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Assignment Solution

1(a):- n=6, nb=4, nt=2

1(b):- n=10, nb=7, nt=2, nq=1
1(c):- Lets assume that disk forming pair with link 1 is numbered as link 2 and disk forming pair
with ternary link 3 is link 6.
Also assuming that there is pure rolling between the disks (no slipping is present)
n=6, nb=4, nt=2
If slipping is also present then
n=6, nb=3, nt=2, j1=1
2j=(2nb+3nt) =(2x3+3x2)=12
Dof=3(n-1)-2j- j1=3x(6-1)-12-1=15-13=2
2:- As discussed in tutorial classes (steps are repeated below)
Step 1:- Draw the mechanism at the given
instant of time i.e. draw fixed link AB of
length 35 mm with a suitable scale, then
draw output crank DC at an angle 110
degree with fixed link from point D. Now
draw an arc of length 55 mm from the
other end of fixed link(from point A) and
an arc of 78 mm from other end of output
crank (point C). Meet the point (B) of
intersection of these two arc with those
end of fixed link and output crank.
(Approx figure draw as instructed above)
Step II:- Determine the extreme position of output crank i.e. draw the circle of radius 67 mm
from point D and extend link AD both side, point of intersection of elongated link AD and that

of circle will give extreme position of crank. Mark them as C1 and C2. Now corresponding to
extreme position of output crank determine the position of input crank i.e. Draw circle of radius
55 mm from point A. Draw the arc of length 78 mm from C1 and C2, where these arc cut the
circle mark them as B1 and B2 and meet them to A.
Step 3:- Measure the angle turned by input crank while moving from B1 to B2 and note it as ,
now subtract from 360 to get .
=100 degree
=260 degree
Time taken for forward stroke /time taken for backward stroke = / = 2.6
Length of stroke = C1C2=2CD=2x67=134mm
3:- length of stroke = 60 mm
=72 degree, = 288 degree
time ratio = 4
for procedure, follow the steps discussed in class. i.e. find out the point of intersection of crank
with line of stroke of tool and determine angle and .
4:- Loop formed by link DE, EF, FD represents a structure, hence it can be taken as ternary link.
Now consider loop BCDE, it is a four bar chain mechanism with l+s(4+2)<p+q(4+3). It satisfy
Grashof law and have shortest link fixed. So it is a double crank mechanism.
Now consider loop CDFG which is also a four bar chain mechanism with l+s(4+2)=p+q(3+3). It
also satisfy Grashof law with shortest link fixed. thus it also give double crank mechanism.
Hence we can conclude that link CG will revolve.
5:- Assuming that only pure rolling is taking place b/w link 4 and link 5, also there is no friction
between handle and link 5 and both rotate at same angular speed so that it can be taken as single
n=7, nb=5, nt=1, nq=1
Thus window sliding mechanism has single degree of freedom

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