerable Ananda pleaded with the Victorious One:
Victorious One, because you consider things with great compassion, spare humankind this torment.
And the Victorious One replied to the venerable Ananda: I have this to say about it. While I was
residing in the great expanse of space, I was thinking of and gazing on the beings of the world. So,
listen! There is a teaching useful during the time when the dark age arises. If one writes of it,
propagates it, and practices the Great Responsiveness Meditation and recitation, impurities and
obscurations will be quickly purified. If one sincerely makes offerings to this spiritual text with flowers
and incense, all sentient beings will benefit. By propagating this text and writing about it, one will
obtain a good existence throughout all of one's lives.

Then, near the base of a tree, there was a great lake. On its shores sat the Greatly Responsive One
(Avalokitesvara) (in the form) he appears with and for others. While considering all beings in his
responsiveness and compassion, he began to she copious tears. Then the Victorious One said:
Listen carefully, oh Greatly Responsive One! It is not necessary to shed tears, so heed my words well.
During the month of the Tiger in the new year, I intend to go to many places. At that time during the
evil age all sentient beings will be freed from the ocean of existence's miseries. All evil conduct will be
abandoned and I will lead sentient beings away from evil states (they have fallen into). At that time,
this spiritual text will be well known. Because of this text and by making it known, all sickness will
end. If written about by one person, it will benefit one city. If proclaimed by one city, it will benefit all
states. The merit of humankind will be increased and secondary evil influences averted. One will be
free of hellish torments, and it will be of benefit for both this life and the next one. This path is
desirable for all sentient beings of the six classes. For example, it is like taking a boat across a river or
the ocean. This is truly a most beneficial text until Maitreya arrives in the world of humans. By writing
of this teaching and spreading it to other areas, in one lifetime, in one embodiment, one's merit will
increase limitlessly. The bloody ocean of life as a (vicious) circle will dry up.
First because of the ten impure practices, sentient beings will come under the power of conflicting
emotions. Oh, pity on these sentient beings! After this, an area (valley) in the human realm will be (as
if) filled with blood. Three, when it comes to reaping your own merits you will be powerless to do so.
Four, human suffering will become very great. Five, people won't be abkle to percieve the path. Six,
cities will become filled with carnivorous animals. Seven, the residences of politicians will become
deserted. Eight, individuals will be unable to cope with one another. Nine, hungry ghosts will be seen
wandering about the cities.
Things will be like this as a result of ten impure practices. One will not compliment or praise another
person; there will be only praise of oneself and putting down others. There will basically be four social
groups: the politicians, the rich, the common people, and the well-educated. If all of these peoples have
confidence in this text and devotion toward it, a good time period will result.
But, the Victorious One said, if people have an irrational trust in it, they will follow one another and
fall straight into the most intolerable of hells. The earth and heavens will be filled with the cries of
those who have not heard this teaching. A time of epidemics will result. But as soon as one hears this
spiritual message and then writes it down and distributes it, these epidemics will be brought under
control. All famine that might exist will be pacified and people will achieve a good existence.
Furthermore, there are seven miseries that humans might suffer. First there is the misery like that of a
denizen in hell. Second, the misery of hunger and thirst for a hungry ghost. Third, the misery of
disputes and warfare as an asura might experience. Fourth, the frustration resulting from having no
leisure, and constant hunger and want. Fifth, the misery of having erroneous views. Sixth, the misery of
having a long life like a god, and seventh, the misery in potential existence when in the after-death
state. This text is of benefit for these (situations), for if one trusts in it, one will achieve success in all
that one may strive for. All diseases will be destroyed, and there will be a return to good times. If one is
to ask how these will come about [it is like this]:
Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of
a large body of water. This spiritual text will appear when the meteor cracks open. Having appeared, it
is very important, when teaching this document, that there are no secret or hidden meanings. There is

but one, no secondary meaning. It has been put together for the benefit of all sentient beings. May all
the torments of existence end!
After 500 years will be a time when the teachings of the Spiritually Awakened One will be on the
decline and monks' ethics and general conduct will become corrupted. When evil thoughts will occupy
the mind, and food supplies will be contaminated. A time when the ten unwholesome deeds will be
practiced and practitioners of advanced spiritual techniques will recite only evil mantras, and the five
poisons will overwhelm one's perceptions. It will be a time when body and speech acts will be
perverted; teaching of spiritual values will deteriorate. A time when feathers will grow on mountains
(sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely
contribute to evil happenings, a time of fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely. This text
will reverse the contributory evil causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming
it, there is no doubt that these evil times will end. It is sufficient to see what is true and what is not true.
And to say what one knows to be the truth. In those people who say it is untrue, from the tops of their
heads to the bottom of their feet, signs that they will be seized by sickness will appear."
After the Victorious One had spoken these words, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, gods, anti-gods,
humans, and spirits who live on odors, all rejoiced and offered great praise of his words. The Victorious
One touched his right hand, marked with certain signs and characteristics, to the earth, and (by this act)
conquered the dark forces of spiritual death, along with their retinue. I experienced an unbelievable
happiness and joy and decided to (always) engage myself with this discriminative appreciation that
goes beyond itself, that tames (beings) by pacifying all sickness and evil. Then the Spiritually
Awakened One, the Victorious One, after remaining in meditative enstasis, uttered this summary of his
discourses, as part of the teachings (as a whole). Again, Ananda asked of theVictorious One:
"Victorious One, since you have delivered this teaching, turn around the obstacles and evil conditions
within existence. In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and its impact will be
very profound. If all sentient beings do not think that this is true and have no confidence in this letter
and are not able to propagate it, then the dark evil forces of spiritual death will be satisfied. If there is
confidence and they do publish this, then great well-being will arise. Great benefit will come from this
spiritual text. That's it! Great! That's for sure! May you always teach it! May most excellent good and
wholesomeness arise! May capabilities and merits always increase! This has been taught by all of the
Spiritually Awakened Ones. You yourself are energetic to this truth, of benefit to beings. At the end of a
future time, the qualities of this will be beyond imagination. For the person who is confident in this, all
desires will be fulfilled. Evil conditions and obstacles will be diverted. The person who is confident in
the teachings of a spiritually awakened person should make offerings of flowers and incense."
Then Maitreya looked back from the expanse of space. He saw blood coming from the eyes of humans
so he went to the Victorious One and asked:
"Victorious One, I pray that you give a teaching of great sustaining power as to what is to come,
gathering the meaning in (only) a few words."
The Victorious One replied: "Very well, Maitreya. Listen to what I say. I choose this for the benefit of
all sentient beings as well as Brahma, Indra, and so on. I will convey my words and their meaning for
the sake of beings. It is certainly very positive to be energetically devoted to this. In the autumn of the
Fire-Female-Horse year (2026), and in the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), all of those evil
persons who have no confidence in this teaching will die. But, if one writes of it and propagates it, then
one will live for a long time, without sickness, and merit will become very great. All the harmful forces

of this evil time will quickly gather in the cities. They will run and hide themselves so that humans will
not be able to see where they are. At that time, the power of this spiritual text will scatter those noxious
demons and they will run away. So it is important to spread this text to all areas. One should not
entertain any doubts and think that it is not true. The Spiritually Awakened One, incomparable teacher
of gods and men, is the tamer of beings, sensitive to the world, gone into well-being, head of the
spiritually aware 'family.'
Those persons who do not have any confidence in this teaching will experience a great earthquake in
the year of the Fire-Horse (2026). When the evil times come in the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027),
there will be death due to overcrowding. Some will die on the road; some from heart (disease). In the
year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), there will be terrible floods. In the summer, death will come
from famine-induced epidemics. At that time, demons will be all over the place. If one writes of and
propagates this text, there will be no harm from obstructions or demons.
In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm. Nonetheless, it will be very important to
guard one's discipline and not eat red meat. In the Iron-Male-Dog year (2030), all cities and
surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers, bears, wild dogs, wolves, and
the like. At that time it will be very important to write of and propagate this text as a method for
liberating humans. In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings will lose self- control, and
will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a flood. Then, those who lack belief in
this text will die."
Then the Victorious One said to the Greatly Responsive One: "During the year of the Mouse (2032-?),
a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space. And, like the light of
the sun and moon, because of the strength in the sustaining power of the Spiritually Awakened One, if
one writes of and propagates this text which illuminates all of the four directions and eight points in
between, then it will be of benefit until Maitreya comes. If one writes of and propagates this, one will
obtain merit like a mountain (in size). In the palace at Potala, a transformative form of the Spiritually
Awakened One's communication dwells, surrounded by a retinue of those in whom pure and total mind
has taken over. All sentient beings, above and below, in all the ten directions, are placed in well-being.
This well-being is intensified for the sake of all sentient beings on account of the compassionate
intentions of the Greatly Responsive One for all humans. By thinking that this is untrue, or if one
entertains doubts, a period of plagues will become widespread in the middle of summer. People will die
from dawn to dusk. At that time, calculating from when the evil period of time increases, all the forest
(ecosystems) will collapse. All the rocky mountains will crumble at their bases. One will not be able to
bear the leveling (process) of the earth's (mountains). For every ten persons, only one will be left. If
one thinks that this is not so, it is the word of the Victorious One. Oh, pity sentient beings!
In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five
hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the - eight subdivisions
as well. People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness. This spiritual text will liberate one from
these omens of the evil time merely if one has confidence in it, sees, writes about it, propagates it.
Agitation will thereby be pacified. If one does this, limitless good will come about. May beings be free
of all terror and fear! This spiritual work which has one, no secondary meaning, has been composed for
the benefit of all sentient beings. This spiritual text will spread fully to all realms and all humans will
be happy. May virtuous sentient beings be free of misery! If one is not energetic in making the text an
object of sustained attention for five or six months, then a period of sickness and diseases will come.
Some will die from fever; some from chills; some from stomach ailments; some from madness; some
from skin diseases. Some from heart disease, others from liver disease. There is a remedy for these

