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Defects in solids

Scope: know the different types of defect, and how these

defects can affect on the materials properties
.Defect can be either desirable or undesirable
In general, a defect simply refers to a disruption in the
crystalline order of an otherwise periodic material

Types of defects in crystal structure

2.Line defect

3.Area defect
Grain boundaries

1.Point defect
Vacancy atoms
Interstitial atoms
Substitutional atoms

Point defect
Vacancy atoms

Interstitial atoms


vacancy defect
The equilibrium number of vacancies ND depend

Temperature T
Activation energy QD
Total number of atomic sites

the effect of temperature on the
vacancy concentration
Calculate the concentration of vacancies in copper
at room temperature (25oC). What temperature will
be needed to heat treat copper such that the
concentration of vacancies produced will be 1000
times more than the equilibrium concentration of
vacancies at room temperature? Assume that 20,000
cal are required to produce a mole of vacancies in

impurity : addition of an atom of a different species than the
host or matrix
Example Defect does not necessarily imply a bad
addition of C to Fe to make steel
addition of Cr to Fe for corrosion resistance
Alloys other types of atoms are deliberately added to give
the material certain properties
Example alloy of silver and copper (silver is highly corrosion
resistant but very soft
Copper enhance the strength of the silver.

Solid solution
Solid solution is a particular type of alloy
Two types: substitutional and interstitial
solvent the host material, usually the element or
present in the greatest amount.
solute the minor phase, added to the solvent. Usually the
element or compound present in minor concentrations.
phase is a region of uniform composition or crystal structure
What would a solid solution look like?

Factors affect on solid solution

1. Atomic size factor
2. Crystal structure
3. Electro negativity (they will form an inter-metallic
4. Valences (metal with high valence have a stronger tendency
to dissolve than another metal

Comparison between a substitutional solid

solution and an intermetallic compound

Solid solution:
(1) random placement of
solute atoms
(2) metallic bonding

Intermetallic compound:
(1)Specific stoichiometry,
(2) Crystal structure is such that this
stoichiometry is allowed
(3)bonding is partially metallic and
partially covalent (or ionic)

LINE Defect- dislocation

Dislocation is a linear or one-dimensional defect.
Dislocations result from solidification from the melt,
from mechanical work (e.g., rolling, drawing,
compressive impact, tensile or shear stress), or from
thermal stresses
It is very difficult to prepare a dislocation-free
Type of dislocation :
1. edge dislocation : a missing half plane of atoms
2. Screw dislocation: layers twisted with respect to each
3. A combination of the two: Mixed

Types of dislocation
Edge dislocation
Misalignment of atomic planes due
to the extra half plane
screw dislocation
Crystal is "cut halfway through and then
slide sideways
helical path through structure hence

Significance of dislocation
Dislocation is the main reason for plastic
deformation in materials.
Plastic deformation is due to the motion of a
large number of dislocations

Slipping system
Slip plane :planes where dislocation move
Slip directions :Within the slip planes there are
preferred crystallographic directions for
dislocation movement
Slip system:
system The set of slip planes and directions
The slip planes and directions are those of highest
packing density
BCC and FCC crystals have more slip systems as
compared to HCP,

Slip in Single Crystals - Resolving the Applied

Stress onto the Slip System

Resolved shear stress

Critical resolved shear stress - The shear stress
required to cause a dislocation to move and cause slip

Critical resolved shear stress

Schmids Law

Maximum value of (cos cos) corresponds to

= = 45o cos cos = 0.5 y = 2CRSS

Slip in single crystal

Each step (shear band) result from the generation of a large

number of dislocations and their propagation in the slip
system with maximum resolved shear stress.

Polycrystalline Materials
Most materials are
polycrystalline and are
made of many single
during solidification the
crystal nucleate and grow
from the liquid in a random
the grains impinge on each
other when the solidification
is complete
junction of grains are grain

3.Surface defect
grain boundaries
Grain boundaries:
are boundaries between crystals.
are produced by the solidification process, for example.
have a change in crystal orientation across them.
impede dislocation motion.



Plastic deformation
Plastic deformation
permeate deformation in
Plastic deformation is due
to the motion of a large
number of dislocations.
Plastic Deformation of
Polycrystalline Materials

Plastic Deformation of
Polycrystalline Materials
Slip directions vary from crystal to crystal Some grains are

unfavorably oriented with respect to the applied stress (i.e.

cos cos low)
Even those grains for which cos cos is high may be
limited in deformation by adjacent grains which cannot
deform so easily
Dislocations cannot easily cross grain boundaries because
of changes in direction of slip plane and disorder at grain
As a result, polycrystalline metals are stronger than
single crystals (the exception is the perfect single crystal
without any defects, as in whiskers)

Point, Line, and Area defects arise in solids.
The number and type of defects can be varied

and controlled.
affect material properties (e.g., grain

boundaries control crystal slip)

.) may be desirable or undesirable
(e.g., dislocations may be good or bad, depending
on whether plastic deformation is desirable or not.


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