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WageningenX: Soilx Soil4Life: Sustainable Soil Management

Module 1: Soil Formation, Functions and Threats > 1.3 The Nature of Soils > Soil


Module 0:
Introduction to
the Course

Module 1: Soil

Functions and
1.1 Preview

Soil characteristics and terminology

To better understand the nature of soils and their behavior, we need to
have an understanding of the characteristics of soils and also know some of
the common terms that one would encounter when discussing soils.
In the following video, Dr. Jetse Stoorvogel will address some of these soil
characteristics so that you can appreciate that soils are different and they
are different for many, many reasons.

due Aug 01, 2016 at

00:00 UTC

1.2 Soil Functions

due Aug 01, 2016 at
00:00 UTC

Video: Soil characteristics

1.3 The Nature of


Start of transcript. Skip

to the end.

due Aug 01, 2016 at

00:00 UTC

1.4 Opportunities
and Threats
due Aug 01, 2016 at
00:00 UTC

1.5 Soil
due Aug 01, 2016 at
00:00 UTC

Soils are complex

systems. If we ask
people to describe a soil,
they may focus on
different characteristics.

1.6 Postview
due Aug 01, 2016 at
00:00 UTC

Module Exam due Aug

01, 2016 at 00:00 UTC

Where do you think off

when you think about
differences between

Module 2: Soil

You may have thought

about a physical
characteristic like soil

1.7 Module Exam

Module 3:
Dynamics in
Soil Fertility

0:00 / 3:50

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Module 4: Loss
of Soil

Soil type characteristics

The way a soil functions and how suitable it is for different uses, is generally
determined by soil type. You may have heard of soil types such as a silty
clay loam soil or a sandy loam soil and wondered what they mean? You

Module 5:
Water Erosion

may even feel you know about a soils characteristics based solely on their
soil type. However, there is more to a soil than just its type. Soil type alone
does not provide all the answers about what makes a soil function in a

Module 6: Wind

given way.
Soil type refers to a number of, mostly physical and chemical,

Module 7: Soil

characteristics of a particular soil. Together with the effects of the

Module 8: Soil

overall soil quality.

Module 9:
Sustainable Soil
Module 10: Soil
for Life Recap
and Final

surrounding environment, the life in the soil and the management of the
soil by humans, these characteristics determine the soils qualities and

Soil quality greatly impacts the ability of the soil to perform the functions
that are needed to support life on earth. How we humans manage the soil
also greatly impacts the dynamic aspects of soil quality.
There are physical, chemical and biological soil characteristics that together
inuence a soils quality. Two fundamental characteristics are soil texture
and soil structure. These characteristics inuence a number of important
aspects of potential and actual soil behavior and function. Lets learn a bit
more about them. We will look at some other soil characteristics at another

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