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What are the cultural implications of the tale of genji, Yugao

The novel was made in the Heian Period of Japan. In this era, the Fujiwara
clan ruled the country. During this period, political dominance was not the
only thing that flourished. Arts, literatures, short stories and other artworks
became more popular in this time. The story presents important culture of
Japan in Heian Period. Imperial courts are very popular in the story. These
courts was ruled by the emperor. During this period, it is believed that there
are separations of ranks in the society. Those high-ranked people are the one
who contributed greatly in the field of literature and arts but on the other
hand they knew little about the outside and cared less about it. Those lowerranked people or known as common people are treated as sub-human of the
courtiers. In fact, the author of the story belonged to the Fujiwara Clan, a
high-ranked clan of the society, and capable of making stories which the
common people cannot do. Another part of the story that contributed to the
culture of Japan in the Heian Era was the concealment of the Lady Yugaos
face to the outsiders. It is believed that during this period, ladies are only
required to be seen by only two men in their entire life, their father and their
husband. This is the reason why Lady Yugao is hiding in the first place. Heian
ladies will be seen in public if they will be part in the court service as a maid,
otherwise they will be hidden. On other hand, Heian gentlemen are not
interested in physical beauty of a lady. Instead, they are more interested on
women who are interested in literary arts like writing poems and other
artworks. This might be the reason why Genji is in loved with the Lady Yugao.
Furthermore, the story has a supernatural events like the apparition of the
Lady Rokujo in Genjis dream which results to the nightmare of Lady Yugao
and suddenly results to her death. This implies that during the Heian times,
the people believed in the wrath of spirits on people which somehow
believed in the most countries of the world.
2. What are the traditions or customs that are exclusively
practiced in Japan?
In the story we can see that Japanese believed in the true essence of
beauty. Beauty is not seen only on the physical aspect of a person but mostly
on the inner part of them. The Tale of Genji emphasizes the value of Miyabi,
which refers to personal refinement, good taste and good manners. In this
modern era, Japan is considered as the most disciplined country. The value of
Miyabi which has been introduced in the Heian period are still been practiced
today. This involves being polite, being respectful, being organized and being
generous. We cannot deny that Japan has been considered as one of the
cleanest country in the world because of Japans tradition. Japanese people
appreciate the natural beauty and they loved the environment as influenced
by their religion Shintoism. This religion believed that there are living spirits
known as kami that dwells inside the natural places like animals, plants,

stones, seas, even on the dead, etc. They served as gods for them. This is
the reason why they are so protective in their environment.

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