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The term water treatment and supply describes the process of treat the water
from source, especially river, process of flow water in every section to be treat and supply
it to consumers. These properties collectively determine the overall water treatment
process and supply in mechanical, technical, machineries and sources. Water treatment
and supply is only meaningful when evaluated in relation to the use of the water. The
reason is that water treatment and supply may be important to maintain the quality of
water that will be use by consumer, but important to know the flow of processing water.
For example, we need to know how it processing in the plant through many mechanical
process from water intake to water supply to users. The principal objective therefore of
water treatment is to produce water that is fit for domestic use reliably and consistently
from a raw water source at a cost that is reasonable to the consumers around Saratok
district. A water treatment plant employs many individual treatment processes
(sometimes called unit processes and unit operations) that are linked in a process train to
produce water of the desired quality.


Project background

This project is important for rural area at Saratok district to get the treated water
supply in daily life. This project is located at Kaki Wong Krian, Saratok. This project was
proposed by Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar Dan Wilayah (KKLW) as a client for
rural area at Saratok. The construction of the Kaki Wong Water Treatment Plant, the
biggest water supply in the state, cost RM120 million. The plant has the capacity of
supplying 25 MLD of clean water to 13,000 households in Saratok, Awik, Krian and
nearby areas. According to record, the project which started on Jan 18, 2012 was
supposed to be completed by June 1, 2013. But, since the contractor failed to beat the
scheduled completion date, it was revised to July 31, 2014. This project was consulted by
Perunding TCS Sdn Bhd as project consultant. The main contractor for this project was
Empayar Setia Sdn Bhd (ESSB). Cekap Air Sdn Bhd also involved in this project as
specialist M&E Contractor. This plant input is 27.6 MLD and Plant output is 25 MLD to
supply the water.


Water Treatment Process and Supply

Water Treatment Plants have many processes and steps before a household turns
on their tap and receives water. From the river to the processing units there is a vigorous
process with many steps that are all essential in assuring high quality water for drinking.
The water treatment process may vary slightly at different locations, depending on the
technology of the plant and the water it needs to process, but the basic principles are
largely the same. This section describes standard water treatment processes.

Process units in water treatment plant:


Cascade aeration
Hydraulic Mixing of coagulant
Baffled Flocculation
Sedimentation tanks (4 Nos)
Rapid sand filtration with combined air water wash
Chlorine contact tank and clear water tank

Figure 1.2 Hydraulic Flow


Intake & Raw Water Pumping Plant

Intake Structure
The basic function of the intake structure is to help in safely withdrawing water from the
source over predetermined pool levels and then to discharge this water into the
withdrawal conduit (normally called intake conduit), through which it flows up to water
treatment plant.

Factors Governing Location of Intake


As far as possible, the site should be near the treatment plant so

that the cost of conveying water to the city is less.


The intake must be located in the purer zone of the source to draw
best quality water from the source, thereby reducing load on the
treatment plant.


The intake must never be located at the downstream or in the

vicinity of the point of disposal of wastewater.


The site should be such as to permit greater withdrawal of water, if

required at a future date.


The intake must be located at a place from where it can draw water
even during the driest period of the year.


The intake site should remain easily accessible during floods and
should not get flooded. Moreover, the flood waters should not be
concentrated in the vicinity of the intake.

Design Considerations

sufficient factor of safety against external forces such as heavy

currents, floating materials, submerged bodies, ice pressure, etc.


should have sufficient self-weight so that it does not float by up

thrust of water.

A pump is a device which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. It lifts water
from a lower to a higher level and delivers it at high pressure. Pumps are employed in
water supply projects at various stages for following purposes:

To lift raw water from wells.

To deliver treated water to the consumer at desired pressure.


To supply pressured water for fire hydrants.


To boost up pressure in water mains.


To fill elevated overhead water tanks.


To back-wash filters.
To pump chemical solutions, needed for water treatment.

Classification of Pumps

Displacement pumps (reciprocating, rotary)

Velocity pumps (centrifugal, turbine and jet pumps)
Buoyancy pumps (air lift pumps)
Impulse pumps (hydraulic rams)

There are two stages in the transportation of water:

Conveyance of water from the source to the treatment plant.

Conveyance of treated water from treatment plant to the
distribution system.

In the first stage water is transported by gravity or by pumping or by the combined action
of both, depending upon the relative elevations of the treatment plant and the source of
supply. In the second stage water transmission may be either by pumping into an
overhead tank and then supplying by gravity or by pumping directly into the water-main
for distribution.

