Procedures of Administration For The Rorschach-3

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Administration-the Rorschach

The preferred seating for Rorschach administration is
where the subject & examiner sit side-by-side. There are two
reasons for the side-by-side seating.

Introducing the test

Ordinarily, no special elaboration concerning the nature
of the Rorschach should be required if the subject has been
prepared properly for the overall assessment process. An
important purpose in providing the introductory overview
concerning procedures is to ease any mistrust or anxiety that
the subject may have about the situation.
Im going to have you copy some designs and then we
will do a test that has several parts. In one Ill ask you to
remember some numbers And we will be doing the
inkblot test, maybe youve heard of it.

What might this be ?
The examiner must record all the verbal materials verbatim,
quickly and efficiently.

Questions & Encouragement

Brief protocols (R< 14)

Lengthy records

Inquiry instruction format

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