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Gantt Chart

SPI & CPI Calculations


Mr. Coupe

From: Mr. Almesafri

Date: January 31, 2017

Status of Coupe Bike Development Project

The Coupe Bike Development Project began two days as it was planned. The baseline date for
the project to start was 10/17/2016 but the actual start date for the project was 10/19/2016. The
task Technology Research took two more days to complete due to which the cost for
completing this particular task was increased. By looking at the SPI of the tasks it can be seen
that the SPI is either 1 or greater then 1, this concludes that the tasks that are proceeding on
schedule or ahead of the schedule. The CPI of this task is 0.9 due to which it is over cost.
Furthermore, the task Preliminary Design has a CPI of 0.96 and SPI of 1, this shows that the
task is over cost but on time. The task Manufacturer Interviews has a CPI of 0.83 due to which
it is over cost.
This all happened due to the lack of communication between the teams. I recently changed the
head of all the teams and told them to report to me twice on daily basis. Some extra time will be
required to overcome the problem that was caused due to poor communication. If the project
continues to run at the current pace we will be on time and on budget, as the average CPI
calculated is 1.05 up till now and the average SPI is 1.08. The estimated date to complete the
project is 5/4/2017. Overall 49% of the project is completed.
I am actively working with all the team leads and meeting up with them every day so that I can
know what the situation is and if any issues occur then it be resolved quickly so that the project
finishes on time.

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