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I: Introduction

I.A: Rationale/Motivation
This section must introduce the broader context of your research area and your rationale to
conduct research on this area (approximately 200 words)
I.B: Justification
You need to formulate a strong reasoning towards defending the above mentioned argument
(Approximately 200 words)
I.C: Relevance
After completion of the work how the expected results are going to be useful in area of business
management (100 words)
I.D: Statement of Research Problem
A clear indication of your research work. This must align with your title of the work. (100
II: Related Literature
An indication and summary of empirical /non empirical literature reviewed so far (please note
that during the dissertation writing this is expected to enhance). The purpose shall be to identify
the gap or scope for current research in question (500-700 words)
I.A: Synthesis
Identifying the research Gap and coming to the specific point of inquiry (100 words)

II.B: Research Questions

Questions that emerge from the literature, the problem and the gap that you have identified,

maximum 3 (100 words)

II.C: Research Objective

Specific objectives that you will try to achieve which are measurable in some form (quantitative
or qualitative), maximum 3 (100 words)

III: Methodology
III. A: Research Design and Method
Which is suitable for analysis to achieve the above mentioned objectives. A brief indications is
sufficient (100 words)
III.B: Sample Size and Tool & Techniques for Data Collection (100 words)
III.C: Data Analysis: Strategy and Statistical Concerns (100 Words)
IV: Chapter Scheme (100 words)
In APA format

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