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Electronic Premium Reporting System (EPRS)


March 18, 2013

EPRS is an acronym
for Electronic
Premium Reporting

A web-based
application designed
for PhilHealth
employers, to use in
reporting premium

What is EPRS?

How to get
access to the

Register to secure a
user account and

Registration can be done

through walk-in to
PRO/Branch/LHIOs and
fill-out the POAF*

or Electronically:
and look for EPRS ePOAF link
*PhilHealth Online Access Form (POAF)


Have filled-out
d registration
through ePOAF,
whats next?

Please check your

email and carefully
follow the instruction.

You will be required to

confirm your identity
Membership clean-up
Install the SSL Certificate
User account and
password activation

I have my user
account for
the EPRS, have
installed the
Whats next?

You may now start to

prepare your monthly
remittance report.

Whats inside
the EPRS?

Employer Profile module

Displays the employer profile

Sync icon Updates employer profile in the EPRS

based on what is in the Membership Database

Employees Management Module

Managing Employees Remittance

Status using the
Remittance Status Module

Employees Remittance Status Module

Employees Remittance Status Module

Employees Remittance Status Module

Setting Applicable Period

Employees Remittance Status Module

Employees Remittance Status sub-module

Updating of employees employment status Active status

Employees Remittance Status sub-module

Updating of employees salary bracket

(Required if the status is Active

Employees Remittance Status sub-module

Updating of employees employment status No Earnings status

Employees Remittance Status sub-module

Updating of employees employment status Separated status

Managing Employees Remittance

Status using the
File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

File Upload Module

Payment Management module

Print PEPRL (Optional)

Generate SPA/PPPS
Payment for Posting
SPA History

Payment Management module PEPRL

Payment Posting module Generation of SPA

Payment Management module Generated SPA

Payment Management module

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

SPA for Payment and Posting

Online Payment facility

(will be available in EPRS v.3.1)

Online Payment facility

(will be available in EPRS v.3.1)

Online Payment facility

(will be available in EPRS v.3.1)

Transaction Monitoring module

Transaction Monitoring module

eRF-1 in PDF format

Transaction Monitoring module

Last page of the Posted eRF-1

Thank You

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