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General Guideline


For PCC AMSC there will only be Public Poster, Public Video, and Photography Competition.
Scientific Paper is submitted through the result of NRPC and NRT while Scientific Poster
selection is arranged by Secretary of Research in NSPC.

AMSA-University can submit more than 1 works on each branch (Public Poster, Public Video,
and Photography)
Members of team can be from different AMSA-University. In this case, the work submitted
will be considered coming from the first authors university and should be submitted to the
PIC of PCC EAMSC 2016 from the first authors university.
All author(s) MUST BE a member of AMSA-Indonesia. AMSA-Universities should clarify this
before submitting the work.
A person is limited to become the first author in one branch of competition once. Being
second, third, or fourth author is not limited.

Participant of Public Poster consent to participate in the Academic Evaluation and attend the
first/second day of Munas 2016 before representing AMSA-Indonesia in AMSC 2016 if chosen
to be the winner of PCC EAMSC 2016

All works submitted to PCC AMSC 2016 must highlight the effects of ONE of the Social
Determinants on the health of a specific or general community
All submitted entries must be original. When borrowing copyright material, specifically
photographs and sound tracks, permission from the original artist must be attained and
documented. If this is not possible, the artists or source of the material must be given written
This disclaimer must be included in the opening scene of the video or in any segment of the
poster: No infringement of intellectual property rights was intended in the creation of this
video/poster. This was made for the purposes of a private and academic event and shall not
be published to a wider audience without taking proper courses of action. (It is not necessary
to include this on Photography competition)
Submissions that have been included in past competitions or have been presented to a prior
audience is acceptable as long as it has never been shown at any AMSA-International
All submissions must be sensitive to differences in culture, religion, sexuality, socioeconomic
environments, and political situations of all chapters of this organization; and that
discrimination in any form should be avoided
Specific Guideline for each competitions will be elaborated in sections after this General
Guideline section

Theme Overview
The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live,

work and age (WHO, 2015). These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and
resources at global, national and local levels. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible
for health inequities - the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between
countries. Researches which study the effects, implementation, and outcomes of the Social
Determinants of Health allow medical students to better learn from each others experiences in a
concrete way. The conference is gives delegates the chance to participate in an international and
competitive exchange of ideas for the betterment of health around the world!
For more information, we strongly recommend you watch the TEDx talk on the Social
Determinants of Health from Dr. Claire Pomeroy (link found below).

Image taken from

Some references:
Social Determinants of Heath from the WHO.
TEDX talk on SDH from Dr. Claire Pomeroy.

Payments Procedure

In response to the high cost of sending and printing hardcopies before being spread out to
judges. Hardcopies for PCC AMSC 2016 will be printed by PIC of PCC AMSC 2016.
All participants (team) are required to pay Rp. 20.000,- for each work they submit for printing
and hardcopy delivery cost.
Payments are to be made via Transfer to:
a.n Julius Albert Sugianto

Please inform one of the PIC of PCC AMSC 2016 (contacts provided below) after payment,
stating the works first author name and university
Each participant (team) should have their own proof of payment
Proof of Payments should be submitted as elaborated below.
Not including Proof of Payments in the submission will result in disqualification of the work

Softcopy and Proof of Payments Submissions Procedure

Softcopy and Payment deadline

: Monday, 4th April 2016, 23:59 WIB (GMT+7)

There will be no toleration for late submissions

All work from the same AMSA-University must submit their work together from one sender
(i.e. in one e-mail).
o Proof of Payment
Sent with the e-mail of your work for PCC AMSC 2016
Should be in common image format (preferably .jpg)
May be scanned or photographed
Please ensure that the amount transferred, the date, and the time of transfer
is readable

Sent to
[PCC AMSC 2016 Submission] (AMSA-University)_(Number of work
Example: [PCC EAMSC 2015 Submission] AMSA-UNAIR_5

Items to be submitted:
Public Poster^:
Public Poster + Short Description + Audio Presentation + Proof of
Public Video :
Public Video* + Short Description + Audio Presentation + Proof of
Photography :
Photo + Short Description
* You may upload your public video on dropbox or google drive and send the
link to the file instead. Please ensure that PIC of PCC AMSC are authorized to
open the file (esp. On google drive)
^Please also attach additional documents if you are to add 3D Paraphernalia

Name each files using this format:

(Branch)_(Name of First Author)_(Item)
Example: Julius is going to submit his public poster. Then there
should be 4 files sent to the mentioned email address, named:


