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Sophie Fouts

English III 1302
Response 4: The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Parable: a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. In this weeks
reading, we were charged with reading The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Having read the story
several times before in many different versions, including King James, New International
Version, The Message, and comic book form, I knew what was going to happen, but even having
read the story several times over does not diminish this storys message in any shape or form.
The story of The Parable of the Prodigal Son is basically one big representation of the
grace and love of God despite what any person may have done. The Prodigal Son made the
conscious decision to leave his fathers house and enjoy the ways of the world. In that time, he
was brought lower than the dirt on which he stood. Jesus illustrated this through the use of the
Prodigal Son having to feed the pigs and wishing to eat their food. To the Jews, this showed how
bad the sons situation was because pigs one of the most unclean animals in all Israel. Nowadays
this uncleanliness would symbolize sin.
Then the son realizes what life was like under his fathers care and returns to beg him for
a position as a servant; in Hebrew it is actually slave. However, the father, who is a
representation of God, does the opposite of what the son expected. The father saw his son from a
distance and runs up to grasp him in a hug. There are many other things that could also be said
about this story, but in all this story exemplifies the love that God has for all his children that
return to him and accept his embrace.

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