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Planet X = Global Warming

There is no such thing as global warming, planet X is the true cause of climate
McCanney, Professor at Cornell University 3 (James, Almighty Wind, What is Planet X?,
1/3/03,, accessed 6/22/11, CW)
Planet X is also already effecting the Earth. The effects of it were recognized by planetary
scientists as far back as 1995. Its magnetic field had probably began to effect Earth even earlier.
Remember "El Nio" and the 500 year floods of 1993? Weather patterns have changed
dramatically, producing "strange" weather. Climatic conditions are changing. The polar ice
caps and mountain glaciers are melting. It has been revealed that in 1995 a worldwide
"disinformation" campaign was launched by government "insiders," blaming the strange
weather patterns on "Global Warming." But a number of highly respected scientists, who were
not in on the "coverup," rejected totally the theory of "global warming." Rather, they [rightly]
pointed out that the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting from underneath, not
from the surface. Why? Due to the approach of Planet X, solar flares are increasing on the
Sun. The Sun is ejecting massive amounts of electromagnetic energy into space. Some of this
electromagnetic energy is being attracted and absorbed by Earth's magnetic core, causing the
molten iron core of Earth to heat up. The increased heat from Earth's core is filtering through
the mantle of Earth to the surface, causing the melting of the ice caps and glaciers from
beneath. There is no "global warming" being caused by household sprays and fossil fuels, and
never has been. Such a claim is disinformation put out by those involved in the coverup. A recent
news release revealed that there is now somewhere between 20 and 200 feet of water under the
polar ice caps. This amount of water under the ice caps serves as a lubricant, and in the event
of a major earthquake and polar shift, could cause the ice caps to suddenly slide into the
ocean. When that happens, it will cause massive tidal waves that will wash over whole

Planet X is the cause of global warming and we will never be able to solve for it
End Times Watcher, online writer about space topics, 11 (Mystery of the Iniquity, Effects
of Planet X!, 2/22/11,, accessed
6/23/11, CW)
This is a short list of twenty five symptoms of Nibiru the brown dwarf with multiple moons in the alignment of an X in pictures from
a south pole observatory telescope. These symptoms include but are not limited to: 1. Massive migrating
animal deaths taking place all over the globe 2. Major super storm floods taking place
everywhere 3. Magnetic pole migration that have been going on since 2004 4. Irregular weather causing food shortages 5.
Increased volcano eruptions 6. Increased earthquakes 7. The wobble in the earths rotation getting worse 8. Sunrise coming 2
days early in Greenland 9. Yellowstone ground bulging from active magma swells 10. No media coverage of Planet X/Comet Elenin calculated to pass only 21.6
million miles from earth 11. FEMA buying food and supplies for an expected New Madrid Fault Catastrophe 12. Severe winter weather 13. Airports closing down to

. Rogue tides from rising oceans 15. Sea Level Strangeness 16. Moon out of place 17.
Increased solar radiation 18. Increased sink hole activity and large cracks forming 19. Global Warming of all planets in
our solar system 20. Unprecedented changes in sun and planets 21. Wacky Compasses 22. Leaky magnetic field 23. Weather/climate-induced food
shortages 24. Mega solar flare activity 25. Global ocean conveyor disruption This list could grown to more than a
thousand things that are going wrong on the earth for the same reason, as this link describes 600+ things caused
by global warming alone. The lying science community and media and our corrupt politicians want you
to believe that human beings are causing all of these problems when in reality they are all
caused by the approach of a brown dwarf entering our inner solar system for a once every 3600-year orbit
remark their runways over magnetic pole migration. 14

around our Sun. This Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Event Timeline has the most comprehensive analysis and commentary describing a chronological

. Google, NASA, the US Govt and the Media are

doing everything possible to hide Nibiru from the people in order to avoid sending the global
population into panic, when in reality they are withholding valuable lifesaving information as
accomplices to deliberate global genocide.
sequential timeline of events than you can find anywhere on the internet

Planet X = Solar Flares

Planet X is drastically increasing solar flares on the sun and the heat that it omits
affecting the earth
McCanney, Professor at Cornell University 3 (James, Almighty Wind, What is Planet X?,
1/3/03,, accessed 6/22/11, CW)
Planet X is already having a tremendous effect on the Sun. Astronomers and scientists began
keeping a record of solar flares (explosions...Coronal Mass Ejections) on the Sun in the 1700's.
Over a period of time it became obvious that solar flares reach a maximum every eleven years.
Once the peak is reached, then solar flares decline for approximately five and a half years. The
the next five and a half years they increase until they peak again in the eleventh year. This
eleven year cycle has been going on ever since men of science began keeping records of their
observations. But something has changed. The last eleven year peak was reached in 2000. After
2000 scientists fully expected solar flares to decline, just as they always have done in the past.
But they didn't! Instead, they have steadily increased in both frequency and intensity. The
largest solar flares ever recorded have occurred since the eleven year peak in 2000. What is
happening? Dr. McCanney and other Planet X researchers are convinced that the increase in
solar activity is due to the electromagnetic field of Planet X interacting with the
electromagnetic field of the Sun. As Planet X comes closer, it is expected that solar flares on the
Sun will continue to increase in frequency and intensity. Many centuries ago, YAHUVEH inspired
the prophet Isaiah to write, "Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the
light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the
breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound," Isaiah 30:26 It is an established fact
that the Moon has no light of its own, but is rather a reflector of the light of the Sun. But the Sun
only gives off light according to the amount of heat being produced by its nuclear fusion
electromagnetic generator. Therefore, when the light reflected by the Moon becomes as bright as the
light of the Sun is today, and the light of the Sun increases sevenfold, consider the "heat" effect it
will have on Earth and its inhabitants.