Free Flow System

In this system, the surface of water in the conveying section flows freely due to gravity.
In such a conduit the hydraulic gradient line coincides with the water surface and is
parallel to the bed of the conduit. It is often necessary to construct very long conveying
sections, to suit the slope of the existing ground. The sections used for free-flow are:
Canals, flumes, grade aqueducts and grade tunnels.

Pressure System
In pressure conduits, which are closed conduits, the water flows under pressure above the
atmospheric pressure. The bed or invert of the conduit in pressure flows is thus
independent of the grade of the hydraulic gradient line and can, therefore, follow the
natural available ground surface thus requiring lesser length of conduit. The pressure
aqueducts may be in the form of closed pipes or closed aqueducts and tunnels
called pressure aqueducts or pressure tunnels designed for the pressure likely to come on
them. Due to their circular shapes, every pressure conduit is generally termed as
a pressure pipe.

Hydraulic Design
The design of water supply conduits depends on the resistance to flow, available pressure
or head, and allowable velocities of flow. Generally, Hazen-William's formula for
pressure conduits and Manning's formula for free flow conduits are used in construct it.

Figure 1.3 Intake design

gure 1.4 Intake plan layout

3.3.2 Plant Process Plant Coagulation, Flocculation and Clarifier

Coagulation, flocculation, and clarification are perhaps the most overlooked
processes when installing instrumentation in a water treatment facility. This may be due
to the fact that monitoring at these points is typically not a regulatory requirement.
However, every step in the treatment process depends on preceding steps and those that
follow to make the entire process function effectively. Measurement is critical at every
step to optimize the process and control operational costs.


4 baffled flocculation tank

4 horizontal sedimentation tanks
Automatic desludging using Travelling Suction House
Clarified water generally <5 NTU

Figure 1.5 Aerator, Flocculation, Clarifier layout

Water is clarified using the processes of coagulation and flocculation, which remove
suspended solids (turbidity) from water by causing the suspended particles to aggregate
into a slime, that settles out of the water. This technique is used in treating wastewater,
both industrial and treated sewage, from municipal wastewater treatment plants. It is also
used, as a first step, in treating raw water for industrial use, and in food and beverage

Coagulation uses salts such as aluminum sulfate (alum) or ferrous of ferric (iron)
salts, which bond to the suspended particles, making them less stable in
suspension, i.e., more likely to settle out. Figure 1 depicts the coagulation process
in the resident tank by the diagonal lines.

Figure 1.6 Coagulation mechanism scheme.


Flocculation is the binding or physical enmeshment of these destabilized particles,

and results in a slime that is heavier than water, which settles out in a clarifier.
Flocculation agents are natural synthetic polymers and synthetic organic polymers

used to form the flocculant (Figure 1 demonstrates the flocculation process in the
clarifier by the merging horizontal lines).

Figure 1.7 Flocculation mechanism scheme.


Clarification is a multi-step process to remove suspended solids. First, coagulants

are added. Coagulants reduce the charges of ions, so that they will accumulate
into larger particles called flocs. The flocs then settle by gravity in settling tanks
or are removed as the water flows through a gravity filter. Particles larger than 25
microns are effectively removed by clarification. Water that is treated through
clarification may still contain some suspended solids and therefore needs further


Figure 1.8 Clarifier process Filter

1. Physical water purification

Physical water purification is primarily concerned with filtration techniques. Filtration is
a purification instrument to remove solids from liquids. There are several different
filtration techniques. A typical filter consists of a tank, the filter media and a controller to
enable backflow.

Photo 1.0 Kaki Wong filtration tank.

Filtration through screens is usually done at the beginning of the water purification
process. The shape of the screens depends on the particles that have to be removed.

Sand filtration
Sand filtration is a frequently used, very robust method to remove suspended solids from
water. The filter medium consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and
specific gravity. When water flows through the filter, the suspended solids precipitate in
the sand layers as residue and the water, which is reduced in suspended solids, flows out
of the filter. When the filters are loaded with particles the flow-direction is reversed, in

order to regenerate it. Smaller suspended solids have the ability to pass through a sand
filter, so that secondary filtration is often required.

Cross flow filtration

Cross flow membrane filtration removes both salts and dissolved organic matter, using a
permeable membrane that only permeates the contaminants. The remaining concentrate
flows along across the membrane and out of the system and the permeate is removed as it
flows along the other side of the membrane.
There are several different membrane filtration techniques, these are: micro filtration,
ultrafiltration, nano-filtration and Reversed Osmosis (RO).

Cartridge filtration
Cartridge filtration units consist of fibres. They generally operate most effectively and
economically on applications having contamination levels of less than 100 ppm. For
heavier contamination applications, cartridges are normally used as final polishing filters.

