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Dangerous Tweets
Note from the Publisher
In spite of what the editor claims in the
preface, we cannot guarantee the authenticity of this collection of tweets. It is our
opinion that the work is in fact an adaptation of an epistolary novel written long ago
in a less civilized country inhabited by unenlightened people of dubious moral character. We find it hard to imagine that anyone in our day and age would actively
seek to destroy another persons reputation, much less that they would violate an
innocent girl and then tweet about it as if it
were all a game. Other tell-tale anachronisms (convents? literally dying from sorrow?) should suffice to convince even the
most gullible reader that this work has little
or nothing to do with current society.
Editors Preface
This collection of tweets represents a small
fraction of the files that have been leaked
to me by a source that wishes to remain

I have seen the morals of my

time, and I have published
these letters.
anonymous. I have changed the names to
protect the innocent and have numbered
the tweets in a logical order, but I have
omitted irrelevant tweets (such as Sophies
tweets to Ccile, which frankly, are useful
only as a testament to the monotony of life
in a convent). Critics might object that I
should have published all the tweets rather
than this edited work. I stand by my
choices, however, and assure the reader
that I have left the actual tweetsmistakes
and allexactly as they were written. However harshly you might judge the literary
merit of my work, I believe that at minimum, these tweets might shed light on
some of the means used by corrupt people to hurt those with strong morals. Two
lessons in particular stand out: 1. If you
hang out with the wrong people you will
end up their victim. 2. Parents need to
keep a close eye on their children. Am I recommending that young kids read this? Unless they are sufficiently mature, probably
not. It might just give them bad ideas.

Edited by Marc Olivier

Design by Julia Gil and Marc Olivier
Based on Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
Tweet contributors: Ashley Adams, Karen Armstrong, Allyson Baker, Kristen
Ballieu, Aileen Christensen, Lynzi Clyde, Brooke Curran, Daniel Cutler, Amy
Dawson, Amandine Giraud Carrier, Ryan Greenburg, Alex Hill, Anne Knighton,
Charly Kuecks, Paola Leao Gautier, Mindy Leavitt, Nicole LeTellier, Hannah
Stauffer, Alyssa Tillett, and Marc Olivier
copyright 2013
PDF version (also free) available at (or visit the site
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