harms. When impermanence (begins to show its mark) in the body, if men and women tie this [mantra],
which will protect them, to their bodies, this protecting mantra will free them from all plagues and the
harms of demons, water spirits, and gods. [It is:]
E-ma-ho pen-no pen-no so-ha!

It should be worn on the right side of the body for a man and on the left for a woman.
If one does this, one will be freed from these diseases and plagues, and will have a good life. If one
writes about, propagates and is confident in it, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from the
bloody ocean of life's miseries. Oh, pity for all humans, everywhere! May all torments that come with
an untimely death be completely pacified. May there be good - times, as before! May one obtain
limitless merit! For all those beings who have no confidence in the spiritual text, as before, there will
be no chance for them to believe, and so diseases will spring up everywhere in the cities. Even if there
is nutritious food, one will not, at that time, be able to eat it."
Then the Greatly Responsive One, the Noble Avalokitesvara, in order to produce compassion in the
hearts of sentient beings, spoke this portion of the teaching:
"I pray, Victorious One, that you empower this text. I pray that you empower it with your
Again, the Victorious One said:
"If one performs religious service to this text with devotion and confidence, then the whole evil time
will stop. It would be beneficial for all disease and illness. May all humans who dwell on the surface of
the earth obtain limitless merit. When they are liberated from all the unhappiness, epidemics, sickness,
and unrest which are signs of the evil age, may they come to experience good times as before. On
account of the positive nature in making a wish such as this, the qualities of the benefit if a person
should do this, especially during the month of the Rabbit and of the Horse, is beyond imagining. If
people come to write of and propagate this, they will come to possess a long life, free of illness, and
will find happiness and well- being. Even if they write of one part of this, all noxious influences of the
evil age will be pacified in their own time. What has occurred before will increase once again in the
year of the Dragon. It will show itself, but will be unable to expand out into the realms of the world
because of the evil time's arising. After that, in the Fire-Male Horse year (2026), this text will increase.
This work is a technique for diverting the evil time. If one is not able to spread (its ideas) to all
countries, ripening crops will be destroyed by three frosts, or hail. Secondly, the specter of famine will
arise. And when disease with no apparent etiology occurs, there will be much suffering and
unhappiness. But, if one writes of and propagates this, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from
all this misery. Until Lord Maitreya arrives in this world, this text is the refuge for sentient beings. If
one is confident and devoted to it, all obstacles and obscurations will be cleansed, and one will be
purified. May there be most excellent good! May the jewels of necessity and wishing come into being!
May all countries have good fortune! May the whole earth be made pleasing! When unrest, sickness,

famine in all countries is pacified, may there be a most excellent rain for the crops, and may one
spontaneously obtain one's wishes! May the glorious wealth of nations increase widely. May the
turning of the wheel of spiritual teachings be steadfast, always!"
After the Victorious One had spoken, all the gods, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, anti- gods,
humans, and the world including those who live on scents, rejoiced and praised the speech very much.
This completes the Lamp That Makes Things Clear, the Prophecy of Things to Come.
Below this is text copied from
The Light That Makes Things Clear,
A Prophecy of Things to Come
by mKhyen-brtse Rin-po-che,
'Jam-dbyangs Chos-kyi bLo-gros
copyright (1988)- Ka-rma gSung-rab rgya-mtsho
(The Translation)
1b.) Homage to the Three Jewels. The Victorious One (Shakyamuni Buddha) once related this teaching
applicable to a time when the evil period would arise. It is like a path because all sentient beings are
connected to it. (2a) When the Victorious One was sitting under the bodhi tree and thinking of all
sentient beings of the world, he saw that at the end of five hundred years, an evil age would begin. As
to the deeds and thoughts of all these beings, those with great merit would come into contact with this
teaching while those with little merit would not. The pain from conflicting emotions would be great
indeed. When it seemed that humans living on the surface of the earth would be as if cut to pieces with
swords because of this, the venerable Ananda pleaded with the Victorious One:
"Victorious One, because you consider things with great compassion, spare humankind this torment."
(3a) And the Victorious One replied to the venerable Ananda: "I have this to say about it. While I was
residing in the great expanse of space , I was thinking of and gazing on the beings of the world. So,
listen! There is a teaching (3b) useful during the time when the dark age arises. If one writes of it,
propagates it, and practices the "Great Responsiveness Meditation" and recitation, impurities and
obscurations will be quickly purified. If one sincerely makes offerings to this spiritual text with flowers
and incense, all sentient beings will benefit. By propagating this text and writing about it, one will
obtain a good existence throughout all of one's lives."
Then, near the base of the tree, there was a great lake. On its shores sat the Greatly Responsive One
(Avalokitesvara) (in the form) he appears with and for others. While considering all beings in his
responsiveness and compassion, he began to shed copious tears. Then the Victorious One said:
"Listen carefully, oh Greatly Responsive One! It is not necessary to shed tears, so heed my words well.
During the month of the Tiger in the new year, I intend to go to many places. At that time during the
evil age all sentient beings will be freed from the ocean of existence's miseries. All evil conduct will be
abandoned and I will lead sentient beings away from evil states (they have fallen into). At that time,

this spiritual text will be well known. Because of this text and by making it known, all sickness will
end. If written about by one person, it will benefit one city. If proclaimed by one city, it will benefit all
states. The merit of humankind will be increased and secondary evil influences averted. One will be
free of hellish torments, and it will be of benefit for both this life and the next one. This path is
desirable for all sentient beings of the six classes. For example, (4b) it is like taking a boat across a
river or the ocean. This is truly a most beneficial text until Maitreya arrives in the world of humans. By
writing of this teaching and spreading it to other areas, on one lifetime, in one embodiment, one's merit
will increase limitlessly. The bloody ocean of life as a (vicious) circle will dry up.
First, because of the ten impure practices, sentient beings will come under the power of conflicting
emotions. Oh, pity on these sentient beings! After this, an area (valley) in the human realm will be (as
if) filled with blood. Three, when it comes to reaping one's own merits, one will be powerless to do so.
Four, human suffering will become very great. Five, people won't be able to perceive the "path." Six,
cities will become filled with carnivorous animals. Seven, the residences of politicians will become
deserted. Eight, individuals will be unable to cope with one another and nine, hungry ghosts will be
seen wandering about the cities. Things will be like this as a result of ten impure practices. One will not
compliment or praise another person. There will only be praise of oneself and putting down others.
There will basically be four social groups: the politicians , the well-to-do , common people, and the
well-educated. If all of these peoples have confidence in this text and devotion toward it, a good time
period will result. But," the Victorious One said, "if people have an irrational trust in it, they will follow
one another and fall straight into the most intolerable of hells. The earth and heavens will be filled with
the cries (5b) of those who have not heard this teaching. A time of epidemics will result. But as soon as
one hears this spiritual message and then writes it down and distributes it, these epidemics will be
brought under control. All famine that might exist will be pacified and people will achieve a good
Furthermore, there are seven miseries that humans might suffer. First there is the misery like that of a
denizen in hell. Second, the misery of hunger and thirst for a hungry ghost. Third, the misery of
disputes and warfare as an anti-god might experience. Fourth, the frustration resulting from having no
leisure, and constant hunger and want. Fifth, the misery of having erroneous views. Sixth, the misery of
having a long life like a god, and seventh, the misery in potential existence when in the after-death
state. This text is of benefit for these (situations), for if one trusts in it, one will achieve success in all
that one may strive for. (6a) All diseases will be destroyed, and there will be a return to good times. If
one is to ask how these will come about [it is like this]:
Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of
a large body of water. This spiritual text will appear when the meteor cracks open. Having appeared, it
is very important, when teaching this document, that there are no secret or hidden meanings. There is
but one, no secondary meaning. It has been put together for the benefit of all sentient beings. May all
the torments of existence end!
After 500 years will be a time when the teachings of the Spiritually Awakened One will be on the
decline and monks' ethics and general conduct will become corrupted (6b). When evil thoughts will
occupy the mind, and food supplies will be contaminated. A time when the ten unwholesome deeds will
be practiced and practitioners of advanced spiritual techniques will recite only evil mantras, and the
five poisons will overwhelm one's perceptions. It will be a time when body and speech acts will be
perverted; teaching of spiritual values will deteriorate. A time when feathers will grow on mountains
(sic!), and a person will travel about in wooden and metal vehicles. All of one's actions will merely
contribute to evil happenings, a time of fearfulness when evil will manifest most definitely. This text

