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Foods That Cause Acne

Acne is one of the most hated enemy by every women. Acne is not a dangerous
disease, but its presence is very annoying. Acne is caused by clogged pores due to overactive
oil glands. Although many medical experts who denied any connection between acne with the
food we eat, there's no harm in avoiding some foods that can cause acne.
Here are some foods can cause acne:
1. Sugar and Chocolate
Chocolate may be one of the most food cause acne. sugar in chocolate can cause acne
because hormone levels increase.
2. Milk
High milk intake may be associated with the emergence of acne. That is because the
increase in growth hormone which causes the sebaceous glands in the skin become
3. Iodine
Iodine can irritate the skin and cause acne. Iodine can be found in fish and shellfish
because sea water contains iodine.
4. Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine is considered to cause of acne because it can affect hormone levels produced
by the body. Some sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate.
5. Food Allergy
Milk and egg allergies usually cause skin problems. Acne emerge due to the immune
system tries to fight the poison that is felt.
6. Fruit and Vegetable that are Acidic
The acidity of the body can cause of acne, because of it avoid eating carrots,
cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce too much.

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