Hanze - NL / Blackboard Instructies EN

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nl / Blackboard instructions
Thanks for joining the team that will unveil the secrets of the Hanze
intranet & platforms to our new students.
Here are your notes.
From a certain point in the presentation you can switch to the browser and
demonstrate everything on the live site,
using this powerpoint as your speech notes.
(I often jump back and forth with Alt-Tab to make sure I dont miss
Exercises for students including Tips & Tricks come in a separate
presentation and need to be handed out on paper during the instruction
Good luck,
Babz Mook

The Hanze.nl/Blackboard instructions for CO/IC are done in regular

Students are asked to bring their laptop.
This means that before you can start, people need to connect to the wifi.
Hence the first slide.

Via eduroam kun je ook op veel andere hogescholen/universiteiten

Belangrijk: ze moeten @hanze.nl achter hun hanze-inlognaam zetten.

NB: the ORDER button leads to a Dutch page (!!) and a complex click
Via Print students can also order a syllabus.

Quick launch > PRINT

Directs you Campus Print. After logging in students land on to the page
where you can top up your print credit.
(Staff does not see this page, they land on the Print page)
Via print you can upload a file to print.
You can also print directly from your laptop (see link to instructions on the
In the Canon shop students can order syllabuses.

Note that the Dutch tend to call a syllabus reader which is not the correct
term in English

De helpdesk is als je het gebouw binnenkomt in de gang rechts achter de

Kan niet missen want het staat er met koeienletters op.

NB: CMI helpdesk cannot help with login or print issues!!

Ga naar het <link>Reserveringssysteem<link> en vult je gegevens in. Kies de
apparatuur of ruimte die je wilt reserveren.
Zoek dan de datum en het dagdeel dat je wilt reserveren en submit. Je
reservering kleurt oranje in het systeem
Je krijgt in je Hanzemail een bevestiging, maar je reservering is nog niet definitief.
Wanneer de reservering is goedgekeurd (of afgekeurd), krijg je opnieuw een
mail. In het reserveringssysteem is jouw reservering dan groen.
Reservering afzeggen
Mocht je toch geen gebruik willen maken van de reserveren, zeg deze dan af. In
de goedkeuringsmail staat een link waarmee je je reservering ongedaan kunt
maken. Lukt dit niet, neem dan even contact met ons op.

Bring your own device means bring your own software.

Surfspot.nl offers reduced license fees for academics.
Student licence fees are different from licence fees for staff. For staff its
cheaper :-(
Adobe Creative Cloud can be used on 2 devices
MS Office 2013 on 1 device.
MS Office 365 is free via portal.office.com or via the webmail page.

The office 365 portal can be accessed via the webmail.

Click the Office 365 link.

It is necessary that students install the software before the first Visuals
Skills class.
If they dont have Photoshop / InDesign they cant participate in the class.
The other Adobe software can be installed later.
If they dont have a Lynda.com subscription they cant be added to our
playlists with instruction videos.
To watch videos during class, it is smart to bring a headset or earplugs.
An external mouse is helpful for performing complicated actions in Adobe.
(Although some students are very handy with a touchpad)
Students need NOT enter their creditcard info.
If they did, they need to remove it.
Otherwise they may be billed for 25 euro per month when their license



This shows the structure of the Hanze.nl intranet.

The portals to the general information about the study programs are only
accessible via Hanze.nl
The sub sites like Blackboard and Osiris are also accessible via their own
sub domain.
This means when Hanze.nl is down, it doesnt nessecarily mean
Blackboard is down. And when Blackboard is down, it doesnt mean
Webmail is down, etc.
Direct links to the sub sites are provided in the Tips & Tricks handout.


Point out to the students that this slide is also included in the handout.


Hanze.nl dashboard.
Clicking this slide will launch the Hanze website.
From this point on you can demonstrate
everything on the live site, using this powerpoint
as your speech notes. (I often jump back and
forth with Alt-Tab to make sure I dont miss
After logging in to Hanze.nl you get this screen.