will reverse the contributory evil causes of this time. By so much as seeing it, writing of it, proclaiming
it, there is no doubt that these evil times will end. It is sufficient to see what is true and what is not true.
And to say what one knows to be the truth (7a). In those people who say it is untrue, from the tops of
their heads to the bottom of their feet, signs that they will be seized by sickness will appear."
After the Victorious One had spoken these words, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, gods, anti-gods,
humans, and spirits who live on odors, all rejoiced and offered great praise of his words. The Victorious
One touched his right hand, marked with certain signs and characteristics, to the earth, and (by this act)
conquered the dark forces of spiritual death, along with their retinue. I experienced an unbelievable
happiness and joy and decided to (always) engage myself with this discriminative appreciation that
goes beyond itself, that tames (beings) by pacifying all sickness and evil. (7b) Then the Spiritually
Awakened One, the Victorious One, after remaining in meditative enstasis, uttered this summary of his
discourses, as part of the teachings (as a whole). Again, Ananda asked of theVictorious One:
"Victorious One, since you have delivered this teaching, turn around the obstacles and evil conditions
within existence. In the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028) an epidemic will occur and its impact will be
very profound. If all sentient beings do not think that this is true and have no confidence in this letter
and are not able to propagate it, then the dark evil forces of spiritual death will be satisfied. If there is
confidence and they do publish this, then great well-being will arise. Great benefit will come from this
spiritual text. That's it! Great! That's for sure! (8a) May you always teach it! May most excellent good
and wholesomeness arise! May capabilities and merits always increase! This has been taught by all of
the Spiritually Awakened Ones. You yourself are energetic to this truth, of benefit to beings. At the end
of a future time, the qualities of this will be beyond imagination. For the person who is confident in
this, all desires will be fulfilled. Evil conditions and obstacles will be diverted. The person who is
confident in the teachings of a spiritually awakened person should make offerings of flowers and
Then Maitreya looked back from the expanse of space. He saw blood coming from the eyes of humans
so he went to the Victorious One and asked:
"Victorious One, I pray that you give a teaching of great sustaining power as to what is to come,
gathering the meaning in (only) a few words."
The Victorious One replied: "Very well, Maitreya. Listen to what I say. I choose this for the benefit of
all sentient beings as well as Brahma, Indra, and so on. I will convey my words and their meaning for
the sake of beings. It is certainly very positive to be energetically devoted to this. In the autumn of the
Fire-Female-Horse year (2026), and in the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028), all of those evil
persons who have no confidence in this teaching will die. But, if one writes of it and propagates it (9a),
then one will live for a long time, without sickness, and merit will become very great. All the harmful
forces of this evil time will quickly gather in the cities. They will run and hide themselves so that
humans will not be able to see where they are. At that time, the power of this spiritual text will scatter
those noxious demons and they will run away. So it is important to spread this text to all areas. One
should not entertain any doubts and think that it is not true. The Spiritually Awakened One,
incomparable teacher of gods and men, is the tamer of beings, sensitive to the world, gone into wellbeing, head of the spiritually aware 'family.' Those persons who do not have any confidence in this
teaching will experience a great earthquake in the year of the Fire-Horse (2026). When the evil times
come in the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), there will death due to overcrowding (9b).
Some will die on the road; some from heart (disease). In the year of the Earth-Male-Monkey (2028),

there will be terrible floods. In the summer, death will come from famine-induced epidemics. At that
time, demons will be all over the place. If one writes of and propagates this text, there will be no harm
from obstructions or demons. In the Earth-Female-Bird year (2029), there will be no harm.
Nonetheless, it will be very important to guard one's discipline and not eat red meat. In the Iron-MaleDog year(2030), all cities and surrounding areas will be filled with carnivorous animals such as tigers,
bears, wild dogs, wolves, and the like. At that time it will be very important to write of and propagate
this text as a method for liberating humans. In the Iron-Female-Pig year (2031), all sentient beings will
lose self-control, and will be like paper blown about in the wind, or as if carried off in a flood(10a).
Then, those who lack belief in this text will die."
Then the Victorious One said to the Greatly Responsive One: "During the year of the Mouse (2032-?),
a sound with spiritual qualities will be heard coming out of the depths of space. And, like the light of
the sun and moon, because of the strength in the sustaining power of the Spiritually Awakened One, if
one writes of and propagates this text which illuminates all of the four directions and eight points in
between, then it will be of benefit until Maitreya comes. If one writes of and propagates this, one will
obtain merit like a mountain (in size). In the palace at Potala, a transformative form of the Spiritually
Awakened One's communication dwells, surrounded by a retinue of those in whom pure and total mind
has taken over. All sentient beings, above and below, in all the ten directions, are placed in well-being.
This well-being is intensified for the sake of all sentient beings on account of the compassionate
intentions of the Greatly Responsive One for all humans (10b). By thinking that this is untrue, or if one
entertains doubts, a period of plagues will become widespread in the middle of summer. People will die
from dawn to dusk. At that time, calculating from when the evil period of time increases, all the forest
(ecosystems) will collapse. All the rocky mountains will crumble at their bases. One will not be able to
bear the leveling (process) of the earth's (mountains). For every ten persons, only one will be left. If
one thinks that this is not so, it is the word of the Victorious One. Oh, pity sentient beings!
In the Fire-Female-Sheep year (2027), and in the Earth-Male-Monkey year (2028), the evil "five
hundred time" will emerge. This disruption will come from every direction and the eight subdivisions
as well. People will be defiled by quarrels and restlessness. This spiritual text will liberate one from
these omens of the evil time merely if one has (11a) confidence in it, sees it, writes of it, propogates it.
Agitation will thereby be pacified. If one does this, limitless good will come about. May beings be free
of all terror and fear! This spiritual work which has one, no secondary meaning, has been composed for
the benefit of all sentient beings. This spiritual text will spread fully to all realms and all humans will
be happy. May virtuous sentient beings be free of misery! If one is not energetic in making the text an
object of sustained attention for five or six months, then a period of sickness and diseases will come.
Some will die from fever; some from chills; some from stomach ailments; some from madness; some
from skin diseases. Some from heart disease, others from liver disease(11b). There is a remedy for
these harms. When impermanence (begins to show its mark) in the body, if men and women tie this
[mantra], which will protect them, to their bodies, this protecting mantra will free them from all
plagues and the harms of demons, water spirits, and gods. [It is:]
E-ma-ho pen-no pen-no so-ha!
It should be worn on the right side of the body for a man and on the left for a woman.
If one does this, one will be freed from these diseases and plagues, and will have a good life. If one
writes about, propagates and is confident in it, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from the
bloody ocean of life's miseries. Oh, pity for all humans, everywhere! May all torments that come with
an untimely death be completely pacified. May there be good times, as before! May one obtain

