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What acts constitute illegal recruitment for

licensed recruiters. Art 37

-To change or accept directly/indirectly any amount

greater than that specified allowable fees prescribed
by the secretary of labor.

-To furnish/publish any false notice/information in

relation to recruitment/employment.

-To induce an employed worker to part from his

employment in order to offer him another.

c. possess vocational aptitude and capacity for the

particular occupation as established through
appropriate tests
d. Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral
and written instructions
6. What constitute recruitment and placement?
Any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting,
transporting, utilizing, hiring, or procuring workers
and includes referring, contract services, promising
or advertising for employment abroad, whether for
profit or not, when undertaken by a non-licensee or
non-holder of authority: Provided, That any such nonlicensee or non-holder who, in any manner, offers or
promises for a fee employment abroad to two or
more persons shall be deemed as engaged in such
7. Is piece rate employees allowed? What are
the requirements?

-To influence or attempt to influence any person not

to employ any worker who has not applied through
his agency.

Yes, piece rate employees are allowed.

-To engage in recruitment/placement of workers in

jobs harmful to public health or morality or to dignity.

According to advisory opinions rendered by the

Bureau of Working Conditions, workers paid by
results may be grouped into two: 1) those whose
time and performance is supervised by the employer
and 2) those whose time and performance is
unsupervised by the employer. A piece-rate worker
usually belongs to the first type especially so if he
performs work in the company premises.

2. Who are handicapped workers art 78

-Those whose earning capacity is impaired by AGE or
3. Tenant-farmer. Requisites before a tenant be
entitled to land. Art 10
-Tenant-farmer on Private agricultural lands
-Agri-lands primarily devoted to rice and corn

In a piece-work, there is usually supervision since it is

generally done in the company premises as is
practiced in shoes, handicraft, or garment factories.
Piece-rate is common where output may easily be
counted or measured.
8. Diff between lab stand and lab rel.

-It is under a system of share crop or lease tenancy

No title of land acquired by the tenant-farmer under
PD 27 shall be actually issued to him unless and until
he has become a full-fledged member of a duly
recognized farmers cooperative.
4. Employers and
covered under ECC.



-Upon all employers and their employees NOT ABOVE

60yo; provided that an employee who is ABOVE 60yo
and paying contributions to qualify for retirement or
life insurance benefit by the system SHOULD BE

5. Requirements of an apprentice.
a. be at least fifteen (15) years of age, provided
those who are at least fifteen (15) years of age but
less than eighteen (18) may be eligible for
apprenticeship only in non-hazardous occupation;
b. be physically fit for the occupation in which he
desires to be trained;

Labor standards law is that which sets out the

minimum terms, conditions and benefits of
employees that employers must provide or comply
with and to which employees are entitled to as a
Labor relations law defines the status, rights and
duties, and the institutional mechanisms, that govern
the individual and collective interactions of
employers, employees, or their representatives.

9. Aim of Labor Law. Explain

Social Justice: Social justice is neither communism,
nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy, but the
humanization of laws and the equalization of social
and economic forces by the State so that justice in
its rational and objectively secular conception may at
least be approximated. Social justice means the
promotion of the welfare of all the people, the
adoption by the Government of measures calculated
to ensure economic stability of all the component
elements of society, through the maintenance of a
proper economic and social equilibrium in the
interrelations of the members of the community,
constitutionally, through the adoption of measures
legally justifiable, or extra-constitutionally, through
the exercise of powers underlying the existence of all
governments on the time-honored principle of salus
populi est supremo lex.

10. What is the unemployment rate in the

Phils? How does population growth affect the
unemployment problem? (new book)



11. What is the UNemployment rate? 10.2%

12. Rule on nondiminution of benefits? Does it
apply in CBA agreement? What about bonus?
(Box question)


18. Requirements for Apprenticeship?

-Article 100 of the Labor Code States that:

Nothing in this Book shall be construed to eliminate
or in any way diminish supplements, or other
employee benefits being enjoyed at the time of
promulgation of this Code.
So that the rule against diminution of supplements or
benefits may apply, it must be shown that:
1. The grant of the benefit is founded on a policy or
has ripened into a practice over a long period;

3. The practice is not due to error in the construction

or application of a doubtful or difficult question of
law; and
4. The diminution or discontinuance is
unilaterally by the employer.


