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Instructions on the Application and Admission Procedure


General explanations
Explanation of the admission procedure
New internal student selection procedure of the University

The fields marked with an asterisk on the electronic application form are required and must be
completed in compliance with the Hochschulvergabeverordnung HVVO (Regulations by the Ministry
of Science concerning the Award by Universities of Places at University in Study Programs Subject to
Restrictions on Admission as currently applicable. The various data are collected according to the
Ministry of Sciences Regulation concerning the Collection and Processing of Personal Data of
Applicants for a Place at University, Students and Examination Candidates for Administrative
Purposes of the University dated 28 August 1992 (in short VpD) in conjunction with Section 4, 1,
Subsection 1 State Data Protection Act (LDSG).


General Explanations


All information given shall be accurate and complete in compliance with the Regulation
concerning the Award of Places at University (HVVO) and the State Law on Universities
Applications will only be processed if the university has received all the necessary documents
required for admission fully completed and in due time by the application deadline. The
deadlines are 15th January for the summer semester, 15th November of the preceding
year for the English-German Bachelor program Electrical Engineering and Information
Technology, 15th July for the winter semester, 30th April for the master programs
Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics offered in English medium. It is crucial to
observe these application deadlines as they are preclusion periods!
Please do not enclose any originals of your university entrance qualifications or your
professional training certificates etc., only submit certified photocopies.
Periods of professional training and work will only be recognised until the issue date of the
respective certification. New evidence must be given for any subsequent periods and
submitted upon registration (enrollment) at the University. For vocational qualifications to
increase the waiting period, they must have been obtained by the three application deadlines.
Relevant evidence must be provided.
German natives who have acquired their university entrance qualification abroad and wish to
apply for a German-language program must submit
certificate of university entrance qualification as well as a certified copy of its translation into
the German language and
certificate from the Oberschulamt Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr. 42, D-70176 Stuttgart certifying the
equivalence of their previous education and stating the average grade calculated. This applies
accordingly to applicants holding a university entrance qualification which is not valid for the
State Baden-Wuerttemberg.
International and stateless applicants holding an international university entrance qualification
must enclose their certificate of qualification including a certified copy of its translation into the
German language.
Applicants for the undergraduate English-language program must:
provide evidence of their university entrance qualification
submit the certificate of a passed TOEFL test (or equivalent) which is not older than one year.
For the TOEFL test a minimum of 550 scores is required for the paper-based version and 70
scores for the computer-based version. For the IELTS test the minimum requirement is 6.0.
Applicants for the master programs in English-language medium must:








provide evidence of their university entrance qualification and their undergraduate studies.
submit the certificate of a passed TOEFL test (or equivalent) which is not older than one year.
For the TOEFL test a minimum of 70 scores for the computer-based version is required. For the
IELTS test a minimum score of 6.0 is required.


Explanation of the Admission Procedure


For study programs which are subjected to admissions restrictions, university places are
awarded in compliance with HVVO as currently applicable.
If applying for admission into a semester other than the first one, you must provide evidence of
your exams accredited and other credits achieved as well as of the practical semesters
The pre-selection procedure applies to German applicants having rendered a service under
Section 14 HVVO (cf. number 6 of the application for admission) and who had been admitted
to the named university immediately before or during the activities related to the above service
(please enclose a copy of the admission notice). The pre-selection is only valid until the
second admission procedure following the termination of the service.
A case of hardship under Section 12 HVVO is granted only if the applicant can claim serious
health, social or family reasons which, even when applying strict criteria, makes it impossible
to expect this applicant to wait even one semester for his admission. Reasons and relevant
proof must be provided (e.g. specialist medical appraisal) and submitted with the hardship
claim. Financial reasons requiring immediate commencement of the studies, or illness or caredependency of a parent or any other family member are not usually considered to be a
sufficient reason for a hardship claim.





New Internal Student Selection Procedure of the University

Since the winter semester 2004/05, pursuant to the applicable legal regulations, places at university (if
limited in number) have generally been awarded according to a specific key, i.e. 90 p.c. through a
selection process and 10 p.c. based on the waiting time.
At the Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences, only the selection
process is used for all Bachelor programs. It is based on the application documents submitted.
Important: For the moment, no special aptitude test or interviews are planned apart from language
tests in the English-language programs.
In principle, the admission committee sets up a recommendation list or a ranking list. On the basis of
this list, the rector will then decide who will be admitted.
The criteria for and the procedure of setting up a recommendation list is explained below:

All German-language study programs with the exception of Social

Work and Health Care Pedagogics:
On the basis of the candidates application documents, their position on the ranking list is determined
as follows:
Calculation of a weighted overall grade using the following formula: [(overall average grade of the
university entrance qualification)+(grades in German, Mathematics * 2 and continued modern foreign
language)/4] / 2.
This so calculated overall grade can be upgraded as follows:
by 0.2 in the case of a subject-related vocational training unless it is not an integral part of the
university entrance qualification
by 0.1 for each completed year of subject-related work, maximum 0.2.

English-Language Bachelor Study Program:

On the basis of the candidates application documents, their position on the ranking list is determined
as follows:
Calculation of a weighted overall grade using the following formula: [(overall average grade of the
university entrance qualification)+(grades Mother Tongue, Mathematics * 2 and continued modern
foreign language)/4]/2
This so calculated overall grade can improve as follows:
by 0.2 for a subject-related vocational training unless it is not an integral part of the university
entrance qualification
by 0.1 for each completed year of subject-related work, maximum 0.2
by 0.2 for proven German proficiency.

Weingarten, 21 February 2014

FAQ for Applicants for a Place at University

How do I apply?
On, item Online Application, just follow the comprehensive
online help.
When is the application deadline?
The University Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences must have
received your application by the 15th January for the summer semester, by the 15th
July for the winter semester and for the English-language undergraduate programs
by the 15th November of the preceding year.
What are the prerequisites for admission?
General university entrance qualification, entrance qualification for a university of
applied sciences or a specific higher education entrance qualification. Please enclose
only certified copies of your certificates with your application, do not submit originals.
I will receive my certificate only after 15 July, but I want to apply for the winter
semester. What can I do?
In your online application, state 15 July as UEQ and 99 for the grade. Then send
us the printed application by 15 July at the latest. However, you should then submit
your certificate as soon as possible, by 25 July at the latest.
Better chances through multiple application?
You should fill in just one application for admission you will not enhance your
chances of being admitted by filing several applications since it is always the last
application received which is considered.
Will I be notified about an admission/rejection?
Generally, admission notices are already sent a few days after the application
deadline (the Social Work program is an exception, there, the calculation takes
longer, since the number of applicants for this program is very high.) Applicants will
be directly notified by letter of their admission or rejection. The selection process will
be finished in February at the latest for the summer semester and in August at the
latest for the winter semester.
How much time do I have for enrolling after being admitted
You have about 14 days from the date of notification to enroll at the University. So do
not plan an extended holiday trip so as not to miss the registration period. Another
possibility is to authorize a family member to act on your behalf.
Are there any alternates?

Yes, there are. Should, after the period of approximately 14 days provided for
enrollment (see previous question) not all applicants have enrolled at the university,
other candidates will then move up the list. In summer, it is the period from the
beginning to mid-August and in winter from the beginning to mid-February.
As of: 03 April 2008

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