limitless merit! For all those beings who have no confidence in the spiritual text (12a), as before, there
will be no chance for them to believe, and so diseases will spring up everywhere in the cities. Even if
there is nutritious food, one will not, at that time, be able to eat it."
Then the Greatly Responsive One, the Noble Avalokitesvara, in order to produce compassion in the
hearts of sentient beings, spoke this portion of the teaching:
"I pray, Victorious One, that you empower this text. I pray that you empower it with your
Again, the Victorious One said:
"If one performs religious service to this text with devotion and confidence, then the whole evil time
will stop. It would be beneficial for all disease and illness. May all humans who dwell on the surface of
the earth obtain limitless merit. When they are liberated from all the unhappiness, epidemics, sickness,
and unrest which are signs of the evil age, may they come to experience good times as before. On
account of the positive nature in making a wish such as this, the qualities of the benefit if a person
should do this, especially during the month of the Rabbit and of the Horse, is beyond imagining. If
people come to write of and propagate this, they will come to possess a long life, free of illness, and
will find happiness and well-being. Even if they write of one part of this, all noxious influences of the
evil age will be pacified in their own time. What has occurred before will increase once again in the
year of the Dragon. It will show itself, but will be unable to expand out into the realms of the world
because of the evil time's arising. After that, in the Fire-Male Horse year (2026), this text will increase.
(15a) This work is a technique for diverting the evil time. If one is not able to spread (its ideas) to all
countries, ripening crops will be destroyed by three frosts, or hail. Secondly, the specter of famine will
arise. And when disease with no apparent etiology occurs, there will be much suffering and
unhappiness. But, if one writes of and propagates this, there is no doubt that one will be liberated from
all this misery. Until Lord Maitreya arrives in this world, this text is the refuge for sentient beings. If
one is confident and devoted to it, all obstacles and obscurations will be cleansed, and one will be
purified. May there be most excellent good! May the jewels of necessity and wishing come into being!
May all countries have good fortune! May the whole earth be made pleasing! When unrest, sickness,
famine in all countries is pacified, may there be a most excellent rain for the crops, and may one
spontaneously obtain one's wishes! May the glorious wealth of nations increase widely. May the
turning of the wheel of spiritual teachings be steadfast, always!"
After the Victorious One had spoken, all the gods, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya, Ananda, anti-gods,
humans, and the world including those who live on scents, rejoiced and praised the speech very much.
This completes the "Lamp That Makes Things Clear, the Prophecy of Things to Come."
Summary of Events Described in the Text
Tibetan Year Folio Western Year Event
Fire-Male-Horse 6a.2 2026 Meteor
Fire-Male-Horse 8b.5 2026 (autumn) Death
Fire-Male-Horse 9a.6 Earthquake
Earth-Male-Monkey 7b.3 2028 Famine
Earth-Male-Monkey 9b.1 2028 Flood
Earth-Female-Bird 9b.3 2029 No Harm

Iron-Male-Dog 9b.3-4 2030 Wild animals

in cities
Iron-Female-Pig 9b.5 2031 No self-control for people
Mouse Year 10a.2 2032 Noise with
spiritual qualities coming from space
Earth-Male-Monkey 10b.5 2028 "500 evil time"
Fire-Male-Horse 12b.6 2026 Text diffuses
Translator's Acknowledgments
The translator would like to acknowledge generous assistance of the late Ngor Thar-brtse mKhan-po,
bSod-nams rgya-mtsho Rin-po-che for valuable suggestions and comments when this work was read
with him. He would also like to thank the Venerable bLa-ma bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan for also reading
through and commenting on the text.
Notes 2002
The emergence of the Internet and the rapid ability to send information around the world has added
more resources for the reader of this translation. I feel that the primary emphasis of this text is on the
collapse of the biosphere and the terrible disruptions that will accompany this collapse. News reports
indicate that this is already happening. What this text speaks to most emphatically is the need for
connection to the natural world, to oneself, and to base community not on an old system of guilt and
prohibitions, but on a realized, deeply-felt knowledge of one?s connection with all other life.
Actually, I'm not sure if this is true or not. It was given to me by the translator. Make up your own
minds. Peace out.
Now what follows is something for comparison, a text published by some Theravadin Buddhists from
Thailand. The original text can be found at
16 Predictions of the Buddha

By Phra Khru Palat Veeranon Veerananto

Translated by: Surapong Rongkawit, Thananya Rongkawit

Revised by: Mae Chee Brigitte Schrottenbacher
We were fortunate enough to have been introduced to this book by a relative. Her intention was
to give us the same experience that she had obtained a while ago. We have always been interested in
this matter since we saw a documentary about Nostradamus, as many of his predictions have
astounding accuracy. The predictions or forecasts in this book are very parallel to those of
Nostradamus' but with diverse context which we personally can associate with even more, because
many of the predictions became part of our history. Many of them are part of our daily lives.
As Buddhists, we feel that this kind of knowledge and information should be given to the world
to learn and benefit from it. One important thing to do was to put it in a language that people can
understand. We can not change the history but we can try to change future with what we have learned
out of the past. This book can give the reader a great deal of thoughts and inspiration to do so. We
certainly hope that this book will enlighten you in one way or another as it has us.
Surapong Rongkawit
Thananya Rongkawit
01/01/2008 A.D.
This book of Buddha's predictions was printed for the 5th time (first time in English).
For those of you that have read the previous book, there might have been an improvement of the
literary style with clearer explanations which mentioned the changes in the world that occurred in the
past, happening in the current and will happen in the future, involving nautical catastrophe like tsunami
and earthquakes throughout the splitting of tectonic plates.
The second part mentions things that happened in Siam and global society.
The third part is about predictions that religious teachers have made. The book also demonstrates
preparations for the confrontation with obstacles that will occur in the future.
I advice the readers of this book to not neglect any chapter, each page will be beneficial to
your life and also gives advice of how to conduct in business life in the present era.
May all of you be fortunate and safe at all time.
Phra Khru Palat Veeranon Veerananto
16 Predictions of the Buddha
This book tells about Buddha's predictions concerning King Pasenadis16 dreams. In my opinion
these predictions will be of value to those who are interested in studying future events. I tried to keep to
the original text as much as possible and only put it in to a more simple literary style, so that it can
easily be understood by laypeople. Consider its truth by yourself and may be you can pass this

knowledge on to your descendents, to make them also understand that this old truth is still applicable
Further I want to ask you to use your ability of reasoning and contemplating the truth behind
these predictions and apply the so gained knowledge in your daily life.
Back in the lifetime of the Buddha there was a king named Pasenadi of Kosala region who had
faith in Buddha. One morning short before he woke up, he had dreamed of 16 omens that frightened
him. He was worried - not knowing whether the good or bad things he had seen are going to happen or
not. He went to Jetavana Vihara Monastery to ask the Buddha about the meaning of those 16 dreams.
Buddha explained the meaning of those 16 dreams as follows.
Dream No. 1
King Pasenadis first dream: - he saw 4 stout oxen came running from all 4 directions. Furious
with anger and grudges they looked like they wanted to fight until death. But when they got close to
each other they just retreated without crashing at all.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Inauspicious) In the distant future, there will be natural
disasters happening everywhere. Rain will not fall in time. There will be very large clouds coming
from 4 directions and it seems that there will be heavy rain. Once all 4 clouds have gotten close to one
another, they will retreat without a drop of rain falling to the ground. The results will be draught.
Humans and animals will be famished and die in large quantity. Survivors will become immoral and
finally the 4 superpower countries in the world will declare war, they verbally fight with each other and
try to destabilize the opponents but all of this will not bring any results or changes. This type of
calamity will occur in the future and can be seen and heard not too long from now.
Dream No. 2
King Pasenadis second dream: - he saw all kinds of trees, not big enough to be able to bear
flowers or fruits but they were full of fruits and flowers to the extent that the branches and limbs nearly
could not support them.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Trees) In the distant future, daughters that are too young to
have husbands, desire to be married and start a family in their young age. Some have indulged prior to
their marriage without shame. Once they are pregnant they will find a way to abort their fetuses
(similar to the adolescent in today's society). With those unwholesome actions they commit great sins
which will have their results in their future. Some adolescents will be under the care of their parents,
some have parents that cant take care of them. Neglected, they become vagabonds practicing petty
crimes like theft and later even robbery. Some become beggars, drifters with no parents, families or a
chance for education, no home or domicile, sleep wherever they happened to be when its getting dark.
Some may stay on a bridge waiting to rob someone to support themselves. Those that are attractive
become prostitutes. Some grow up to be hooligans extorting protection money from new comers.
Some just sleep on the roadside.
Some will entice those kids that have problems with their parents or come from broken families, to
become their followers by offering help at first but once the kids cant perform their tasks they will
leave them without food in misery. Some of the kids' limbs will be amputated or their fingers and toes
will be cut off so that they become handicapped and turned into beggars. When it's time to beg they

will be taken by vehicles to various locations but the boss will be well dressed sitting around
monitoring the activities. When it's time, the vehicle will pick them up. This type of calamity will
occur in the distant future. Those that live in that epoch will see many of such activities everywhere,
day or night without shame and it will not be too long before it can be heard and seen.
Dream No. 3
King Pasenadis third dream: - he saw a herd of cows and bulls drinking milk from their
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Bovine) in the distant future, parents will depend on the
labor of their children. Food and other goods, including money, will be provided by their children. In
that era, parents will have to specially please their children. They will have to be biased if there are
several children and their financial status is not equal. Parents must flatter and praise their children;
they must talk politely to them in order to get them to share their money. If parents do not talk nice to
the children, they will not get any of the shares from them and may get sent to old peoples facilities
(Nursing homes). The children might curse at them or chase them out of the house to live alone.
Perhaps they will buy life insurance on their parents and get rich after their death (they might have a
nicer funeral). This type of calamity will occur in the distant future, it will not be long to hear and see
it happen.
Dream No. 4
King Pasenadis fourth dream: - he saw group of people harnessing calves to pull their wagons
and beat them when they couldnt do so.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Bovine) in the distant future, people will favor fresh
graduates who lack experience, ability, omniscience and circumspection and still do not understand
social customs, to govern a country, economy, society. They allow them to govern the affairs of the
country which is a difficult task. Because of their inexperience they bring about mistakes, they cant
keep up with changes that occur rapidly, and they lack responsibility and create trade deficits which
will ruin the country. People that elected them become dissatisfied with the way they govern the
country. They will score them without trying to help them to solve the problems. Protests will occur
Those who have warm and supporting families will be able to cope with it. Those not having family
will have to flee the country and some will commit suicide to escape from those problems. Some will
have to separate from families and cause affliction to their wives and children. Such incidents have
occurred countless times all over the world. Sometimes they will kill each other because they do not
want to be chased away. Sometimes they work for the country but disobliged their superiors or their
financial supporters in election time, so they will end up getting terminated.
Some that used to conduct business together in the past and became powerful but could not benefit
their clansmen enough will get deposed from their positions. Those that are equally powerful will use
the country's interest in bargaining and cause dilapidation to the country. Some will bring down their
superiors to steal their power and hope the people will believe that their superiors are on their side to
gain trust and power. Both groups weaken or even destroy the country for their own benefits. This type
of calamity will occur in the distant future. It wont be long and you will hear and see it happen.