-CBA. It does not apply to benefits negotiated

through a CBA because as products of a bilateral
contract, the benefits can only be eliminated or
diminished bilaterally. What the law forbids is
elimination or modification done unilaterally.
-Conditional benefits (e.g. bonus). Article 100 does
not apply to a benefit whose grant depends on the
existence of certain conditions, so that the benefit is
not demandable if those preconditions are absent. A
bonus is an act of generosity; it is not an enforceable
and demandable obligation. However, it may be so
when it is made part of the wage or salary or


a. be at least fifteen (15) years of age, provided

those who are at least fifteen (15) years of age but
less than eighteen (18) may be eligible for
apprenticeship only in non-hazardous occupation;
b. be physically fit for the occupation in which he
desires to be trained;

2. The practice is consistent and deliberate;

13. Can an apprentice


The law on labor standards states: Only employer in

the highly technical industries may employ
apprentices and only in apprenticeable occupations
approved by the minister of labor and employment.


- The secretary of labor may authorize the hiring of

apprentices without compensation whose training on
the job is required by the school or training program
curriculum or as a requisite for graduation or board
14. What are the disability benefits provided
by EC?
-Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefit is given to
an employee who is unable to work for a continuous
period not exceeding 120 days.
-Permanent Total Disability (PTD) benefit is given to
an employee who is unable to work for more than
-Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefit is given to
a worker who losses a body part and consequently,
the loss of the use of that body part

15. Bodies that facilitate local and foreign



16. Rights of an employer?
-Right to RETURN OF INVESTMENT and to make profit

c. possess vocational aptitude and capacity for the

particular occupation as established through
appropriate tests

d. Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral

and written instructions

19. Prescription something sa ec? Murag 3

years ang answer ato nga question
Article 201. No claim for compensation shall be given
due course unless said claim is filed with the System
within three years from the time the cause of action
The prescriptive period for filing compensation
should be reckoned from the time the employee lost
i.e., terminated
employment, due to his illness and not when the
same first became manifest. (ECC vs Sanico, GR
20. Basis of labor code?
21. What is permanent-total disability?
A disability is total and permanent if a s a result of
the injury or sickness the employee is unable to
perform any gainful occupation for a continuous
period exceeding 120 days except as otherwise
provided for in Rule X of the ECC Rules (Azucena p.
Permanent Total Disability means an incapacity to
perform gainful work which is expected to be
Permanent Total Disability benefit is given to an
employee who is unable to work for more than 240
days (Employees Compensation Program)
22. What is apprenticeship? Does it require
prior approval from DOLE?
-Apprenticeship means any training on the job
supplemented by related theoretical instruction

involving apprenticeable occupations and trades as

may be approved by the Secretary of Labor and
-Yes, it does require prior approval from the DOLE
(now TESDA). The law on labor standards states:
Only employer in the highly technical industries may
employ apprentices and only in apprenticeable
occupations approved by the minister of labor and
Prior approval by the DOLE of the proposed
apprenticeship program is, therefore, a condition
SINE QUA NON before an apprenticeship agreement
can be validly entered into.
Note: It is no longer the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, but the TESDA, who approves
apprenticeable occupations. [Sec 4(m), RA 7796]

h. 13th month pay

i. other
individual, by






collective agreement or company policy or

27. Who settles disputes when there are 2
claimants under the SIF?
The present ECC is empowered by law to resolve
disputes in compensation claims.
28. What is the purpose of apprenticeship?
A national apprenticeship program is needed to lineup a succession of trained young workers. Through
apprenticeship, a nation builds, as it were, an army
of workers possessing industrial skills.

23. Is Commission part of basic salary?

Wage, salary and pay; distinction - they are
synonymous in meaning and usage.