Public Poster_Julius Albert Sugianto_Abstract

Public Poster_Julius Albert Sugianto_Audio Recording
Public Poster_Julius Albert Sugianto_Public Poster
Public Poster_Julius Albert Sugianto_Proof of Payment



Decision made by the judges and Executive Boards of AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016 are
The Executive Boards of AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016 shall have the exlusive right to
use, edit, produce, and reproduce any of the submitted entries without further
compensation to the artist.
The Executive Boards of AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016 takes no responsibility for
credits submitted incorrectly by the person entering
The person entering accepts responsibility to obtain any clearances, and he/she
should be aware that the committee accepts entry on this understanding
The Executive Boards of AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016 reserves the right to amend the
above guidelines.

More Information

PIC of PCC AMSC 2016

Julius Albert Sugianto
Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016
Phone : +6289675844351
: juliusalberts
Maria Anastasia
A-Team of District 2. 2015/2016
Phone : +6289627886514
: mrnstasia
Edwin Setyawan
A-Team of District 3. 2015/2016
Phone : +6287823988766
: edoedwin
Tsaniya Rizqina
A-Team of District 5. 2015/2016
Phone : +6282220847828
: tsanitsaniya

For Ideas and Experiences during EAMSC, you may also contact the Academic Teams
who have had experiences in such competitions.
Julius Albert Sugianto
Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016
Phone : +6289675844351
: juliusalberts
Raksheeth Agarwal
A-Team of District 2. 2015/2016
Phone : +6285777808310

: rrakkuu
Raku and Julius have attended EAMSC in Taiwan and competed in AMSAInternationals conference competition (Raku was in EAMSC Taiwan. Julius was in
EAMSC Indonesia). There are also many others who have competed in the
competition but, for simplification purposes, I wrote down only those who are within
the Academic Team of AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016. We will be willing and very
delighted to refer you to the other AMSA-Internationals competitors we knew have
competed in the competition. So, dont hestitate to contact us :)

Public Poster Guidelines

1. To allow medical students to better learn from each other's experiences in a concrete
2. To give delegate the chance to participate in a competitive exchange of the ideas for the
betterment of health around the world.
3. Ultimately, to be used as a Public Health Campaign in public

Team Limit
One team is limited to a maximum of five (5) persons. There are no minimums

What to Make for Public Poster Competition


The Public Poster

a. Files should be saved in .pdf, .png, or .jpeg extention
b. Language: English Only
c. Maximum allowed size is 30 x 40 (i.e. 30x40 inches)
d. Resolutions should be enough to be printed on the size you prefer, without
becoming pixelated. (It will affect your score, if pixelated or blurred when
e. 3-dimensional paraphernalia or mechanisms to be attached to the poster may be
accommodated. Should you include any paraphernalia in your poster, please
state the items that you would like to add, where, and the image of the
paraphernalia in a separate document. (in .docx; free format)
f. Compression must be set to maximum quality to prevent pixelated appearance


Short Description of the Poster

a. Files should be saved in .doc/.docx extension
b. Language: English Only
c. Word Limit: 100 words (Excluding title, authors information, and posters size)
d. Font: Times New Roman size 12
e. Spacing: Single
f. Should consist of minimum:
i. Title of Poster
ii. Name of your University and Country (In this case: Indonesia)
iii. Size and orientation of the poster (at what size would you like to print the
poster and what orientation)
iv. Background (Use some numbers from credible references to strengthen your
v. Objective (The targets you want to achieve from displaying this poster)
vi. Your Slogan/Catchphrase


Audio Recording of Your Presentation

a. Files should be saved in 64 kbps .mp3 extensions

b. Language: English only

c. Simply imagine you are presenting at AMSC in Philipines in front of the judges.
How would you present your public poster? How would you make your poster
interesting to the judges and participant? Please record your voice presenting
your work in 3 minutes (maximum).
d. Please make sure that your voice is recorded clearly and there are no background
e. This audio will be used as additional consideration for the judges and to be
published at AMSA-Indonesia National Competition Archive (AMINO)
f. It is not compulsory for all team members to speak in the recording

Submission Procedure
Refer to the first section: General Guideline

Evaluation Criteria

Design Concept and Effectiveness in Conveying Message

Underlying Background


Public Video Guidelines


To allow medical students to better learn from each other's experiences in a concrete
2. To give delegate the chance to participate in a competitive exchange of the ideas for the
betterment of health around the world.
3. Ultimately, to be used as a Public Health Campaign in public

Team Limit
One team is limited to a maximum of five (5) persons. There are no minimums

What to Make for Public Video Competition


Public Video
a. File format: Movies should be able to be played on VLC Application
b. Movie duration: Maximum 3 minutes
c. Please ensure that you have fulfilled all the general guideline stated in the first
section of this guideline. Especially regarding copyrighted materials.


