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Job Descriptions

Habit Catcher: Catches students being leaders

and using the habit of the month. This goes along
with the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, a Leader in Me
program. To learn more about this job, visit my

Line Leader: Is first to line up and makes sure

that everyone stays in a straight line. They hold
the door for the class.

Lunch Managers: In charge of taking the

home lunches down to the lunchroom. They also

are the noise monitors during lunch.

Librarian: Keeps the class books organized and

helps students check out during Library time.

Waste Management: In charge of picking up

any garbage they may see. Reminds students

what goes in the recycling bin and what goes in the
garbage can.

Pencil Monitor: Returns any lost pencils to the

Unsharpened bin. Sharpens the pencils once a day.

Messenger: Takes any messages/supplies to the

office and other teachers.

Job Descriptions
Greeter: Greets students as they come into the
classroom. Leads the class in a greeting during
Morning Meeting. They greet any visitors that may
come into the classroom.

Meeting Manager: Leads the class in Morning


Calendar Counter: Leads the class in daily

calendar activities.

Recess Buddy: Looks for students who are

not playing with anyone and asks them to play.
Plays with new students in the class.

Paper Passer: Passes out any papers and/or

supplies the class needs.

Attendance: Takes the daily attendance and

lunch count.

News Reporter: Reports any news other

teachers, substitutes, lunch monitors, etc. may

give the class while I am not there. Reports any
behavior problems.

Job Descriptions
Line End: Makes sure that the class walks in a
straight line. Turns off the lights and closes the
doors when the class leaves the classroom.

American Patriot: Leads the class in the

Pledge of Allegiance.

Substitute: Does the job of anyone who is

absent for the day. May also be the substitute

helper when I am gone.

Desk Fairy: Inspects the desks. Leaves Fairy

Notes on the 2 cleanest desks at the end of the

day or week.

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