Dream No. 5
King Pasenadis fifth dream: - he saw a one headed horse with two mouths which can eat grass
with both mouths but will not get full no matter how much it eats.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Equine) in the distant future. Judges will extort money from
both sides of the parties as bribery for inquisition. Some cases will get postponed to acquire more
money. They will request all kinds of fees for their own satisfaction without mercy or ethics. If they do
not get what they want they will not take the complaint. They will shamelessly demand as much as
they desire.
For small cases, they will demand according to the proportion and for big cases they will demand for
the maximum and only then they will pronounce the case or overturn the case. They will annihilate
law and justice. This type of activity will occur all over the world in every society. This type of
calamity will occur in the distant future. It wont be long and you will hear and see it happen.
Dream No. 6
King Pasenadis sixth dream: - he saw a group of rich people bringing extremely expensive
golden trays for foxes to defecate and urinate on them.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Golden Tray) in the distant future there will be foolish
people claiming to be knowledgeable and trustworthy. They are well known in society, mature but
unreliable and they will propagate that they teach the Buddhas teaching. In reality they teach out of
selfishness, desire and lust and try to distort the Buddhas teachings. They try to adapt the Buddhas
teachings, and blend it with their doctrine and declare that my teachings are part of their doctrine which
will make most people misunderstand and assume that my teachings can blend with their doctrine and
believe that they are one and the same. But those doctrines cant comprehend the value of my
teachings in any way because their minds are not pure. This type of people will exist in the future after
my death. There will be a great variety of doctrines that will claim to be religion.
People from families out of lower social status will raise their status with education and gain important
position. People from higher social status will have to give their daughters to people from lower status
because it's the era for lower people to gain power. This happens because those families from higher
status live in negligence. Not too far in the future all will hear and see, there will be more turmoil in
religions. Monks will deteriorate in discipline, not obeying their disciplinary rules. They do not
practice like monks but like laymen and are only interested in rank and status. Their followers will try
to bring them rank and titles. There will be great disturbance in religious circles and people will lose
their faith and start to look for other refuges. They will turn to mediums, magic and fortune tellers
because they can give them better advice than psychiatrists. There will be more of these things happen
in near future; we will be able to witness this.
Dream No. 7
King Pasenadis seventh dream: - he saw a man weaving books into ropes on a bench and there
were foxes waiting to bite and eat the rope when it's completed. Once the rope was completed the
foxes ate it all up.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (A man weaving rope) in the distant future, people with

immoral mind will obtain titles, working in high office and relying on the power of the king. They
administrate the affairs of the country on the behalf of the king with foolishness, lack of intelligence
and impolite speech, revealing intern secrets of the palace to the common people. People from
different doctrines with bad intentions towards the king will hear this and lose respect for the king and
the whole dynasty. This type of calamity will occur in the future, it will not be long and we will hear
and see this. Those people with bad intentions toward the royalty will become destructive (like
Dream No. 8
King Pasenadis eights dream: - he saw large earthen jars and small earthen jars in the same
location. People will stand in queue to fill those large earthen jars with water until they overflow but no
one care to fill those small earthen jars.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Earthen Jar) in the distant future people will make donations
selectively. Senior monks with higher rank will get attention and people will give too much offerings
with expensive goods and food, whereas novices sitting beside those senior monks will not be
presented with any offerings at all. The people will have to work much harder to pay their tax to the
country without thinking of saving some for themselves. They will seek accommodations which satisfy
their desires for luxury and comfort without end. This type of calamity will occur in the future. It will
not be too long for all to see and hear.
Dream No. 9
King Pasenadis ninth dream: - he saw a pond with clear water but the water in the middle of the
pond was muddy and dirty. All animals went to the center of the pond to drink but they didnt care
about the clean and cool water at the ponds bank, they just smelt it and passed by it.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Large pond) in the distant future people will be endlessly
greedy, they cant get enough possessions. Honest work will not be desirable because the small salary
they receive for it is not satisfying to their greedy minds. They apply for jobs in politics and once
voted they handle the states affairs and finances with corruption. They try to get as much as possible
out of their job as long as they have it. They work with the motto may the best man win. This type of
calamity will occur all over the world, in every country and every territory. It will multiply enormously
and cause turmoil on every continent. Some will be more corrupt than others and then they will
eventually expose each others' secrets and cant get along anymore. Each party will have their own
clique. Occasionally there will be revolutions and coup d' etat because of fights among the demons in
Capitals will not be suitable living places because of an increase of dangers. The public will migrate to
rural areas. This type of calamity will occur in the future. It will not be too long for all of us to hear
and see.
Dream No. 10
King Pasenadis tenth dream: - he saw rice in a pot which was in different states of the cooking
process. Cooked in one section and half cooked in another section and totally raw in yet another

Buddha made the prediction that: - (Uncooked) in the distant future most people in the world will
have differences in thoughts. One group believes that I am their refuge and truly respect me. They
believe that my teachings are correct and when practiced to completion, it will lead them to completely
overcome suffering. They believe in nibbana, heaven and hell and that there is such thing as good
karma and bad karma. But they do not change, and when they die while still have passions and desires,
they will be reborn.
Another group is not sure if nibbana still exists in this time because it is long time ago that the Buddha
was alive on this earth.
They wonder if the Buddha's teaching is still originally. They wonder if monks that practice good self
conduct will achieve nibbana. They are full of doubts and uncertainty and because of this they fail to
do any good deeds or practice ethic principles. They wander without refuge, lack in morality and
finally find no refuge in their old age because they did not do any good deeds to prepare for the future.
Another group will totally reject the concept of nibbana. They do not believe in life after death and
therefore are bound to mistreat their parents, society, steal Buddha images and sell them and steal from
the temples. When Buddhism comes to its declining state, people will misinterpret the Buddhas
teachings and prefer immorality more and more. It will not be long for all of us to hear and see this.
Dream No. 11
King Pasenadis eleventh dream: - he saw a group of people exchanging cores of red sandal
wood which is expensive to trade with just a pot of sour milk which is absolutely incomparable in
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Core of red sandal wood) in the distant future, a group of
people will trade my teachings for money. They will publish and sell them to make a living. They will
try to make all kinds of business with my teachings to earn money which is incomparable to the value
of the teachings. It wont be long then philosophers will interpret that my teachings are the same as
other religions' teachings. They will say that I teach everybody to be good (but my teachings teaches
people to achieve nibbana, which is reached by standing above good and bad) and philosophers will not
practice my teachings but they will try to interpret my teachings to appear to be enlightened ones.
There will be lots of these philosophers in the future. These calamities will occur towards the end of
the Buddhist era. It will not be long and all will certainly hear and witness this.
Dream No. 12
King Pasenadis twelfth dream: - he saw a dried up hollow bottle gourd sinking into the water
which would normally float on the water. This truly baffled him.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Dried up hollow bottle gourd) in the distant future, good
knowledgeable and wise individuals both monks and laymen who deserve praise and admiration in
society will be hindered by groups of bullies repeatedly. Good laymen will not get the chance to work
in the countries administration. Those that are knowledgeable, capable and honest will not be elected
into the higher government positions and if they will be elected then there will be groups of dishonest
people working for their own benefits trying to harass them. These dishonest people will regard the
good people as evils and they will try to cover their own misconducts.
Good people will not get a chance in their society and monks will get the similar treatment. Good and
well disciplined monks, highly educated, which strive for the achievement of nibbana or work to help

