Fracturing Unconventional Gas Reservoirs: New Plays, New Technologies

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New Plays, New Technologies:

Fracturing Unconventional Gas Reservoirs

May 5 2009
7:00 pm 9:00 pm
Location: North Peace Cultural Center
Corner of 100th Ave and 100th St
Fort St John BC
The search for oil and gas has three objectives: to identify and evaluate hydrocarbonbearing reservoirs; to bring hydrocarbons to the surface safely and cost-effectively
respectful of the environment; and to maximize the yield from each discovery.
Current technologies for fracturing shale gas wells require a large number of high
pressure pumping units and trucks, thousands of cubic meters of water, and thousands of
tonnes of sand per well; requirements that in turn present challenges to develop access
infrastructure, and determine water sourcing and use.
The presentation from Schlumberger will include the operational and logistical aspects
of shale gas slick water fracturing processes and the technical subsurface explanation of
shale gas formations. The tools, technologies, and challenges of these processes will be
Schlumberger was founded on breakthrough technology more than 80 years ago. Their
commitment to technology innovation continues with the development of solutions that
meet the changing needs of the oil and gas industry.

This is a Peace Region Professionals recognized Pro-D event. Please respect the
educational intent of the presentation. There will be a $5 cost recovery fee charged at
the door.
To register contact Lisa at Sci-Tech North 250 785 9600 or

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