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Isaac Stough

INTR 617
Assessment Project
Section A: Introduction
This assessment is adapted from my curriculum project in INTR 614: Curriculum and Materials
Development. The context and goals for this project was as follows:
3-5 session long lesson plan, one hour each for a group of 10-15, blue-collar, middle-aged hispanics at
my church
A intermediate high curriculum that had an adapted, skill-based syllabus that focused on speaking and
listening in order to sharpen my students verbal skills
Many students were either first-generation immigrants that came from Mexico, Latin American or Spain
Many have been living in the United States for 10-20 years and have never taken a substantial amount
of English language learning
Most have learned English through their work and speak a hybrid of Spanish and English. Even though
they can all understand English almost perfectly, many have never truly sharpened their English skills
to a sustainable, conversational level.
1. Adapt an ESL class of 3-5 sessions in length, one hour a week, for blue-collar, middle-aged hispanics
2. Focus on listening and speaking English, with the occasional study of pronunciation.
3. Incorporate a broad range of topics in order to expand the usable vocabulary of the students.
4. Develop lessons that are highly interactive, requiring partner and group work in order to maximize
the amount of English used during class. (*Additionally, no Spanish will be used during class. If one
gets stuck, they must use the combined knowledge of the class in order to express themselves in

5. By the end of this course, students will have progressed in speaking and listening and will have
increased in confidence in expressing thoughts, opinions and feelings in English, as well as feeling
more confident with cultural elements.
The following assessment is an achievement test. It should be taken in about 1-1.5 hrs. It assesses
the students on the subject of the lesson: miscommunication and resolving problems. It has three sections
that appear in the following order: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking.
I tried to make this assessment as authentic as possible. It takes real life situations, namely
arguments, and has the tester interact with them via listening, speaking and vocabulary (the three main
language skill addressed in the class). Additionally, there is small amount of reading required, but this is
not a primarily tested, language skill. This test has been built around my original program goals as well as
my individual lesson goals.
Listening is first addressed. Everyone will take this section together. It should be taken in about
35-45 mins and is the biggest section of the test. This section has three audios to which the tester must
answer discrete-point questions. (The transcript of the audios can be found in the appendix section.) I
made it discrete-point because I wanted the largest section to be graded objectively. This should increase
Vocabulary is next. At this time, everyone is still taking the test together. This section is about
15-20 mins long. It is a matching section of commonly used words in the class. This is also objectively
Speaking is last. In this section, testers will individually be tested by me. It is a 10-15 min section
in which the tester will respond to one of the three audios from the listening section. I have choosen the
easiest of the audios to use. The tester must first listen to the audio. After which, they will be given a
minute to prepare and organize their thoughts. Then, I will ask them lower level thinking questions to
higher level thinking questions. This section will be graded with a analytical rubric because a multiple
section rubric would be the most valid and reliable.

English Language Assessment

Stough/Spring 2016


Effective Communication: Miscommunication and Resolving Problems

The following test has three parts: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking. You will have 1 hr and 30 mins to
complete this test. Each section has questions and activities that we have done in class, therefore, nothing
should be surprising about this test. Do not be nervous. This is not for a grade, but for a personal
assessment of how you have grown in this class and how you can continue to grow in your English
language learning.
Part 1: Listen and Respond (45 mins.)
Listen to the following 3 situations. In each situation, two people are having an argument. Each situation
you will listen to twice. After listening to the first, you will have 15 mins to answer 10 multiple choice
questions. After listening to the second, you will have 15 mins to answer 10 more multiple choice
questions. And so on. You are encouraged to take notes on the dialogue so that you can remember what
Situation 1: Hilary and Arnold
1. Who is the one initiating the argument in this situation?
a. Hilary
b. Arnold
2. What is Arnold doing that makes Hilary so angry?
a. playing video games
b. taking a nap
c. listening to his iPod
3. What kind of language do Hilary and Arnold use?
a. you language
b. I language
c. we language
4. What is Arnolds response to the way Hilary talks to him?
a. He is patient and responds politely
b. He becomes frustrated but keeps himself under control
c. He becomes frustrated and retaliates
5. The argument escalates to when Hilary says, Are you listening to me, and then de-escalates after.
a. True
b. False
6. What could Arnold do to improve this situation?
a. Walk out of the room and revisit the topic after dinner
b. Remain calm. Apologize for not listening and try to be aware when Hilary is talking to him
c. Remain quiet and care less.
7. What could Hilary do to improve this situation?
a. Use more inclusive language
b. Walk away and become passive-aggressive
c. All of the above
8. Hilary and Arnold cannot begin to resolve the conflict until they
a. stop shouting
b. quit pointing the finger at each other
c. all of the above

