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This page contains some types of english, there are six types of
english here those they can enrich our knowledge more. They are
TEFL ((Teaching english foreign language), EMT (English Mother
tongue, ESL (English Second Language), EFL (English Foreign
Language), ELF (English Lingual Franca), EST (English scientific
In order to obtain a better understanding about them, we would
like to give a bit explanation them. TEFL (Teaching English Foreign
Language) refers to teaching the English language to the students
with different first language, TEFL teachers can be native or non
native speakers of english, other types is EMT (English as Mother
tongue), ESL (English as Second Language) a term typically use in
english speaking countries, and more often refering to the learning
than teaching. ELF (English as Lingual Franca) is a language that
permits people who have no common language to communicate, its
not a mother tounge of any of the participants in a discussion. And
the last type EST ( English for science and technology) is a language
that is used how to evaluate and its to develop professional skills.
In the next pages, we will give more explanation about this
function of english. They can enlarge our knowledge about their
history and more explanations.

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