29. Does Phil. Labor Law meet international


Attributes of wage:
It is capable of being expressed in terms of money,
whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece,
or commission basis, or other method of
calculating the same
24. What is the PESO law?
-PESO (Public Employment Service Office) intended
to serve as employment service and information
center in its area of operation; also provides training
counseling services
25. Why is there a need to afford protection to
There is no doubt that the employer stands on a
higher footing than the employee (1) there is
greater supply than demand for labor; and (2) the
need for employment by labor comes from vital, and
even desperate, necessity.
26. What







a. the applicable statutory minimum daily


Yes, considering that the Philippines is a member

of the International Labour Organization (ILO) the
UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of
social justice and internationally recognized human
and labor rights.
Being an ILO member, the Phils subscribes to the
fundamental principles on which the ILO is based and
iimbibes the obligation of the ILO to pursue
programmes that the organization aims to achieve.
30. Who has jurisdiction over OFWs money
-RA 8042 not only transferred from POEA to NLRC the
jurisdiction over money claims of OFWs, it even
expanded the scope of such money claim.
31. What are the
handicapped workers?




-Employment Agreement:
Any employer who employs handicapped workers
shall enter into an employment agreement with
them, which agreement shall include:
a.) the names and addresses of the handicapped
workers to be employed;
b.) the rate to be paid the handicapped workers to be
employed which shall be not less than seventy-five
(75%) percent of the applicable legal minimum wage;
c.) the duration of the employment period; and

b. yearly service incentive leave of 5 days

w/ pay
c. night shift differential pay

d.) the work to be performed by the handicapped


d. holiday pay

The employment agreement shall be subject to

inspection by the Secretary of Labor or his duly
authorized representatives.

e. meal and rest periods

32. Difference of learners and apprentice.

f. overtime pay (conditional)

-Learners are persons hired as trainees in semiskilled and other industrial occupations which are
non-apprenticeable and which may be learned

g. premium pay (conditional)

through practical training on the job in a relatively

short period of time which shall not exceed three (3)
- Apprentice is a worker who is covered by a written
apprenticeship agreement with an individual
employer or any entities recognized under this
33. "More capital means more jobs" -Adam
Smith. What does it mean?
The demand for those who live by wages, therefore,
necessarily increases with the increase of the
revenue and stock of every country, and cannot
possibly increase without it. The increase of revenue
and stock is the increase of national wealth, The
demand for those who live by wages, therefore
naturally increases with the increase of national
wealth and cannot possibly increase without it.

38.What is the role of SSS?

The Philippine Social Security System (Filipino:
Paseguruhan ng Kapanatagang Panlipunan, or SSS) is
a social insurance program for workers in the
Philippines. It is a government agency that provides
retirement and health benefits to all enrolled
employees in the Philippines. Members of the SSS
can also make 'salary' or 'calamity' loans. Salary
loans depend on the monthly salary of the employee.
Calamity loans are for such times when there is a
calamity that has been so declared by the
government, in the area where the SSS member
lives, such as flooding, earthquake and natural

39. what? who are learners?

34. What is an apprenticeable occupation?

-An Apprenticeable Occupation means any trade,
form of employment or occupation which requires
more than three (3) months of practical training on
the job supplemented by related theoretical
35. Aside from service incentive leave, what
are the other leaves to which the worker is
a. Sick leave
b. Vacation leave
c. Paternity leave
d. Maternity leave
e. Solo parent leave
Battered woman leave
g. 60 day special leave under the Magna Carta
for Women
36. Under what circumstances does illegal
recruitment involve economic sabotage?
-Illegal recruitment is considered economic sabotage:
When the commission thereof is attended by the
qualifying circumstances as follows:

Article 73. Learners are persons hired as trainees in

semi-skilled and other industrial occupations which
are non-apprenticeable and which may be learned
through practical training on the job in a relatively
short period of time which shall not exceed 3
40. Is phil labor law pro-labor?