the society will be considered as undesirable to them and get no respect from them. They may share
their abundant necessities but without clear conscience or they may just offer very small amounts just
to get by. Those monks will have a difficult life; people will not want to go into monk-hood for this
reason. Eventually, good monks will fade away and disappear from society. This type of calamity will
occur in the future and it will not be long before all will see and hear.
Dream No. 13
King Pasenadis thirteenth dream: - he saw a solid block of stone as big as a ship floating of the
surface of water like an empty bark. Normally such stone would sink but that block of stone just floated
on the surface of water.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Big solid stone) in the distant future, bad people will get
praised and be admired in society. They will have rank and power; they will be popular and dignified.
They will have many subordinates and followers. If they were laymen they will be well-liked and
respected everywhere they go. The crowd will greet them and please them they are like a big mirror
that reflexes the image of that country. Prosperity or decline of the community of such a country will
be seen in this big mirror. The congress is this big mirror; it reflects the character of the elected
members. The elected congressional members will have similar character to those that voted for them
because they will pick the type of people that are similar to them. The trait will be the same for clerics
or ascetics, whether the religion will prosper or decline will depend on all of the 4 congregations.
Without help, monks alone will not be eminent among the community. Monks can become famous
because their followers advertise their goodness or sacredness and the miracles they have performed.
Their followers advertise their knowledge and abilities, whether the monks like that or not. Disciples of
some monks will determine the character of their own teachers and turn them into saints or so called
Established Saints.
Disciples will make the public know how strictly their teachers follow the principles, beyond the actual
truth. This is the floating solid stone that's so eminent; its a business hiding beneath the yellow robes
of the monks. Some will arrange tours to visit temples just to get a cheap vacation and overcharge
others in the group. Some of them will take a part of the donations. Religion can not depend on these
people because they misuse it to make a living. Finally people will lose faith because they can see the
unworthiness of monks in that era. People with wisdom, stability of mind, and the ability to reason will
seek for true monks. In the time of decline of Buddhism this type of calamity will certainly occur. It
will not be long for all to hear and see for themselves especially during the time of recession or war this
will happen everywhere.
Dream No. 14
King Pasenadis fourteenth dream: - he saw a small toad chasing an enormous cobra for a meal.
Once caught, the toad immediately devoured the snake.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (A small toad chasing enormous black cobra once caught she
immediately devoured it as if it were a small insect) in the distant future, famous monks with great
ability to give rhetoric speeches gain influence and power. They start to play an important role in
society, are respected and trusted by people and gain admiration. That makes them become conceited,
without conscience, and they do not know how to be humble.

They lack of wisdom and therefore lack of the ability to control their five senses and the mind. They
get attached to beautiful sights, sounds, fragrances, flavors, tangible sensations and pleasant thoughts.
This will be followed by passion for love and sex. They become possessed by sexual desire and
therefore small toads (women) will see the opportunity to seductively lure with charming words that
fascinate the cobras. And then the toad devours the cobra. In the distance future all will see and hear
this for themselves.
Dream No. 15
King Pasenadis fifteenth dream: - he saw a crow surrounded by golden swans wherever the crow went,
those golden swans will surround it as followers.
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Golden swans served a crow) in the distant future, newly
ordained monks and novices whose morals are not quite pure will surround, admire and pay respect to
immoral monks as teachers. The crow is clever and devious in giving gifts in return for the respect of
all little swans, small swans, and big swans. The swans will show how important the crow is by
sending gifts every month. Every year they will gain more status and titles. They will not work for
religion but they flatter the housemaster for status in return.
When the era of decline of Buddhism is coming, there will more immoral monks. Monks and novices
who lack of education and guidance in monkshood will not understand the discipline and their duties.
They will not conduct their daily prayer but just watch TV, those in the rural area will enter monkshood
for the sake of tradition or they do it for money, some will do it on their parents' request and while
being ordained they will bring entertainment to the temple which violate the rules and regulations of
priesthood and bring unwholesome kamma for their parents and relatives. They do not perform monks
duties and lack of discipline. They neither listen nor pay attention during dhamma teachings. They talk
without respect and are even proud of their immoral behavior, without shame and not afraid of the
results of their unwholesome deeds. This will happen in the distant future and all will hear and see.
Dream No. 16
King Pasenadis sixteenth dream: - he saw a herd of goats hunting tigers and enjoying eating the tigers
Buddha made the prediction that: - (Tigers were afraid of being hunt by goats and disappeared)
in the distant future, people will not be satisfied with a monarchy. They will turn against the monarchy
and vote for democracy. In order to decrease the role and the power of the King they put him under the
same administration and the same laws. When the King rejects the proposal, they will start a coupe
detat to seize power in accordance with their desires. If any King resists, they will eradicate the
monarchic regime of that country. In some countries the King consents to the peoples demand and
surrenders his power. Then he will be highly respected, trusted, and praised as their moral supporter
and a God like individual and be the center of peoples moral.
Once the King consents to the wishes of the people the voted democratic government will soon be
misguided and believing that they rightfully deserve their status, they misuse their power to benefit
themselves and their siblings. Eventually there will be other equally powerful groups which to try to
take over and this will endlessly go on. This type of event will happen in the distant future and we all
will hear and see it.

Things to ponder
Readers, men and women, bear in mind that we all have to support goodness to set good samples
for the future of our descendants. We should regard Buddhas predictions as Forecast. Forecasts are
superior to predictions because predictions are meant for short term.
Whats the meaning of it being superior?
For example, predictions were made by astrologers of the king and by the 108 Brahmins which were
invited to the palace, to make predictions for the future of Prince Siddhartha. These predictions had to
be calculated concerning time, factors and mathematic formulas. Buddha used his special wisdom that
he had gained through practicing uncountable lifetimes and through his ability to clearly visualize. He
only spoke of his forecast once and never again and all of them came true as he'd said it over two
thousand years ago.
Almost every forecast happens in todays society. These forewarnings were given to the world to
acknowledge - not only for King Pasenadi. We can see it happen in many societies in the world. The
author of this book did not believe it as he read the scriptures but came to realize how accurate the
forecast was, as he reflected on many occurrences throughout many epochs. His forecast truly benefits
the world and therefore the author decided to compile and give it to those who have faith in the
Buddhas teachings. The author wants to apologize for any error that the book may have. Any merits
will be given to those who helped in publishing this book. The author wishes all those involved in the
publishing of this book, prosperity and happiness.
The Translators and Reviser also ask for apology for any mistakes in the translation.
Five Stabilities
After the Parinibbana (final nibbana) of the Buddha, these forecasts have marked periodically
every 500 years rising and 500 years of decline of morality and ethics.
1. Stabilized freedom; 500 years after Buddhas death, moral principles prospered, people were
abundant with merits, faith was unwavering and many achieved ultimate wisdom and became liberated.
(From B.E. 1-500)
2. Stabilized concentration ; the second 500 years after Buddhas death, people tried to earn
merit from meditation practice therefore people meditated more, and many reached a high level of
absorption (jhana). (From B.E. 500-1000)
3. Stabilized listeners; the third 500 years after Buddhas death, less merit was done, many
observed and knew the teachings well, they were talking about the teaching but fewer actually
practiced. (From B.E. 1000-1500)
4. Stabilized temples; the fourth 500 years after Buddhas death, in this period those who
ordained were not pleased in listening to the teachings, they concentrated on building temples, pagodas
and living places, to improve their image or to have better accommodation while being a monk. (From
B.E. 1500-2000)

5. Stabilized controversy; the fifth 500 years after his death, in this Buddhist era religion
deteriorated. The observers of the teachings abandoned the Sila (morality), Samadhi (concentration)
and Panna (wisdom) but contradicted and competed among themselves, misbehaved, violated the
principles to the point of condemnation. They did not believe in the principles doing good, will have
good results and doing bad will have bad results (From B.E. 2000-2500)
Once Phra Ananda dreamed of a large lion death, immediately there were maggots all over the
lion. Phra Ananda told the Buddha about his dream the Buddha sighed and said to Phra Ananda, In
the future buddhism will be destroyed by people within the Sangha. So in the fifth era religious
doctrines and people will be competing with one another. They will cause a great number of
controversies; they will fight for status and benefits secretly and out in the open.
500 years after means this last era, from now on - two thousand five hundred and some years
after Buddhas death, is the time that moral principles will flourish again. The circle of dhamma
returns to the first five hundred years of Stabilized freedom, an era that saves mankind from being
unwholesome throughout the three worlds (heaven, earth, and hell).
Predictions of the Buddha Part 2
The Worlds Revolution
Buddhas teachings predicted about changes in the world. World means creatures that includes
mountains, plants, rivers, water, natural resources such as minerals and humans change as time passes.
A group of pilgrims undertook the mission to go to India to bring relics of the Buddha and the
Bodhitree in B.E. 2484. They replicated Buddhas predictions from a stone inscription at the Deerpark
in Benares as follows:
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu! The Buddha having compassion for all creatures that were born to
struggle, when his death was near, he said to his disciple Phra Ananda:
Listen to me Ananda, all creatures that are born into this world have to suffer, no matter what
nationality, religion, believe they are, everywhere, all over the world, they all have to go to an end.
My teaching will last 5,000 years after my death, when the world reach the half time of my teaching
(2,500 years), half of all human and animals will face major catastrophes from all directions. Within 30
years, they will see things that they have never seen before, a stone giant that was cursed to sleep will
wake up to create disturbances.
At the half time of my religion, there will be more dangers by day and night. People following other
beliefs will kill one another; bloodshed will be everywhere, on land and in the seas. Dangers will also
come from every direction of the sky. Fire will continuously to burn mankind; they will destroy each
other like blood thirsty demons. Rage will come over land and sea. When half of mankind has been
eradicated the battles will cease because each side will be exhausted.
For those that stay in virtue, their suffering will be less severe. Those that pay respect to the
Bodhitree and the robes (of Buddhist monks) the calamity will be minimized but still even they will be

unable to escape nature.

