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Children's Storybook Rubric

Student Name: ________________________________________

Title of storybook: ______________________________________

CATEGORY4321Title PageTitle page has aTitle page has title,Title page has 2 ofTitle page has

fewergraphic or fancyauthor's name, andthe 3 requiredthan 2 of the requiredlettering, has title,a picture.elements.
Pageelements and isauthor's name, andlacks creativity.messy.a picture.(5 pts)(4 pts)(3 pts)(2
pts)NeatnessThe final draft of theThe final draft of theThe final draft of theThe final draft is notstory is
readable,story is readable,story is readable andneat or attractive. Itclean, neat andneat and attractive,some of
the pageslooks like the studentattractive.but lacks overallare attractive. Itjust wanted to get itprofessionalism
oflooks like parts of itdone and didn't carepresentation.might have beenwhat it looked like.done in a hurry.(5 pts)
(4 pts)(2 pts)(1 pts)OrganizationThe story is veryThe story is prettyThe story is a littleIdeas seem to bewell
organized. Onewell organized. Onehard to follow. Therandomly arranged.idea follows anotheridea may seem
outtransitions arein a logicalof place. Clearsometimes not clear.sequence with cleartransitions are
used.transitions.(10 pts)(8 pts)(6 pts)(4 pts)SentencesRich variety inSome variety inSimple and/orIncorrect
orsentence structuresentence structureawkward sentenceincomplete sentencesand length. Goesand
length.structure, but someused throughoutbeyond basic use ofsentences may notstory.the
correct.Sentences arecorrect andcomplete.(10 pts)(8 pts)(6 pts)(4 pts)GrammaticalExcellent structureMany
correctly usedMany incorrectlyFew sentences arecorrectnessand accuracy.verbs andused
grammaticalstructurally correctAbove average usegrammaticalelements andand are generallyof verbs and
otherstructures with somestructure. Manyincomprehensible.grammaticalmajor
errorselementaryelements.mistakes.(30 pts)(25 pts)( 20 pts)(10 pts)Vocabulary:Over the basicSome variety
ofLacks someLacks basicSee assignmentrequired vocabularyvocabulary (20vocabulary (15vocabulary (10
words)for requirementswords (+25 words)words) with fewwords) and someand mistakescorrectly
usedmistakesmistakesthroughout(20 pts)(15 pts)(10 pts)(5 pts)TaskCompleted 11 or 12Completed 10
pagesCompleted 8 pagesCompleted 6 or lessCompletionpages to their story,to their story, withwith
pictures.pages to their story.with pictures, andpictures.typed text.(25 or 30 pts)(20 pts)(15pts)(_____pts)

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