Yes, since all doubts in the implementation and

interpretation of labor laws shall be resolved in favor
of labor. Moreover, the working mans welfare should
be the primordial and paramount consideration.
There is no doubt that the employer stands on a
higher footing than the employee (1) there is
greater supply than demand for labor; and (2) the
need for employment by labor comes from vital, and
even desperate, necessity. However, it should not be
supposed that every labor dispute will be
automatically decided in favor of labor.
41. Consti provisions on labor

a. By a syndicate - if carried out by a group of 3 or

more persons conspiring and confederating with one
b. In large scale - if committed against 3 or more
persons individually or as a group.
37. What body administers the State Insurance
administers the State Insurance Fund.


The state affirms labor as a primary social

economic force. It shall protect the rights of
workers and promote their welfare. (Art. II, Sec
The basic rights of workers guaranteed by the
Constitution are:


Secretary of Labor as Chairman

SSS Administrator
GSIS President and General Manager
ECC Executive Director
Medicare Chairman (now Philhealth)






right to organize themselves

to conduct collective bargaining or
negotiation with management
to engage in peaceful concerted
activities, including to strike in
accordance with law
to enjoy security of tenure
to work under humane conditions
to receive a living wage
to participate in policy and decisionmaking processes affecting their rights
and benefits as may be provided by law
(Article XIII, Section 3)

42. What are "hours worked"? what are

considered "unworked? is lunch break



Hours worked shall include a) all time during which

an employee is required to be on duty or to be at a
prescribed workplace, and b) all time during which an
employee is suffered or permitted to work.
Rest periods of short duration during

working hours shall be counted as hours worked.

(Art. 84)

The following are considered worked;

Waiting time spent by an employee if
waiting is considered an integral part of his
work or if the employee is required or
engaged by an employer to wait (engaged
to wait)
Meal time if employee is not completely
freed or relieved from performing his duties
Sleeping time if it is subject to serious
interruption or takes place under conditions
substantially less desirable than would be
likely to exist at the employees home
Being on call where employee is required
to remain on call on the employers
premises or so close thereto that he cannot
use the time effectively for his own
When employee receives an emergency call
outside of his regular working hours and is
required to travel to his regular place of
business or some other work site
(abnormal home-to-work travel)
Travel that is all in the days work
Travel away from home
Attendance at lectures, meetings, training
programs provided the following criteria are
not met: 1) attendance is outside of
employees regular working hours, 2)
voluntary 3) the employee does not perform
any productive work during such attendance
Grievance meeting during the time the
employees are required by the employees to
be on the premises
Semestral break for regular full-time
monthly-paid teachers in a private school
Work hours for seamen for work in actual
service beyond eight hours
Lunch periods spent predominantly for the
employers benefit and cannot be utilized in
the employees own interests
Meal time breaks between continuous work
Shortened meal time when employee
cannot eat because he is still working
Meal time of less than 20 minutes
The following are considered unworked:
Waiting time spent by an employee if
waiting is not considered an integral part of
his work (waiting to be engaged)
Meal time if employee is completely freed
from duties during his meal period even
though he remains in the workplace
Sleeping time if there is an opportunity for
comparatively uninterrupted sleep under
fairly desirable conditions, even if the
employee is required to remain on or near
the employers premises and must hold
himself in readiness for a call to action
Where work is not continuous, when the
laborer can leave his work and rest
Normal travel from home to work
Attendance at lectures, meetings, training
programs if attendance is outside of
employees regular working hours, voluntary
and the employee does not perform any
productive work during such attendance
When seaman ceases to work even while on
board the ship
Shortened meal break upon employees
request so that they can leave work earlier
than the previously established schedule

Lunch breaks are not compensable except in

cases where the lunch period or meal time is
predominantly spent for the employers benefit and
cannot be utilized in the employers own interests, or
where it is less than 60 minutes, or where work is
continuous for several shifts (for purposes of
overtime compensation)
43. What is the theory of increased risk?

If an ailment is not included in the list of occupational

diseases as drawn up by the Commission, the
claimant has the burden of proving that the nature of
the work increased the risk of contracting the
To establish compensability under this theory, the
claimant must show proof of reasonable workconnection, not necessarily direct causal relation.