From year 2485 B.E. fire will spread to the east and burns temples. Monks, Nuns, laymen and
Laywomen will suffer starvation, people will live in the jungles, and animals will come to town. Cities
will be in turmoil because of selfish people. Fireballs from flaming skies (like bombs), metals will rise
from seas (missiles).
The oceans will have strong turbulences, the crust of the earth will be affected, and Tsunamis will
swallow millions of animal and human continuously for years. There will be 7 Tsunamis. The first
Tsunami will hit Thailand and Indonesia, the second will hit Indonesia, and the third will hit the east
region of Thailand. It will happen twice at every location and nearby areas.
This type of events occurred a thousand years ago and will happen again in the next century, due to
global warming. People try to control nature and end up destroying it (example: the powerful countries
in the world doing experiments with atomic bombs). Wars happens everywhere, constant battles,
military will be superior in almost every country. Food will be short in supply, people will starve.
Chaos will happen among classes and castes. Orders will reverse in many levels.
Once Buddhism passed through the year of the big snake, people will crawl instead of walking,
in the year of small snake, the river banks will collapse, and land will submerge under the sea. In the
year of chicken the earth will be dark for 7 days and 7 nights and heads for disaster. Scrupulous people
will escape the catastrophe and develop Metta (Loving kindness) and Sila (Morality). They should
recite the following chant every morning and evening :
"He ta she ra tan Mon ka lo un ka Si la ka la sa Sa sa sa Ti ho tat hi ho ku ha ka nae" recite
this verse regularly, write it down on paper or white cloth and pin it to the front of the house or head of
the bed or wrap it around your head to escape or avoid dangers and disasters.
Listen to me Ananda, I feel compassion with all living beings in this world that only live to the
half time of the era when it crumbles. In the year of the dog after my religion declines, the moon will
begin to emit rays to the earth. Then in the year of the rat or 30 years after, the unscrupulous, those who
lack ethic principles and are devoid of morality will vanish from the face of the earth, because they do
not believe in and disrespect the teachings. The unscrupulous will eventually be defeated, the garuda
will fly back to the skies; monks from the forests will return to the cities and preserve the teachings.
Morality will win. Religion will stay as national institution; people will be ethical and will not exploit
one another. Everyone will return to a life with moral principles and they will live with contentment.
A righteous man will be born as a prince with the heart of a bodhisattva and under the guidance of a
certain patriarch who is a bodhisattva as well; they will nourish my teaching and make it bloom again.
This era is the "civilized" era; a certain patriarch will be born 2454 years after my death. 2467 to
2486 years after my death the righteous bodhisattva will be born in the royal family. Both of them will
reside on the east side of central India. Between the year of the dog and pig these two will completely
reestablish Buddhism. 84,000 monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen will come. Ananda, I feel
compassion with all sentient beings. There is not much time left so living beings should not be
heedless. Those who knew, should pass this knowledge on, otherwise they create unwholesome kamma
with all living beings. All will come to an end when time has come.

Horoscope of Thailand According to the Forecast

This is not Buddha's prediction.
Thailand's horoscope as predicted by a group of astrologers back at the beginning of the city of
Bangkok, on the 1st of April 2325 B.E. tenth day of the sixth waxing moon. The city was forecasted to
10 eras as follow:
1. Horrendous Evil was in the first reign of Chakri dynasty. Fighting and war united the land
securely. The situation in this era is called "Horrendous Evil" because right after the coronation the
king had to conquer the unrest outside of the country. He had to fight with Burmaseveral times and had
to bring his troops to strike Tawai. He was forced to declare important laws such as rebel conquering
law, palace law governing the members of the Royal Household and the martial law. There were many
apprehensive incidents therefore the astrologers called this era as "Horrendous Evil".
2. Prayers for Giant the second reign of Chakri dynasty 2363 B.E. There was a widespread of
the Asiatic cholera in the capital city. Many people died each day and the cemetery of Saket temple,
Sungwej temple, Bophitphimook temple etc., were full of corpses.
Along the river and canals were floating corpses which made the people unable to drink and use the
water. The smell of corpses was everywhere. The streets were abundant and silent no pedestrian were
seen because they were hiding in their homes, afraid of contracting the disease. His Majesty the King
ordered the firing of cannons ceremony around the walls of the palace for 1 night, to respect the
Emerald Buddha and Buddha's relics. He asked various temples to pray "Prayers for Giant" to chase
despicable curses believed to be the cause of the illness. The plaque lasted almost 2 months and caused
over 30,000 deaths. This is why "Prayers for Giant" is the name for this era.
3. Love the Poets getting into the third reign of Chakri dynasty, people liked to write poems,
verses, long musicals. One important and famous poet of that time is Sunthorn Phu. Thailand made
friendly relations with many countries such as in the year 2367 B.E. Thailand allied with England.
Thailand fought again with Burma. The Thai army moved in and struck at Peguan border in 2369 B.E.
England sent captain Henry Burney as a diplomatic agent to meet with the King, an amicability
contract was drafted and in 2376 B.E. an American named S. Roman Robert brought a message from
the 7th President of the United States of America, Andrew Jackson was seeking friendship with
Thailand. This was the"Love the Poets" era.
4. Religious the fourth reign of Chakri dynasty favored religiousness. The king was very
focused on religion and so he entered the monkshood for 27 years before he descended on the throne.
He built many temples for the Dhammayut tradition, communicated with many countries in Europe and
brought in and modified European culture to Thailand. This is the "Religious" era.
5. Surrender the land Thailand faced many difficulties when the great powers from the western
world tried to conquer Thailand. Franceand England tried very hard to colonize Thailand. This
saddened the Thai people a great deal because the land is a privilege to Thai people and was allotted 14
times. The 5th reign of Chakri dynasty had to surrender some of the land to foreign countries that were
invading, in order to keep independence and stay peaceful. The 5th reign of Chakri dynasty had to
combine the teachings of the Buddha with diplomacy which were the 7 principles of high morals
throughout the whole confrontation, hence the name Surrender the land.
6. Populace Poor the 6th reign of Chakri dynasty, Thailand entered the World War I. Every

country involved suffered fallen economy, people were poor. The population had to endure lots of
hardships. This is the Populace Poor era.
7. Complain Population in the 7th reign of Chakri dynasty the country was disorganized. Trend
of changes in the administration began to reach Thailand. People were articulated and therefore it is
the Complain Population era. Even the newly reigned King Rama VII mentioned that "I was born in
the era that the curtain is about to be drawn". The suffering of the population worsened due to the
fallen economy till the overthrow of the administration occurred in 2475 B.E. Peoples committees
rescinded the system that put the King above the law and changed to democracy with the King as the
chief of the country.
This era was called Complaint Population.
8. Savage Era World War II, Hiroshima, Japan was bombed by an atomic bomb killing countless
people. It was the most lethal war weapon ever. At the same time the King Rama VII decided to
become a King under the constitution. The situation in the country became even gloomier soon after,
uprising and chaos occurred regularly. There were executions of some political prisoners. In the later
period Thailand was at war and the population suffered severely, costs of living were sky rocketed.
Politicians were corrupted and ultimately the 8th regent of theChakri dynasty was mysteriously
assassinated. This era matched the prediction as the Savage Era fully.
9.White Crows Territory 9th reign of Chakri dynasty prior to 2500 B.E., the country developed into
civilization. In this era Thailandhas developed very good relations with foreign countries. Many
foreign countries established international aiding organizations here in Thailandand many Thais went
for education to foreign countries. The congressional committee had the opportunity to see the world.
Thailand entered the social communication era. People conducted businesses boundlessly.
International companies had a great deal of influence so it is also called Globalization era. There was a
lot of financial freedom. Prosperity and progress of the country brought in western technology. It's an
era that uses politics as business, business of corruption, deforestation to the point that Thailand lost its
financial independence to foreign countries.
There are 3 threats and 8 distresses which are:
Economic threats are inflation, high costs of living, bankrupted businesses, debts throughout the
population and unemployment.
Epidemic threats are cancer, skin cancer, mouth cancer, uterus cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer,
lung cancer, bone cancer, AIDS, bird flu, respiratory cancer, yellow rain, bacteria of the brain and
Natural threats that kill many people such as flood, fire, gas explosions, land slide, tsunami. The
first time occurred between Indonesiaand Thailand, the second time happened in Indonesia and the
third time will happen along the eastern seaboard of Thailand. This will be very extensive and it will
affect many countries and in 2550 - 2553 B.E. Bangkok will be severely flooded. Thailand will have
economic losses.
The actual 3 threats and 8 distresses should end in 2546 B.E. The last 3 years prior to the ending
(this started from the month of July 2542 2546) there will be catastrophes wiping out mankind in
many locations on earth. Earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan, frequent plane crashes, flood in many