Scroll through the page.

Top menu:
via Education you can go to the School of
Communication, Media and IT.
Services > directs to a.o. Media Center,
Student Counsellors, International Student

You can filter the announcements (careful,

because filtering too much means missing

Quick launch

!!! For Dutch users in English taught

programs it is important that they switch the
language to English.


The content for the English taught programs

may differ when accessed via the Dutch

Scroll scroll scroll

Directs to all the Hanze sub sites that we will

show later. F.e. Blackboard, Osiris, webmail.

Contains notices of absence and maintanance

Until you get to the Portals

This is where you enter the International
Communication pages


Portal international communication

Relevant for starting students:
Practical matters
Class lists
Reading list
Rules and regulations
Under rules and regulations you will find the Student Charter and
the Teaching and Exam Regulations.
At a later stage Study Progress is interesting because of the info
about studying abroad.
Note that accessing documents is a bit strange because the mouse
pointer does not change into a pointing finger when you hover over





The Blackboard homepage

What can you do with the home page:
Rearrange modules by drag & drop
Collapse and expand modules (click on the triangle)
Add / remove modules (click on button Add module)
Change the colour scheme (Personalize page)
The ideal lay out would be announcements on the left, courses on the right. (Or
vise versa)
(When the courses are under the announcements, a long list of announcements
would push the courses out of the view)


You can now show the course for block 1.1

For CO/IC the students will automatically added to the course, but I doubt it will
be available yet during the introduction.
Show the students how the Blackboard courses are structured.
NOTE: Turn OFF the edit mode. This creates the view how students will see


Although CO/IC students are enrolled by us, it is useful to know how to enroll for
a course yourself.
We can try this out bu having the students enroll for the course CMI Blackboard.
In this course we will have them try out stuff like uploading an assignment and
posting a blog.


The BB app seems to work best on the smartphone.

I dont get logged in on my galaxy tablet.
On the Ipad you get the app menu, but the pages show as website.


Login with a student account on https://osiris.hanze.nl/student

All students are enrolled for the courses of the first year (or at least the first block)
by the school.
They need to register for the resit.
I am not demonstrating how they need to register for resits; they will not need that
right away.
You could have them check whether they are actually registered in the first year


MO = missed opportunity
GK = gemiste kans
Notice that you can tweet your results!!! :-)


Even het rooster van deze klas opzoeken en laten zien dat je bij mouse
over meer info krijgt over het geroosterde onderdeel.
Digirooster kan worden gesynct met de telefoon via Microsoft exchange of
via de sync knop op de Digirooster site.


EM = ZP7, Van Olsttoren
TN = ZP11, Van Doorenveste
MK = ZP23, Marie Kamphuisborg
Soort lokalen
T = Theorie niet te verwarren met lokaalnummers in de toren die ook
met een T beginnen :-)
C = computer
P = projectruimte


At this point it might be handy to show this map.

EM = ZP7, Van Olsttoren
TN = ZP11, Van Doorenveste
MK = ZP23, Marie Kamphuisborg
!! The letters used inside our buildings do NOT correspond with the letters
in the signage outside on the campus.


People that dont read Dutch should be able to figure it out with the screenshots.
Dutchies: help your foreign classmates please!
The English support site is still empty :-(
No need to demonstrate webmail. We gather they know how to use it.
The only trick I always like to demonstrate is the Check names function.
Enter someones name or abbreviation, hit Check names and the person comes out
easily (unless it is Jansen or de Vries of course).
This tip is also in the Tips & Tricks handout.
Check daily
Use Hanzemail for all study correspondence; they should see it as their business mail
account vs their private gmail/Hotmail/anymail account.
School mail sometimes feels like spam, because you are not interested in the content.
However, you are expected to take note of the information provided.
From all Hanze platforms correspondence goes to the hanze mail. One cannot change
Mail can be synced with devices via Microsoft Outlook Exchange. If it doesnt work, IMAP
may do the trick.

Oefeningen + tips and tricks in apart ppt-bestand.


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