44. what are the social costs of working


Family separation can lead to matiral breakups. Child

without parents can go into drug addiction, profligate
spending, or early pregnancies. On the other hand,
loneliness in a strange place can lead to infidelity,
depression, even despondency and suicide.
45. Does the sec or his representative have
arrest or search or seizure powers? can he
order the closure of an establishment?

The Secretary of Labor, not being a judge, may no

longer issue search or arrest warrants. Hence, the
authorities must go through the judicial process.
(Salazar v. Achacoso and Marquez, G.R. No. 81510,
March 14, 1990)
Article 38 (c) of the Labor Code has been
declared unconstitutional, hence, null and void.
Under the Constitution, only a judge may issue
warrants of search and arrest.
In a nutshell, the Secretary of Labor and
Employment or his duly authorized representatives
may cause the lawful arrest of illegal recruiters
1. by virtue of a judicial warrant issued by
an RTC, MTC or MCTC judge, as the case may be; or
2. without judicial warrant, under the
provisions of Section 5, Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules
on Criminal Procedure, as amended; [revised,
effective December 1, 2000, per A.M. No. 00-5-03SC]
x xx the power of the Secretary or his duly
authorized representatives to order the closure of
illegal recruitment establishments still subsists, the
same being considered essentially administrative
and regulatory in nature. (Abalayan, p. 22)
46. What are the contents of a contract where
the worker is handicapped?
a.) the names and addresses of the handicapped
workers to be employed;
b.) the rate to be paid the handicapped workers to be
employed which shall be not less than seventy-five
(75%) percent of the applicable legal minimum wage;
c.) the duration of the employment period; and
d.) the work to be performed by the handicapped

47. what is wage? what does it include? are

non-cash benefits included as part of wages?
Wage paid to an employee shall mean the
remuneration or earnings, however designated,
capable of being expressed in terms of money,
whether fixed or ascertained on a certain time, task,
piece, or commission basis, or other method of
calculating the same, which is payable by an

employer to an employee under a written or

unwritten contract of employment for work done or
to be done, or for services rendered or to be
rendered and includes the fair reasonable value, as
determined by the Secretary of Labor, of board,
lodging, or other facilities customarily furnished by
the employer to the employee. Fair reasonable
value shall not include any profit to the employer or
to any person affiliated with the employer. (Labor
Code, Article 97 (f))
Wage includes sales commissions (see Songco, et. al.
vs NLRC, GR nos 50999-51000, March 23, 1990) as
well as facilities (articles or services for the benefit of
the employee or his family but shall not include tools
of the trade or articles or service primarily for the
benefit of the employer or necessary to the conduct
of the employers business) or commodities
(employer may provide them but he may deduct
their values from the employees wages).
Non-cash benefits shall be included in the
determination of compliance with the legal minimum
wage when such are capable of being expressed in
money terms, provided that such non-cash benefits
are paid by an employer to an employee for work
done or services rendered. In such case, the fair
reasonable value shall be the basis for its amount to
be included in the wage computation.

with Comments and Cases Volume I, 2010 edition, p.


Holiday pay refers to payment of the regular daily

wage for any unworked regular holiday.

53. Exploited class of employees

Our overseas workers constitute an exploited class.
Most of them come from the poorest sector of our
economy. They are thoroughly disadvantaged. Their
profile shows they live in suffocating slums, trapped
in an environment of crime. Hardly literate and in ill
health, their only hope lies in the jobs they can
hardly find in our country. Their unfortunate
circumstance makes them easy prey to avaricious
employers. They will climb mountains, cross the
seas, endure slave treatment in foreign lands just to
survive. Out of despondence, they will work under
subhuman conditions and accept salaries below the
54. Discrimination against handicap employees
Section 32. Discrimination on employment.