countries. The experts predicted that the loss of human lives will be 1% or 60 million people due to the
tilted axis of the earth, increase in magnetic fields on earth separated religions and kingdoms. Going
through this era will not be very easy.
10. Civilized People is the era that the country will prosper and progress. Population will be
happy and civilized. This civilized people era is peaceful. Christianity calls it the new world era, an
era of righteousness. Jupiter will rest and Saturn will orbit faster for 3 years and on the 5th of May
2000 A.D. a group of 9 stars will line up.
11. Overturned Crisis becomes Opportunity to make the 3 threats and 8 distresses dissolve. The
country was calculated into white crow territory era the land of the civilized, by relying on a group of
stars that line up as follow: Pluto, Neptune, Mars, Uranus, Moon, Earth, Venus, Mercury, Sun and
Saturn. Pluto will be taken away from the group of planets to realign the amicability between religions
and the world to be as one in order to enter the civilized era. In the future people will be more
generous to one another which derives from the loss of their families, from wars between people that
use religion as bargaining tools. Some religions use youths as bargaining tool or rely on the masses as
bargaining tool against the law of the land. But eventually grief and compassion intensify and end the
war because the victims are not just the enemies but they themselves are the ones affected. They will
become religious and vegetarian to try to redeem their misdeed, and they will be kind to one another.
And on that day that a group of stars line up straight, religions and the country become one.
This good fortune can set off the ultimate truth era as follow:
White Crow territory is the era of the Civilized Land.
Civilized people era is an era of the physically civilized, morally kind.
Great country Thailand is an era in which the country is economically and financially great.
Great Emperor is an era of the great emperor, rich and happy.
1. 2482 - 2492 B.E. Evil era.
2. 2492 - 2502 B.E. Visiting friends era.
3. 2502 - 2512 B.E. Losing territory era.
4. 2512 - 2522 B.E. Havoc era.
5. 2522 - 2532 B.E. Land taken over by the outlaw era.
6. 2532 - 2542 B.E. Prosper socialite era.
7. 2542 - 2552 B.E. Admiring the traitor era.
8. 2552 - 2562 B.E. Grievance land era.
9. 2562 - 2572 B.E. Alleviated world era.
10. 2572 - 2582 B.E. Worry free era.
The present time is in 7th era "Admiring the traitor" its an era that unmoral attitudes affect the
country, causes the country to be disunited, facing all kinds of troubles. There is a forecast toward the
end of year of the dog 2549 B.E. period of moonless nights. People will suffer from many causes.
This is called 8 distresses and they are:
Distress from flood coming from the melting ice mountains which raise the sea level
Distress from selfishness

Distress from lack of food

Distress from family separation
Distress from death in the fields
Distress from inconvenience to leave the country
Distress from inability to sleep
The capital did not only suffer from war but also from other endless problems. These 8 distresses
will occur in Thailand and other democracy countries because people will abuse their rights and ruin
others' rights without shame. They only focus on self profit. The mass media war clash with the
government will occur. The experts will get talkative yet pointless.
Government minor officials will become scapegoats. The top administrator will bring their followers
as subordinates. Many groups will use the country's benefit as a front to build trust from the people.
These types of people only seek to profit themselves. It will not be long before we get to see for
ourselves. As a matter of fact, the author learned from many teachers about forecasting Thailand and
the changes in the world mentioned. The seas will become mountains, mountains will turn into flat
land, villages will become cemeteries, and humans will eat dogs. Bullies will takeover again. Those
that believe that they are in the upper class will wear skimpy clothes or non at all. Modeling will
become undressing (calling it a new fashion).
The author could not truly believe that the teachers' forecast will come true and did not quite agree
with them at first. But today, I understand and witness the reality of the forecast. If the readers are
interested to read more about which provinces will face the most dangers, they should do so and will
understand better. Who will solve the problems for Thailand? Whats the name of the prince on a
white horse who brings back prosperity?
I will like to thank those that were interested enough to have read the whole book. It will not be
a bad idea to prepare yourself and be careful. The author is always prepared as well because I have not
believed in the forecast until I saw it for myself.
The author wishes everybody to escape all dangers, stay healthy, wealthy and happy!
If buddhism exists, we stay alive.
If buddhism vanishes, Thai will exist no longer.
Biographical Data (Phra Khru Palat Veeranon Veerananto)
Phra Khru Palat Veeranon Veerananto was born on Sunday the 21st of October 2505 B.E., the 11th of
waning moon of the 11th month at 29 Moo 6, Sub-district Moungboa, Kasetwisai District, Roi Et.
- Graduated from Chantharubegsanusorn High school, Kasetwisai District, Roi Et.
- Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion Education, Mahidol University.
- Master of Arts in Teaching in Thai Education, Rajabhat Thonburi University.
Entering the Monkshood
Study of the Tripitaka and Meditation.
He entered monkshood in the year 2525 B.E.

He was a disciple of Luangpoo Bhimbha Kowito who was a disciple of Luang Poo Fan Arjaro .
Phra Khru Palat Veeranon practiced Meditation and the Dhutanga practices of a forest monk for 11
years. Then he followed an invitation fromPhra Khru Paibul Samutsarn, the abbot of Wat
Sinvisethsuttaram who asked him to help teaching meditation at this temple.
Phra Khru Paibul Samutsarn was a disciple of Luang Poo Sukh of Wat Pakklongmakhamthao.
At that time Phra Khru Paibul Samutsarn was 89 years of age and one of the teachers that Phra
Phimoldham (Somdet Buddhacharn) of WatMahatat Bangkok gave a great deal of respect. He was
excellent in his meditation practice and he was also a master of the Tripitaka of that era.
Phra Khru Palat Veeranon became a disciple of Phra Khru Paibul Samutsarn and practiced Meditation
and strictly observed the Vinaya.
Phra Khru Paibul Samutsarn therefore recommended him to become a disciple of Somdet
Phra Phimoldham and to study the practice of the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness (4 satipatthana), the
practice of Anapanasati from Somdet PhraPhimoldham.
He also studied Meditation practice with the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw (Sophone Mahathera)
formerly Principal of Meditation Masters of Myanmar (Burma).
This trip to Myanmar was a pilgrimage journey. He spent a year studying the practice in Myanmar.
Returning to Thailand he studied Meditation with Phra Rachvitee (Maha Chotdok Thera) at Wat
Mahathat for 3 months and was teaching meditation at various places to this day.
Public services and dissemination of Buddhism
- Formerly an abbot of Wat Pathomkongka in Kasetvisai District, Roi Et.
- Formerly acting as an abbot of Wat Tat in Kasetvisai District, Roi Et.
- Teaching detainees in prisons for Samut Songkhram during 2537 - 2540 B.E.
- Teacher of camp Buddha Butra.
- Teacher for Sikhao School of mobile meditation center of Thailand at Wat Suwanprasith, Bang Kapi,
- Meditation Master teaching monks of mobile meditation center of Thailand
During 2530 - 2540 B.E.
- First in Thailand to be invited to teach in Spain for 5 months in both study and practice of
- The only Buddhist monk from Thailand to be invited to meditate and pray for world peace in
Tibet, together with 3,000 Chinese, Tibetan and Buddhist monks from other countries. In this
occasion, there were 12 Tibetan monk withRinpoche level which is a the highest rank for Tibetan
monks. Rinpoches follow next to Dalai Lama and are highly competent in meditation. They also
participated in this event of meditation and praying in 2549 B.E.
- An abbot of Watpacharoenratdhammaram, Lam Luka District, Pathum Thani.
- Chairman of Wimoldhamma Foundation.
- Meditation Master for newly ordained monks of Lam Luka, Pathumthani.
- Meditation Master of Mahidol University dental students.
- Meditation Master of medical science, Chulalongkorn University.
- Meditation Master for Thai Young Buddhist Practice Association Project.
- Meditation Master for students, general public, regional government agencies and
private sectors.
- Meditation Master for Thai and foreign Buddhists at the temple throughout the year.

- The Happy Couple.
- Nostradamus' Predictions.
- Mysterious of the World.
- Overseas Pilgrimage.
- Meditation for Life.
- Contrary of Dhamma.
- 16 Predictions of the Buddha
- Freedom of Mind

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