9. Who is at fault here?

a. Arnold
b. Hilary
c. Neither
10. Name a conflict resolution technique that you would suggest in this situation.
Situation 2: Dave and Michelle
1. Who is the aggressor in this situation?
a. Dave
b. Michelle
2. What is Michelle doing that makes Dave angry?
a. Does not listen to Dave
b. Keeps the room messy
c. Uses you language
3. What kind of language do Dave and Michelle use?
a. You language
b. Inclusive language
c. Frustrated language
4. What is Daves first response to the messy room?
a. Doing what he can to help
b. Confronting Michelle
c. Storming off
5. When Michelle is called over by Dave, what is one thing she says to him?
a. She blames it on someone else
b. She makes an excuse
c. She apologizes
6. What could have Michelle done to improve the situation?
a. Cleaned up the room right away
b. Make an excuse
c. Blame it on someone else
7. What could have Dave done to improve the situation?
a. Continued to clean the room over and over again
b. Told Michelle his need earlier
c. Act more frustrated to get a faster response from Michelle
8. Dave and Michelles problem was helped by Dave expressing his need.
a. True
b. False
9. Who is at fault here?
a. Dave
b. Michelle
c. Arnold
10. Name a conflict resolution technique that you would suggest in this situation.
Situation 3: Jesse and George
1. What does George do that makes Michelle angry?

a. He does not listen

b. He is late on his project
c. He is listening to his iPod
2. George knew his weekend plans?
a. True
b. False
3. Where is the miscommunication?
a. George did not tell Michelle the whole truth about his weekend plans
b. Jesse is asking too much of George
c. George is not trying his best
4. What could have George done to improve the situation?
a. Skip his family event
b. Skipped work Wednesday
c. Expressed earlier to Jesse his need for help
5. What is Jesses need in this situation?
a. To turn in the project on Wednesday so that she does not get in trouble
b. For George to be patient
c. To know Georges need
6. When George finally tells Jesse his weekend plans, this is called a(n) ______________.
a. denial
b. excuse
c. all of the above
7, The main lesson at work in this situation is complete honestly.
a. True
b. False
8. Who is at fault here?
a. George
b. Jesse
c. Neither
9. How would you expect Jesse to respond to Georges partial honesty?
10. Name a conflict resolution technique that you would suggest in this situation.

Part 2: Vocabulary (20 mins.)

Match the following terms we have discussed in class to their appropriate definitions.

Active Listening:



Pushing your Anger button:

Trying to find a solution that will at least partially

satisfy everyone.

A way of listening that focuses on what is

being said and the underlying emotions. It
means asking open-ended questions, seeking
clarification, asking for specificity, and
confirming your understanding of what the
other party has said.
When an argument gets more and more intense.

An effortin finding common interests and goals.

It includes being positiveand trusting another in
order to come to peace conclusion or

Inclusive Language:

Particular ways of communication that

will almost always makes you angry
2 minute rule:

A failure to communicate clearly.

Conflict resolution:

When an argument slowly starts to cool down.



Intentionally not using you language but using we

and I language instead.

Also referred to as going to your balcony, this

conflict resolution technique is when you politely
leave a conversation in order to cool down
before starting the conversation again. It is also a
means of de-escalation.