Short Description of the Video

a. Files should be saved in .doc/.docx extension
b. Language: English Only
c. Word Limit: 100 words (Excluding title and authors information)
d. Font: Times New Roman size 12
e. Spacing: Single
f. Should consist of minimum:
i. Title of Video
ii. Name of your University and Country (In this case: Indonesia)
iii. Background (Use some numbers from credible references to strengthen your
iv. Objective (The targets you want to achieve from displaying this video)
v. Your Slogan/Catchphrase


Audio Recording of Your Short Description

g. Files should be saved in 64 kbps .mp3 extensions
h. Language: English only
i. Simply imagine if you are asked to present at AMSC in Philipines in front of the
judges. How would you present your public poster? How would you make your
poster interesting to the judges and participant? Please record your voice
presenting your work in 2 minutes (maximum).
j. Please make sure that your voice is recorded clearly and there are no background
k. This audio will be used as additional consideration for the judges and to be
published at AMSA-Indonesia National Competition Archive (AMINO)


It is not compulsory for all team members to speak in the recording

Submission Procedure
Refer to the first section: General Guideline

Evaluation Criteria

Content (Includes effectiveness in conveying message and clarity of the portrayal)

Cinematography (Angles of the shots taken, scenes, lighting, and effects used)
Underlying Background


Photography Guidelines

To allow medical students to better learn from each other's experiences in a concrete
2. To give delegate the chance to participate in a competitive exchange of the ideas for the
betterment of health around the world.
3. Ultimately, to be used as a Public Health Campaign in public

Team Limit
One team is limited to a maximum of three (3) persons. There are no minimums

What to Make for Photography Competition


The Photograph
a. Prior to the submission of the entry, the participant is responsible for securing a
formal consent from concerned parties if the image contains any element that is
not the participants property or if any individual appears as the subject of the
b. Entries submitted should not bear watermark
c. Entries can be in full color, black and white, or sepia
d. Only minimal editing is allowed (e.g. crop, exposure, color correction).
e. Entries which are digitally enhanced or altered for creative purposes will be
f. The entry must have the following requirements:
i. At least 54 inches in size
ii. At least 72 ppi in resolution
iii. At least 3888 pixels on the longer side
iv. Image may either be potrait or landscape
v. Please note that the photograph will be printed (for PCC and the
competition at AMSC) on 8R sized material (8 in x 10 in)
g. Entries must be in digital format/file where the photographs detail can reviewed
(e.g. ISO, shutter speed, type of camera, etc)


Short Description of the Photograph

a. Files should be saved in .doc/.docx extension
b. Language: English Only
c. Word Limit: 100 words (Excluding title, authors information, and Photo details)
d. Font: Times New Roman size 12
e. Spacing: Single
f. Should consist of minimum:
i. Title of Poster
ii. Name of your University and Country (In this case: Indonesia)

iii. Photo details, including

1. Your preference of the photo print size
2. Location where photograph was taken
3. Attached consent from photograph subjects or owners of any
protected property
iv. Background (Use some numbers from credible references to strengthen your
v. Objective (The targets you want to achieve from displaying this poster)
vi. Your Slogan/Catchphrase

Audio Recording of Your Work

a. Files should be saved in 64 kbps .mp3 extensions
b. Language: English only
c. Simply imagine if you are asked to present at AMSC in Philipines in front of the
judges. How would you present your public poster? How would you make your
poster interesting to the judges and participant? Please record your voice
presenting your work in 2 minutes (maximum).
d. Please make sure that your voice is recorded clearly and there are no background
e. This audio will be used as additional consideration for the judges and to be
published at AMSA-Indonesia National Competition Archive (AMINO)
f. It is not compulsory for all team members to speak in the recording

Submission Procedure
Refer to the first section: General Guideline

Evaluation Criteria

Content (Includes effectiveness in conveying message and adherence to theme)

Creativity and Originality
Photographic Quality
Underlying Background and Impact


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