2. Chemical water purification

Chemical water purification is concerned with a lot of different methods. Which methods
are applied depends on the kind of contamination in the (waste)water. Below, many of
these chemical purification techniques are summed up.

Chemical addition
There are various situations in which chemicals are added, for instance to prevent the
formation of certain reaction products. Below, a few of these additions are summed up:
- Chelating agents are often added to water, in order to prevent negative effects of
hardness, caused by the deposition of calcium and magnesium.
- Oxidizing agents are added to act as a biocide, or to neutralize reducing agents.
- Reducing agents are added to neutralize oxidizing agents, such as ozone and chlorine.

Figure 2.0 Filtration section.

3.3.3 Chemical plant

Table 1.1 Chemical plant material

Pre-Soda Ash
Post Chlorine

Dosing Point
Mixing Chamber
Mixing Chamber
Filtered Water Pipeline

pH Adjustment


Filtered Water Pipeline

Post-Soda Ash

Clear Water Tank

Dental Health (MOH

pH Adjustment

Photo 1.1 Alum, Soda Ash, Fluoride, Chlorine processing tank. Alum Plant

2 nos. Mixing Tanks (10.8 m3 each)

Dosage (mg/l)
Aluminium Sulphate (10%

Preparation of alum per tank:






o 1080 kg per preparation

o 43 bags x 25 kg or 22 bags x 50 kg
2 nos. Dosing pump of 270 liters/hr (duty & standby)

Figure 2.1 Alum Plant Soda Ash Plant

2 nos. Mixing Tanks (Effective 6.0 m3 each)

Dosage (mg/l)
Soda Ash (Pre) (5% w/w)
Soda Ash (Post) (5% w/w)






Preparation of soda ash per tank:

o 300 kg per preparation (12 bags x 25 kg)

2 nos. Pre-Soda Ash Dosing pump of 700 liters/hr (duty & standby)
2 nos. Post-Soda Ash Dosing pump of 150 liters/hr (duty & standby)

Figure 2.2 Soda Ash Plant Fluoride Plant

2 nos. Automatic Fluoride Preparation System

Dosage (mg/l)
Fluoride (0.4% w/w)



Operator to load Fluoride into storage hopper

Preparation is automatic when dosing tank is empty


2. nos. Fluoride Dosing pump of 329 liters/hr (duty & standby)

Figure 2.3 Fluoride plant Chlorine Plant

2 nos. Chlorinators System for Post-Chlorine Dosing

Chlorine dosing rate (kg/hr)
= flow rate (MLD) x dosages in ppm
Each chlorine cylinder line (4) bottle of 68 kgs each
Chlorinator size 10 kg/hr
Chloroguard System is provided to close the cylinder valve in case of Chlorine

Alarm is provided for Chlorine leakage to alert he operator

Figure 2.4 Chlorine Plant

Photo 1.2 chlorine Cylinder bank & Chlorine Vacuum Regulator

3.3.4 Treated Water Pumping Station

TWPS Plant
Treated Water Pump-set

Treated Water Pump-set to

CSD Reservoir
Wash-water Pump-set

3 sets (1
2 sets (1
2 sets

kW Rating



110 kW


1042 m3/hr@

90 kW


117 m3/hr @



445 m3hr @

1 nos. Surge Vessel for TWP to balancing Tank

1 nos. Surge Anticipating Valve for TWPS to CSD Reservoir
Flowmeters are installed to monitor the flow
Starting / stopping of pumps by level electrode or manual

Figure 2.5 TWPS Plant

3.3.5 Booster Pumping Station

BWPS Plant
Booster Water

3 sets (1 duty/2

kW Rating
315 kW


1 nos. BWPS Suction Tank

3 ton. electric crane for maintenance use
Surge Vessels for Surge Protection
Flowmeter is installed to monitor the flow
Starting / stopping of pumps by level electrode or manual

Figure 2.6 BWPS Plant

3.3.6 Sludge Treatment Plant

900 m3/hr @
90.7 mH

Sludge Plant

2 nos. Wash-water Recovery Tank (405 m3 each)

WWRT receives from:
o Clarifier Desludging
o Filter Backwashing
o Overflow
o Surface Run-off
Operation Sequence is automatic
o Tank full
Inlet penstock close
Settling Timer Starts
Recycle Pump Starts
Low Level Supernatant Pump Stops
Motorized Flat Seat Valve Opens to drain sludge to Sludge Lagoon.
If both tank are full, incoming will overflow to Sludge Lagoon

Figure 2.7 Sludge Plant

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