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My Akamai Technologies Experience from Written Test to Final Managerial Round

There are 3 rounds in Akamai For the System Admin Post:1> Written Test
2> Technical Interview
3>Managerial + Hr round
I got call for Akamai Technologies through Randstad (Outsourcing Company)
1> Written Test:- the questions from verbal & Non-Verbal reasoning + some aptitu
de Questions ,It was the toughest paper,I've ever faced. Total 350+ Candidates G
iven written test in 3 batches in that only 6 cleared written test
The written test had 50 questions and were given 1 hour to solve it.
Below i want to share with you some questions that, i remember:a> The angles of elevation of the top of a tower from two points at distances M
and N meters
are complementary, if the two points and the base of the tower are on the same s
traight line
then the height of the tower is
A. mn B. M/N C. square root of MN D. none of the above
b> A retailer has n stones by which he can mesure or(weigh)all the quantities fr
om (1kg to
121kg in integer only) keeping these stones on either side of the balance what i
s the minimum
value of n.
A.3 B.4 C. 5 D. 11
c> Fill the missing number
0, 3, 2, 30, ? , 105,168.
d> Two person each make a single throw with a pair of dice. The probability that
the sum of numbers if the dice of their throws are unequal is
A. 575/648 B. 273/432 c. 264/816.
e> ABCD is a parallelogram and E is the middle point of side AD EC meets BD at O
. If the area if the parallelogram is 24 units then the area of EOD is ?
f> Speaker's _____ is easy to hear but difficult to _________ it.
a. idea/implement b. words/practice
Direction for Question g,h,i,j and k: Study the following information and answer
following questions.
It is very easy to remember the ID number of my ATM card which is a nine digit n
umber and every digit is distinct. If i tell you some clues then you will be abl
e to find it.Consider my numer as PQRSTUVWX corresponing to 1 to 9 digits though
not repository .The Id is divisible by 9. if you delete the digit at its units
place, the remaining 8 digit number of my ID is divisible by 8. If you again del
ete the last digit of the 8 digit number the remaining 7 digit number is divisib
le by 7 and the process goes on.
g) What is the sum of the digits of the ID number of my ATM card?
a) 55 b) 45 c) 90 d) Cannot be determined
h) Find the first five digits from the Following.
i) Find the last five digits from the following.
j) Find the nine digit id of card.
k) Which number does letter R represents
Some Good English words in synonyms and antonyms were came in written test that
questions i forget .
2> Technical Interview:- After 3 days of written test i got call for next round
that was technical interview , now there are only 6 candidates left and mine num
ber is 4th

for me technical interview was for 70-80 minutes duration( Blackboard Presentati
on on code + Questions on Networking)
the questions that i remember from technical interview interview are as follows
:A> Tell me About Yourself?( i reply asap)
B> Tell me about your academic Projects in brief( i told about my 3 projects)
C> Tell me about your Major Project in details( I explain for 5 minutes)
D> you have developed which part in your project and what's your role in that Pr
oject( I told i was done coding , Designing and unit testing in my project )
E> he told me just give me code of JDBC and give me marker pen and told me to wr
ite code in blackboard ( i write code of JDBC connectivity and then he asked me
questions from my JDBC code)
F> He told me to design a jsp page that has two inputs username and password
and using JDBC and servlet Give me code of Login Page( I create and explain ever
y thing how data is Processing and how login successful or unsuccessful, but i m
issed some lines of codes so he gives me some hints after that i correct that co
G> He told me to write a JDBC code to show data by giving some conditions( i giv
es that code using select statement)
H> then he told me to write java script codes for Normal Validation ( I write as
Then He told me please take your chair.(now it's time for Job profile related te
chnical questions)
I> what is different between Switch , Router, hub( I explain and told for 3 minu
J> Tell me in detail about OSI-Reference Model( i explain for 5-6 minutes)
K>what is RARP, ARP.
L> Functions of Network layer and Transport layer
M> In which layer of OSI Model IP (Internet Protocol)would be find
N>give me the names of 10 basic commands in unix
O> What is MAC address? ( I told,The address for a device as it is identified at
the Media Access Control (MAC) layer in the network architecture. MAC address i
s usually stored in ROM on the network adapter card and is unique.)
P> Can We Change the Mac Address of any system? ( I told yes .. if u remove NIC
from System then your mac address automatically changed)
Q> How Gateway is different from Routers?( I told)
R> What are the important topologies for networks?( easy question reply asap)
S>What is the protocol number for TCP?( I told 4 but he told no it's 6)
T>What is DHCP( i told about DHCP and Give a example of Mall where a wifi serves
as Public wifi so how any computer can access to that wiffi that only due to DH
U>What is DNS( very easy question told asap)
V>U have mention that u know about socket programming so tell me about system ca
lls( I told very early because this was my best subject in my college)
w> He told me can u write socket programming using Java language to Find IP Addr
ess of any system( I reply i can't assist u that i can write that code but i wil
l try and finally i completed that code and also compile that code some errors a
re there so HR resolved that all errors )
Some 10-15 questions from Linux i forget some of them are here( Kernel,Vi editor
, what is use of grap command ,etc)
X> Any questions from Your side( i asked a question from Networking but he was n
ot able to give suitable answer)
Now he told me to wait in reception (after 30 minutes he came and told other 5 g
uys that u can leave for the day , you are not up to the level that we required,
Now He told me Abhinav You have cleared your technical round and you have Manag
erial round tomorrow

3> Managerial Round :- This Round was with Manager of IT- Operations of Akamai
this was totally HR round And he asked me only 6-7 questions and only for 15 min
A> Tell me about your final year project
B> Where from you and tell me about your family background
C> Tell me about OSI model (same question from Technical round)
D>DO you know job profile and comfortable with rotational shift?
E> What is your Strength
F> What is your pass time activity
G> any question from you side( I asked same question that i was asked in Technic
al interview but this time Manager give me good answer)
After that He told me that i will give ur result to HR
Sagarika Patra Abhijeet Deshmukh Deepak Tiwari who all going tomorrow for akamai
for those

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