48. Does the ECC have original and exclusive

jurisdiction over ECC claims?
No, only appellate jurisdiction.
Art 180. The System (SSS/GSIS) shall have original
and exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising
from this Title (Title II: Employees Compensation and
State Insurance Fund) with respect to coverage,
benefits, collection and payment of contributions and
penalties thereon, or other matter related thereto,
subject to appeal to the Commission (ECC), which
shall decide appealed cases within twenty working
days from submission of the evidence.

49. What is the problem of unemployment in

the Philippines

No entity, whether public or private, shall

discriminate against a qualified disabled person by
reason of disability in regard to job application
procedures, the hiring, promotion, or discharge of
employees, employee compensation, job training,
and other terms, conditions, and privileges of
employment. The following constitute acts of

(a) limiting segregating or classifying a disabled job

applicant in such a manner that adversely affects his

(b) using qualification standards, employment tests

or other selection criteria that screen out or tend to
screen out a disabled person unless such standards,
tests or other selection criteria are shown to be jobrelated for the position in question and are consistent

50. What is the Magna Carta for Handicapped

(c) utilising standards,
administration that:
The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons ensures equal
opportunities for disabled persons and prohibits
discrimination against them.
51. What is Notorious negligence that it denies
claims in ECC
Notorious negligence has been defined as something
more than mere or simple negligence or contributory
negligence; it signifies a deliberate act of the
employee to disregard his own personal safety.
52. What is holiday pay?
Holiday pay is a one-day pay [100% of basic pay]
given by law to an employee even if he does not
work on a regular holiday. This gift of a days pay is
limited to each of the twelve regular (also called
legal) holidays. It is not demandable for any other
kind of nonworking day. (Azucena, The Labor Code





(1) have the effect of discrimination on the basis of

disability; or
(2) perpetuate the discrimination of others who are
subject to common
administrative control;

(d) providing less compensation, such as salary,

wage or other forms of remuneration and fringe
benefits, to a qualified disabled employee, by reason
of his disability, than the amount to which a nondisabled person performing the same work is

(e) favouring a non-disabled employee over a

qualified disabled employee with respect to
scholarship grants, solely on account of the latter's

(f) reassigning or transferring a disabled employee to

a job or position he cannot perform by reason of his

(g) dismissing or terminating the services of a

disabled employee by reason of his disability unless
the employer can prove that he impairs the
satisfactory performance of the work involved to the
prejudice of the business entity: provided, however,
that the employer first sought to provide reasonable
accommodation for disabled persons;

(h) failing to select or administer in the most

effective manner employment tests which accurately
reflect the skills, aptitude or other factor of the
disabled applicant or employee that such test
purports to measure, rather than the impaired
sensory, manual or speaking skills of such applicant
or employee, if any; and

(j) excluding disabled persons from membership in

labour unions or similar organisations.

55. Foreign





The following categories of foreign nationals are

exempt from securing an employment permit:

All members of the diplomatic service and

foreign government officials accredited by

and with reciprocity arrangement with the
Philippine government
organizations of which the Philippine
government is a member, and their
legitimate spouses desiring to work in the
Foreign nationals elected as members of the
Governing Board who do not occupy any
other position, but have only voting rights in
the corporation
All foreign nationals granted exemption by
Owners and representatives of foreign
principals whose companies are accredited
by the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration (POEA), who come to the
Philippines for a limited period and solely for
applicants for employment abroad
Foreign nationals who come to the
Philippines to teach, present and/or conduct
research studies in universities and colleges
as visiting, exchange or adjunct professors
under formal agreements between the
universities or colleges in the Philippines
and foreign universities or colleges; or
between the Philippine government and
foreign government; provided that the
exemption is on a reciprocal basis and
Resident foreign nationals [Department
Order No. 75, Rule I (2)]

56. Distinction apprentice and learners

-Learners are persons hired as trainees in semiskilled and other industrial occupations which are
non-apprenticeable and which may be learned
through practical training on the job in a relatively
short period of time which shall not exceed three (3)
- Apprentice is a worker who is covered by a written
apprenticeship agreement with an individual
employer or any entities recognized under this

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