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Class Council Contract

Meeting Etiquette
Class Council meetings are to be designed for efficiency while being inclusive in the process of
gathering input to further reconcile with a plan to execute, thus it is necessary to stay in control
and refrain from outbursts of irrelevancy. Proper etiquette during meetings would include:
No use of phones unless it is an emergency
Silence unless you are permitted to speak
Verbal distaste of an idea remains unspoken until after the meeting concludes
Respect your peers, executives, and advisors when they are speaking
Remain seated until it is appropriate to arise.
Work Days
Quite similar to meetings as far as efficiency, however, workdays are far more flexible regarding
communication. Work days are extremely essential to any event we plan, therefore we all must
attend. Any missed workday without a 3 day notice in advanced will be deemed as a strike
unless there is an emergency present. Those in attendance are to remain within the committees
they are assigned to and will be observed to ensure that each committee has done the sufficient
amount of work planned in the agenda. Attendees are expected to sign in on the correct time
they arrive and the correct time they leave. Dishonesty will result in a strike. Any dispute
within the workplace is zero-tolerance for all who participate in the skirmish or altercation. We
are expected to be young adults.
Mandatory Events
All mandatory events are MANDATORY, as it is called mandatory for reason. You are expected
to arrive when it is scheduled unless you are to notify an executive in advanced of your absence.
Failure to do so will earn you a strike.
Unless it is specified, it is absolutely inexcusable to be more than 10 minutes tardy without any
valid reason. If there is an unusual/reasonable circumstance that hinders your ability to arrive,
then the tardy shall be voided. An absence will be excused if you are to notify an executive 3
days in advanced unless there is an extreme emergency. The process of leaving early works the
same way.

When you've applied for Class Council, you may have read the social media/character conduct
policy. Any deviation from this will result in your immediate removal. This shall seek to reiterate.
No suspensions
Must maintain a 2.5 and above
No inappropriate content on social media
Refrain from violence within the group
By signing this contract, you reconcile and abide by all of what it states. Failure to sign this will
lead to the consequence of removal. Class of 17 deserves the greatest finale of their high school
endeavor, now it is up to us to be the servant leaders that provides the opportunities for this
great finale to exist. Remember that you are signing up to be a constituent of something much
greater than yourself.
Student Name (Print):_________________________________________________________
Student Signature:____________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:_____________________________________________________________
Former Homeroom (incase of removal):__________________________________________

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