5e Lesson Plan Ideas Updated

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5E Lesson Plan Operations with Decimals

Sherita Abrams-Taylor
Instructor- Dr. Rogers
Ed-505 Technology in Education
May 25, 2016
Subject area/course/grade level:
Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students) (2 points):
Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for
each operation.
NET-S Standards
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology.

Objectives (2 points):
The students will fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide-multi-digit decimals using the standard
algorithm for each operation

Differentiation Strategies (2 points):

Student will define and study vocabulary related to unit: sum, difference, place value, decimal,
product, quotient, divisor, and dividend.
You can make small group presentations inside www.edmodo.com
You can give your students access to other quizzes online this cite and www.kahoot.com
Students can choose to make decimal vocabulary card to help them from:

ENGAGEMENT (18 points): .

The teacher will introduce how decimals are used in our everyday life. The teacher will
engage the students interest by asking questions. The teacher will ask the following
questions: What is place value? Where do we use decimals? Where do we see decimals?
What are decimals used for? The teacher will allow the students one minute to turn and talk
to a partner to generate answers.
Approved January, 2013

Now the teacher will engage the students in the lesson on decimals by showing a video from
Simply type in the url: https://youtu.be/7emM4YeXTdU
The next step would be to ask students to go their brower and type in : https://nearpod.com/
They can join your page by providing them with your id- LUDXW
The students will them be instructed to take the poll/Anticipation Guide Part 1 -Operations
with Decimals
The teacher url to edit:
Nearpod is an interactive presentation tool. It can connect to students' devices. The teacher
now has contructed a poll related to what student already know about decimals. After
students submit responses, the teacher can show the poll results or the best drawing
summary. This tool makes presentations come alive.
Following the video the teacher will give a tecnology based formative assessment created
from Kahoot. This quiz allows students to have fun exploring the different operation with
decimals but in a fun exciting way. The kahoot quiz is created by teacher prior to starting the
mini unit on decimals. Kahoot can be played on students: cellphones, labtops or ipads. It can
be played with just two players or multiple players. https://play.kahoot.it/#/?
The game will serve as a pre-assessment to see what skills the students already know related
to standards in this lesson on decimals.
EXPLORATION (18 points):
The teacher will introduce how decimals are used in our everyday life. The teacher will
engage the students interest by asking questions. The teacher will ask the following
questions: What is place value? Where do we use decimals? Where do we see decimals?
What are decimals used for? The teacher will allow the students one minute to turn and talk
to a partner to generate answers.
The students should begin constructing a graphic organizer (KWL) related to what they know,
want to know and have learned from the mini unit so far.

The teacher and the students will create an interactive KWL chart from Bubble.us which is an
interactive way to "web" information for students. Type in the url- www.bubble.us to begin. This
is a hands-on website students will use in this part of the lesson. Its used to web information
that we have talked related to decimals. Students and teachers may access this through their
computers or by downloading the app on their smartphone. You are able to create a login, as
well as a password for this site.
For formative assessment: the student will construct a math wordle using the vocabulary
found in the unit.
Approved January, 2013

The student will visit this website to begin: www.wordle.net and it will take to the homepage.
Teacher will first model on chromebook how to create a wordle.
Wordle is a toy for generating word clouds from text that you provide. The clouds give
greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. The students
can get creative by tweaking their clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The
students images you created with Wordle are yours to use however they like. I will allow
students to print them out to tape them in their math journal , or some student my want to
save them to your own desktop on the H-drive.
EXPLANATION (18 points):
In this stage of the teacher will clear up any misconceptions from the exploration actity, cover
vocabulary, concepts, ideas whatever is necessary to help the students understand the
content. To make sure I have included higher order thinking questions to help my students
connect and comprehend the point of the lesson. I have created a prezi presentation to
review the mini unit on operations with decimals.
Students should use their Chrome Books and visit the URL address: http://prezi.com/uooq7wgoau6h/?
utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy. This is a short presentation that has incorporated all operations
with decimal strategies which involve (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
decimals). The students should watch the presentation.
After watching the presentation, the students should complete a graphic organizer (KWL)
related to what they know, want to know and have learned from the presentation.
After brainstorming with the graphic organizer, the students will create their own Prezi
presentation to help them prepare for their test toward the end of the unit. The teacher will
model how a presentation is prepared. Then the students will create their own prezi
presentation on their Chrome Books.
To also help with misconception, the teacher will usehttp://my.hrw.com/nsmedia/intgos/html/igo.htm

to create a graphic organizer.