Appendix I:
Audio 1 Transcription: Hilary and Arnold
Hilary: Hi Arnold.
Hilary: Arnold? Arnold? HEY ARNOLD!
Arnold: Wa wa?!
Hilary: Why arent you answering me, huh? You always are focused on something else and are never listening to
me? Why cant you just listen to me for once?
Arnold: Sorry Hilary. I was listening to my ipod. I didnt know you were there. What do you mean, Im always
doing something else? Youre the one that is always asking me questions without seeing if Im already doing
something. I wish youd just stop doing that. Youre so annoying.
Hilary: Annoying? Im annoying? What about you? As if your iPod is more important than me. I bet in your mind
it is important. I mean it must be considering that you spend so much more time with it than you do with me!
Audio 2 Transcription: Dave and Michelle
Dave: Wow.. This room is a mess. Who did this? Oh it must have been Michelle. Ill clean up for her. I know
that shed really appreciate that.
(1 hour later)
Dave: Wow.. This room is a mess again! Who did this? Didnt they notice that the room was clean? Dont they
know that youre supposed to leave a room as you found it? Michelle! Can you come here? Come look at this
Michelle: Hey Dave. Oh yeah! Sorry about that! I noticed that the room was clean. Did you clean it? Sorry I
didnt pick up my stuff. Ill get right to it.
Dave: Thanks Michelle.
(1 hour later)
Dave: Wow.. This room is a mess again! MICHELLE! Can you come here?
Michelle: Hey Dave. SHOOT! Yeah, I totally forgot to clean it up. Although, it wasnt specified when I supposed
to do it.
Dave: Michelle, I just cleaned this room today and its a mess. I asked before and it hasnt been done. I really
need you to do that. I need our rooms to be clean so that I feel comfortable in them.
Michelle: Oh ok. Thanks for telling me. Ill clean it now.
Audio 3 Transcription: Jesse and George
Jesse: George, I need that project on my desk by Wednesday. Can you get it done by then?
George: Ok, Jesse. Ill try to get it done by then.
Jesse: Try? George, if you cant get it done tell me.
George: No, no. I can do it. See you Wednesday. (under his breathe) I dont know what Im going to do! I have
a huge family event this coming weekend and I have to work at church on Sunday. What am I going to do!? I
wont be able to work on that project for Jesse until its too late.
(Wednesday Morning)
Jesse: George, wheres that project I asked from you?
George: Jesse I dont have it. I had a big family event this past weekend and I had to work at church on
Sunday. I didnt have a chance to work on it. I really tried to get it done but there just wasnt enough time.
Jesse: George, this is now the second time that this has happened. You cant keep delaying your deadlines. Its
part of your job. If you had known that there wasnt going to be time this weekend, why did you tell me you
could get it done? If you had told me how busy you were I would have asked someone to help. Now the project is
late and Im in trouble.

Part 3: Speaking (15 mins)

Listen and respond to the following section. You are encouraged to take notes.
I. Listen (Test Administrator plays audio 1)
II. Prep: You now have 1 minute to collect your thoughts and review your notes.
III. Questions: (The following questions the Test Administrator will have but the student will not.)
***D signifies the most difficult questions (higher on Blooms Taxonomy).***
1. What do you remember about this conversation?
a. Who are the characters? What are their names?
b. What is the conflict?
c. Anything else from the audio
2. Where is the miscommunication? Where is the conflict?
3D. What makes the miscommunication worse?
4D. What kinds of things would you suggest would make the situation better?
5. Name one thing that you learned during this class.




3-good 4-strong


I. Comprehension
-Understands audio and understands questions
as represented in answers given

1 2 3 4 5

II. Fluency
-Smoothness of speech
-How long it takes to grasp for words and phrases
-General following of English, grammatical structure

1 2 3 4 5

III. Vocabulary
1 2 3 4 5
-Uses vocabulary learned in class
-Goes beyond day to day speech to more complex words
IV. Pronunciation
-Accent is tamed and diminished

1 2 3 4 5

V. Content
-How well are the ideas and answers developed

1 2 3 4 5

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