Bridge Building: Participation

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Bridge Building

We have always wanted to build and design structures from and through-out our
childhood. There are a lot of awe-inspiring structures out there that further
enhance this desire. Tryst, IIT-Delhi gives you a chance to showcase your talent
in a stage like never before: Build a bridge as you wish from the materials given
to you, where your imagination is the only restriction. The best models based on
the various fields will be declared winners and awarded prizes.

1. Students take part in groups of 4.
2. The participants can be undergraduate, post-graduate or Doctorate fellow.
3. The participants should hold a valid College Identity Card.

Interested students should take note of the following points for

participation in the process:

Round 1/Dimension 1(1-D)

1. This round is Miniature Bridge prototype Building.
2. The Groups will be given one of the materials from the following set:
Ice-cream Sticks, matchsticks and Lego Blocks and use them primarily
to design and build your bridge.
3. The participants are allowed to use other items but it is advised to keep it
minimal as overusing other items may disqualify your entry.
4. This round will take place on 28th February, 2015 in the Ex-Hall (near
CCD). Other details will be passed on later.
5. Participation will be awarded on First-come First-Serve basis.
6. Maximum amount of time per team is 4 hours.
7. The Fields in which the model will be checked: Design, Originality,
(Strength/no. of items used) and Time taken.

Round 2/Dimension 2(2-D)

1. This is round will be the actual Bridge Building Competition.
2. The Selected groups will be given a fixed amount of material and are
expected to build a bridge on 29th February, 2015. The material to be
given will be informed later.
3. The participants can use other items but only if it is to support the main
framework of the material provided.
4. This Bridge will be subjected to a test which will be one of the following:
Earthquake resistance (Subjected to shake Table); Water resistance
(The model will be used to connect to edges of a water Tank) etc.
5. The test and the exact details will be informed after the end of Round 1.
6. The evaluation will take place on 30th February, 2015.
7. The field in which the bridge will be tested: Design, Originality, Strength,
Distance of bridge and Efficiency (Wastage).

For Registrations, visit:

Further instructions will be made available by updating this document.

Anshul Jain 8285223901
Lakshman Narayanan - 9899633108

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