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Songs of Wuffgard: The shrine of Draco.

Rene Reyes
Saint Leo University

Author Note
This paper was prepared for Academic Writing 1, taught by Dr. Schroeder


Welcome to the world.

Lamina, a wondrous and magical realm ripe with songs of heroes and high adventure. Her
inhabitants are divided among the tribe of humanoid beasts. To the North in the white tundra of
Fengari lived the Ulfar, better known as the wolf tribe, hardened warriors and superb hunters. To
the south in the harsh deserts resided Almamlakat Alssahrawia, a merchant kingdom and the
center for trade in Lamina, ruled by the Nusar the eagle tribe who make up a majority of the
aristocracy of the land, ruling over all in the region except the nomadic elephant tribe known as
Fil. Across the seas to the mysterious east resided many animal tribes the shamanistic fox tribe of
the Kitsune, the Hou, a monkey tribe of warrior monks, and the Tora Senshi, the tiger Samurai
clans. The Samiki, the fish tribes of sailors, rule the eastern seas and surrounding islands. The
remaining lands on the main continent make up the Kingdom of Zoiko Vasileio, ruled by the
noble lion tribe of Liontari, in the western mountains the bears of the Arkouda live as devout
clerics and among them are born the most talented blacksmiths. In the southwestern marshes and
northern tip of the desert reside the savage reptilian tribes of Terraruim. The central woodland
realms of Silva hail the dog tribes of the Canis, many of whom follow the path of the ranger for
their exceptional tracking skill and mastery of archery. The other tribes that inhabit the realm of
the wood, the Hicrum, goats who value knowledge above all else, many are masters of the arcane
arts. The rabbits of the Kouneli tribe are knonw for agility and acrobatics; many travel as
performers. Lamina had enjoyed four hundred years of peace; however, this would soon prove
ephemeral. A dark cloud was beginning to form in the western seas, but where there is darkness
there would also shine a light of hope in the form of a young Ulfar, with a spirit that shone bright
and was favored by the gods. May he ever walk in Laminas light.


Songs of Wuffgard: The shrine of Draco.

Heroes awakening.
Wuffgard awoke to the warmth of the morning sun shining through the pine trees. It had
been two days since he began his journey into the world as is customary of all Ulfar who come
of age. He was half a days march from the border of Fengari and Silva. This would not be his
first time to the woodland realm as a child, his father would take him along to trade meat for
other goods, and to spend time with the friends he made during his coming of age journey. Still,
even though he had left the tundra before this time, it was different, he was on his own; with
nothing but a sword on his back and the wind in his face; the young Ulfar knew his life and he
himself would never again be the same. As he turned back to gaze upon his homeland one last
time in the soft glow of suns light he smiled to himself and said, My life starts now and
turned away and walked forward toward his story, which would be sung among the bards for
years to come.
Chance meeting in the Howlers Moon tavern.
Wuffgard had finnaly made it to Oppidum. Finally, a pint of ale warm food and a bed to sleep
in tonight, he thought to himself. Hi fathers friend Feidor owned the local tavern so that would
be his first stop. Wuffgard my boy, look at you, the spittin image of yer old man. shouted
Feidor, a basset hound Canis Come, come have a seat lad, yer first pints on me, he continued
to shout. Wuffgard replied, Its good to see you gramps, it looks as if business is as good as
usual. Better, exclaimed Feidor. Wuffgard knew the tavern was well off, but something was
odd; it seemed many more adventurers were present than all the times he has ever visited.
Whats with all the adventurers, Feidor he asked. Feidors smile faded Hmm. The lot came


from all over, fools chasing after treasure and glory in the nearby shrine. A fools errand lad,
most come out runnin and fallin on their arses. Excuse me, you there with the large sword.
Wuffgard turned back to the mysterious figure in the heavy cloak. A man in the cloak spoke
calmly. May I ask you for a favor would you do me the honor of fighting me? In the far end
another persons attention was caught, a Hicrum who was deep in reading his book. Wuffgard
wasnt sure how to reply, he could not sense any hostility, only sincerity and something else.
Ah my manners, please forgive me. The cloak came off to reveal a Hou monk, a muscular one
at that, carrying what appeared to be a metal staff.
Duel to Friendship. This was the first time Wuffard had seen a Hou. He had heard of
them but never thought he would meet one, in Oppidum of all places. The Hou explained, My
name is Son Wulong. I hail from the Four Star Temple and am on my musha shugyo, or warriors
pilgrimage in the common tongue. I am seeking strong opponents to test my skill and push my
limits and I feel your warrior spirit is burning intensly. Wuffgard was shocked but amused by
the strangers request. Wuffgard stood up and smiled, My friend, the honor would be mine but I
have one condition. The monk bowed, You do me much honor to call me friend, what then my
friend would you ask. Wuffgard asked After our duel would you accompany me to the nearby
shrine? There will be many dangers possibly goblins and orcs, but you look like you can hold
your own. So what do you say? The monk took his stance and smiled. Very well, you have my
word friend. Wuffgard pulled his sword and took his stance. His eyes burned with excitement.
They both made a battle cry and with determination in their eyes and smiles on their faces
charged toward each other.
Into the abyss. As the battle ensued, both men were evenly matched. Both would strike
and parry with great finesse. They locked weapons one last time and stopped. The match was a


draw both men were panting That was incredible, your fighting style is something else Wu,
said Wuffgard, breathing heavily, Wu!? How simple, your swordsmanship was precise. I had
heard the northern swordsmanship was rivaled by none in these lands. Replied the monk.
Wuffgard chuckled Ha ha I wouldnt go that far , the Liontari are no pushover either. Well, lets
get some rest. In the morning well head out to this shrine Son Wulong nodded. As the men
began to walk toward the tavern a Hicrum approached them he was garbed in hooded robes
holding a staff and carrying a satchel with a spell book in it. My name is Lagos, I would like to
join you gentlemen. I could be of use to you and I would like to investigate something in that
shrine. Wuffgard and Son stared at each other in confusion What the hell, the more the merrier,
right? Wuffgard was curious about what the Hicrum was investigating and thought to himself he
would keep a close eye on him in the shrine.
Sleeping Terror. The next morning the party made for the shrine. It read This is the
Shrine of Draco. The party made its way through the shrine fighting orcs, goblins and even a
troll but no treasure was in sight; they finally made it to what appeared to be an altar room, but it
was larger than they had expected. It seemed my suspicion was for naught, said Lagos. All of
a sudden a large stomp shook the ground UMMM LAGOS? WHAT WERE YOU
INVESTIGATING!? screamed Wuffgard. Lagos became pale as he yelled WELL DO YOU
OUT! Out from the fog and shadow glowing red eyes shone through the darkness and the beast
came forward revealing itself DRAGON!! shouted Wuffgard. This was going to be harder that
facing a hundred orcs. Will they be victorious?

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