Formative assessment will be from: Socrative is an interactive tool for teachers to use as a

formative assessment to gain student understanding and to drive their instruction. Students
and teachers may access website url: www.socrative.com or download the app on
their smartphone and/or iPad. Students have a student log-in and teachers have a teacher
log-in. When teachers create a quiz, there is a "Classroom Name" provided for students to
sign in without having to create an account.
Quiz name-Operations with Decimals

Approved January, 2013

ELABORATION (18 points):

The teacher has created a pac-man game that will be introduced to students. The students
should type the URL address http://www.classtools.net/pac/201606_SYCWi3 to view the
teacher pac-man game. The teacher explains that this is a model presentation and tells the
students they will create their own game in this section in the mini unit. The teacher begins
to model first steps which involve creating a blueprint. Please note that the teacher will create
the blueprint for each group in this mini unit. Teacher wants to add rigor to the lesson by
doing so. After explaining expectations, teacher will pair students in groups of 3 and also give
them a grading rubric or provide them with an access code online for the rubric. Project is
worth 150 points.
Each group will now begin to create their own pac-man games. The groups will work on the
game, while doing so, they can brainstorm from one another to answer questions from the
blueprint understanding rules for solving decimals type problems. Groups of students will
work without a calculator at first for about 15-20 minutes, but after that time has passed the
teacher will allow the students 10 additional minutes to check their blueprint before building
their game.
The biggest part of grade for the game on the rubric will come from accuracy. The blueprints
will be given at random to students by the teacher which contains a mixture of 10 adding and
subtracting decimal problems and 10 multiplying and dividing problems, so therefore no
groups of students will receive the same blueprints and no student will create their own
Again, please allow students should check their final answers with a calculator to check for
accuracy. Finally, students are now ready to get started: tell students to type the URL address
http://www.classtools.net/. Once on the website, the teacher will briefly discuss and model the
directions from her Chrome Book. The students should ask any questions before beginning,
and then they wait on directions from their teacher to start project.
Now they are own their own. Teacher has allotted time to start on this project but more time
can be added if needed if allowed by the teacher. Now its their turn to create their very own
pac-man game, centered around operations with decimals.
The teacher will now become more of a facilitator/observer. This will be an group-based
project assignment/so therefore it should be collaborative allowing students to talk with one
another to help each other with hang-up on calculations if needed and other game issues.
After games are completed, the students will test their game by typing in their urls and reassuring themselves that their created game is working properly.
Once graded by the instructor, the students will be free to share their game with others in
their class on our special share out day in the computer lab.
The teacher has created a rubric to assess the students individual product/ PAC-MAN game.
Approved January, 2013

Rubistar - http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php). Rubric id is 2630959. This allows the teacher to modify

or print the rubric created. This rubric can placed on an online database if parents or stakeholders need it to have
access to the rubric at home to help their student.

The second game that is created is called the Dustbin game. This is an individual assignment.
This game is also on the website www.classtools.net. The students will great a matching
game based on the information provided in their blueprints.
Now for something fun. The students will now develp their own individual math comic strip
project by using: Comic master. As you know graphic novels may make reading more
accessible to students, creating a graphic novel may make creative writing more accessible to
and manageable for students.
Comic Master is great wat to incorporate writing and reading in the math classroom. The
teacher will model to students on chromebook step-by-step to help student begin selecting a
cell layout and end results will lead to with a completely colored comic strip. While the site
provides options in terms of character appearance and background design, the story is
completely in the hands of students, but its the students job to come up with a story line of
their very own related to decimals in some way. The students should began by creating any
kind of scenario, from drama to comedy. This tool in the lesson plans will help to emphasize
on new key concepts. The site also provides links to supplementary graphic-novel-use
websites. The Url for the site is: http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/
Sample created by teacher: http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/
Use my email to log in: taylors4769@uwa.edu
Password = Destiny123

The teacher will provide a rubric grading this project.The project is worth 45 points.
The rubric for this project will come from:
Project rubric- http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=GX6XCCX&sp=yes
Rubric Code: GX6XCCX

EVALUATION (18 points):

The teacher will assess frequently during the mini unit. The next step would be to ask
students to go their brower and type in : https://nearpod.com/
They can join your page by providing them with your id- LUDXW
The students will them be instructed to take the poll/Anticipation Guide Part 2-Operations
with Decimals
The teacher url to edit:
Approved January, 2013

Nearpod is an interactive presentation tool. It can connect to students' devices. The teacher
now has contructed a poll related to what student already know about decimals. After
students submit responses, the teacher can show the poll results or the best drawing
summary. This tool makes presentations come alive.
The final formative assessment used will come from Edmodo. Teacher will first model for
students with her chromebook how to use to find the quiz in Edmodo. Teacher will explain all
the key features of using edmodo and how the should create page and profile and join class.
Students can access final assessment by typing in the following URL: www.edmodo.com
Group code= qgpap2
Teacher url listed below:

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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