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The United States of America on Health Care Systems Upgrades in Developing Nations

The moral duty of a government is to work in the best interest of her people, by extension, to
look out for their well being and provide the means in which to maintain it. Healthcare
systems in developing nations typically fall under one of two categories: first, non-existent or
inadequate to begin with, second, damaged by unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances.
Despite this, the root of the issue is simply the lack of national capacity. The lack of capacity
in finances as well as information, expertise and labor.
The USA, herself being a developed country is enjoying the benefits of modern medicine as
well as navigating her way towards making healthcare more streamlined and accessible for
her own citizens. At the same time, she has made significant commitment to the overall
improvement of the global community by her various initiatives primarily in research and
capacity building. She aims to work with various organizations and individuals, both on the
domestic as well as international front to build upon existing programs such as the Presidents
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI).
The USA believes the issue, premised under predetermined indices and definitions, can be
broken down into 4 key areas. Firstly, national capacity. The ultimate goal is for nations to
reach a state of self-sustainability, and thus we should seek to improve the overall
infrastructure in the country and remove factors that impede growth, like corruption.
Secondly, developmental aid. The USA plans to continue to provide aid within her capacity
as is status quo and also calls upon other nations to do what they can, not just with regards to
finances but also expertise and resources. Third, emergency aid. This is to be employed in the
case of any event deemed a crisis or emergency wherein the nations existing system is
unable to cope. As such, countries may construct a suitable aid package to be deployed in
such as situation. Finally, sustained international cooperation. The USA seeks to work with
other countries to establish a universal standard of healthcare as well as work towards further
scientific developments in this field through the sharing of knowledge and technology
Bearing this in mind, the USA looks forward to a fruitful debate.

The United States of America on Agricultural Subsidies

Basic economics holds two key concepts. The first, supply and demand and the second, the
production possibility frontier; each with their own respective model. The understanding of
the role agricultural subsidies and the market in general play in altering the behavior of these
models is quintessential to comprehending the issue at hand and how to arrive at a resolution.
At this point, we should also note that for the most part, the degree and type of subsidy
offered often differs from nation to nation, dependent on circumstance as a matter of national
policy and not of any international agreement. Subsequently, we may also look at the issue as
a subset of international relations and trade deals.
Beginning from president Franklin D. Roosevelt, farmers in the USA have seen greater
attention and protection from the government. The development of agricultural price and
income support policies stemmed from the post war era and still carry forward to this day.
Presently, the USA sees subsidies in a variety of forms that include: price guarantees and
price support, export subsidies and increased crop insurance. In addition to this, we see the
population of farmers decreasing exponentially as well as the shift from family-style farms to
larger commercially oriented farms.
At present, we see that the tone agricultural subsidies have set for the market as a whole is
stagnant and greatly unsustainable and that we should work towards building economies that
are innovative and constantly working towards betterment. The constant babying of these
industries has lead to the problems we see in the industry today. To curb the problem of
overproduction, the US proposes the initial capping of national crop buying schemes that
move towards their complete removal or conditional reinstatement potentially in times of
emergency or economic depression. In opposition to crop dumping, price guarantees and
adjustable import tariffs are a viable option that she hopes be explored further in council. To
spur innovation and encourage new enterprise, we can also consider the provision of start-up
subsidies or subsidies that defray the initial cost of production thus maintaining diversity
amongst producers.
All in all, we must recognize that agricultural subsidies employed in various situations may
yield varying results and hence must be debated and used with great care. It is with this in
mind that the USA looks forward to an interesting debate.

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