Planet X Government Secret

The government is keeping the disastrous impacts of planet X a secret
McCanney, Professor at Cornell University, 3 (James, Almighty Wind, What is Planet X?,
1/3/03,, accessed 6/22/11, CW)
After the discovery of Planet X in 1982, astronomers began to study it seriously. They soon
discovered that it was inbound, headed towards the inner solar system again. It was determined that
it would cause massive earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, the melting or shifting of the polar
ice caps, sudden fluctuations in temperature and climatic conditions, and probably a shift in
the polar axis of Earth. This information was passed on to the political leaders in our
government, and presumably the political leaders of other nations. After some consultation, it
was decided that if the news about Planet X and the worldwide disaster that it is expected to
cause was released to the public, the public would react in fear, hysteria, panic, and anarchy.
The result would be the total collapse of the world economy. Wicked men will protect their precious
dollars at any cost, counting them of more value than the lives of their fellow human beings. So, a
decision was made to suppress all information about Planet X, classifying it as "Super Top Secret."
Yet, in the years since 1982-83, NASA and other agencies have continued to diligently study Planet
X, accumulating a vast amount of information about it. In spite of the best efforts of astronomical
and political leaders, working in collusion to suppress all information about Planet X, there
have been leaks. It is now known that the Hubble Space Telescope has been repeatedly used to
observe Planet X, but all information obtained by it has been hidden from the public. Only a
select few top scientists and government officials have been allowed to view the photographs of
Planet X picked up by Hubble. It has also been revealed that the Hubble telescope is equipped
with special technological equipment that prevents any interception of its signals by anyone other
than NASA. Since it is only taking pictures of things in the heavens, why is it so important that only
NASA receive those pictures? Do they have something to hide? It has also been revealed that since
1982-83, the government has quietly financed and built eight new observatories, equipping them
with the most advanced technological equipment available, for the specific purpose of studying
Planet X. These observatories are in various locations around the U.S., with two of them being in
New Mexico. But the public was never told about these observatories being built with their tax
dollars. Why?

The Government is only concerned with saving the rich people from planet X
while the rest of us are left in its destructive path
McCanney, Professor at Cornell University 3 (James, Almighty Wind, What is Planet X?,
1/3/03,, accessed 6/22/11, CW)
During the twenty-two years since the discovery of Planet X, the governments of the wealthy
industrial nations of the world have quietly built vast underground complexes (bunkers)
capable of housing thousands of people. These bunkers are intended to guarantee the survival
of certain wealthy political leaders, ultra-rich bankers, corporate heads, etc., and others
deemed necessary for their survival and pleasure. These bunkers have been stocked with
enough food, water, clothing, medicine, and technological equipment to guarantee the survival
of the occupants for several years. Those "selected" to use the bunkers have also placed various
treasures in them (art; money; automobiles; alcohol; etc.) in order to preserve these things for their
future use. At the proper time these "special" people plan to enter their secret, reinforced,
earthquake proof bunkers, where they expect to "ride out" the devastation caused by Planet
X, emerging only after the chaos and danger is over. But what about the masses of people on
Earth who have no bunkers? The ultra-rich political and financial leaders of the world
couldn't care less about the survival of the "common man." The only important thing to them
is that they survive. They are the "nobles." They must survive in order to rebuild a "New
World Order" and rule over those who survive the devastation caused by Planet X.

Planet X Government Secret

The Government is keeping the effects of planet X a secret from the public while
they protect the rich
End Times Watcher 11 (online writer about space topics, Mystery of the Iniquity, Effects of Planet
X!, 2/22/11,, accessed 6/23/11,
This Is What Google/NASA/Govt Do Not Want You To See. Supposedly in December 2010 an Russian discovered a mystery comet
approaching earth named LEOnid ELEnin using a little 18-inch telescope, which stands for Extinction-Level Event from Leo Constellation .

NASA provided us with the ELEnin Comet orbit diagram data to create the illusion that these
Nibiru Events will be a harmless comet show. This supposed comet (brown dwarf) reaches perigee position on
September 11, 2011 exactly ten years after the 9/11 attacks. The third conjunction alignment takes place on November 22, 2011, or the same
day that JFK was murdered.

The Global Banksters, their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and

their Media mogals are right now loading food and supplies into underground bunkers in
preparation for Nibiru, while you are being left out of the information loop to be caught by
surprise on March 4, 2011, when the brown dwarf breaks through the solar ecliptic plane. FEMA is preparing for Nibiru under the disguise
of getting ready for a New Madrid Fault Line Catastrophe while you sit there unprepared.

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