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1. Which can be abolished but not dissolved?

2. Which is not electromagnetic in nature?

3. Who has written the famous book Mankind and Mother Earth?
4. Which would be the shortest route from San Francisco to Vladivostok?
5. Who founded the East India Association?
6. What is the aim of Operation Blackboard?
7. What is the pH level of blood of a normal person?
8. Under the Constitution, the residuary powers vest with which government?
9. What is the important feature of shifting cultivation?
10. Which Peshwas was popularly known as Nana-Saheb ?
11. Which form of phosphorus is used in safety matches?
12. Who has won Man of the Match award in the 2011 World Cup Cricket?
13. Who was the first black tennis player to win a Wombledon title?
14. Murrah is a breed of which animal?
15. Which is called The Bible of Tamil Land?
16. By whom was the life cycle of Plasmodium in mosquito discovered?
17. Howmany subjects are in the State List?
18. Which phenomena is used in optical fibres?
19. Which country is included in the North-West pacific fishing grounds?
20. When did Ikhtiyaruddin-bin-Bakhtiyar Khalji invade Bengal?

Answer :
1. State Legislative Council 2. Cathode rays 3. Bertrand Russell 4. Flying over the Pacific Ocean 5. Dadabhai Naoroji
6. Promoting adult literacy 7. 7.35-7.45 8. Union Government 9. Change of cultivation site 10. Balaji Baji Rao 11. Red
phosphorus 12. MS Dohni 13. Althea Gibson 14. Buffalo 15. Kural 16. Ronald Ross 17. 66 subjects 18. Total internal
reflection 19. Japan 20. 1206 AD

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