Intr 613 Evaluation Form Isaac Stough

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Practicum Evaluation Checklist

Isaac Stough
Name of Practicum Intern

May 6, 2016

Cheri Pierson
Name of Field Supervisor

INTR 613
WR, College Church
Location of Class

Josh Martin
Cooperating Teacher

Assess the instructor's performance in the following areas. Comment on strengths as well as areas in
need of improvement. (You may write brief comments in each category and/or add comments to the
final page.) Use this for the final conference between practicum intern and field supervisor.
A. Clearly-articulated lesson plans.
- Lessons are carefully structured.
- Some "recycling" occurs.
- Activities are sequenced appropriately.
Lesson plans are organized, activities are sequenced effectively and recycling occurs. The LPs are in a
format that include transitions, clearly stated objectives and assessment. He varies activities and groupings
to appeal to different learning styles.
B. Objectives: clear and focused.
- Limited in number.
- Appropriate for student level and class goals.
The objectives are clearly stated and attainable for this level of adult learners.
C. Beginning of class.
- Student attention focused.
- Review/preview.
Isaacs energetic openings help students to have an anticipatory set and a relaxed alertness about whats
ahead. He does a warm-up and review consistently across lessons.
D. Closure: end of class.
- Class ends with a clear sense
of closure.
Isaac praises students for their hard work. He ends with a final practice that helps students review the role
plays theyve worked on. He also stays engaged to the very end of the lesson.
E. Use of textbook.
- Textbook used creatively.

The Ventures book is used appropriately He projects PPs of the worksheets on the Whiteboard and uses
additional materials in class.
F. Use of visual aids and other instructional materials.
- Tapes, objects, transparencies, pictures, and other materials
used to create interest and encourage comprehension.
He uses PP, visuals, whiteboard, handouts in class. A lot of comprehensible input!
This is a real strength.
G. Lessons appropriate for level of student proficiency.
- Students are not asked to learn material which is
too difficult or too simplistic.
This group is somewhat multi-level and Isaac seeks to incorporate the new content so that everyone
understands it and is able to produce it. He provides a help sheet for the learners in case they need the
reference in a final mixer.
H. Questioning skills.
- Variation in questioning patterns.
- Some communicative questions when appropriate.
He asks a lot of display questions but they focus on the content. He also asks referential type questions in
pairs or group work. He could work even more on getting students to provide output rather than giving
information. So questioning skills could be a focus for future teaching.
I. Group work.
- Groups set up carefully.
- Group activity is structured, clear.
- Some variation in use of groups.
He uses a variety of groupings. He is working to clarify his instructions and setting activities in motion. He
can be a little wordy at times but he is aware of this tendency.
J. Learning activities.
- Variety of activities to reinforce learning.
- Various learning styles taken into account.
- Activities relevant to objectives.
His learning activities are excellent. They focus on the objectives and mastery of vocabulary. They also
focus on functions which are needed for daily living. He uses pp for visual, modeling for auditory and gets
students up and mixing for kinesthetic learners.
K. Pacing.
- Lesson is not too slow or too fast.
Sometimes he can go a little too quickly through parts of the lesson but he is improving in the area of
pacing a lesson with the time allowed.

L. Level of student interest.

- Students seem involved and engaged in the lesson.
Students are very engaged throughout the lesson. They seem to respond very positively to Isaacs teaching
M. Error correction strategies.
- Correction of errors is appropriate to tasks
emphasizing fluency or precision.
- Students are not stigmatized for error.
- Use of a consistent strategy.
He uses questions and direct correction. He seems focused on helping individuals. He also listened to
students in group work and then came back and summarized errors he observed. No one is pointed out or
stigmatized. He respects the learners.
N. Classroom management.
- Instructor is aware of student problems.
- Instructor deals with disruptions effectively.
He is aware of disruptions or students issues. He works through a problem. For example, he will give
multiple examples of words like clog, clogged. Once in a while he goes too quickly and he needs to channel
his energy so students dont get confused.
O. Ability to adapt/extemporize.
- If change is necessary, it is done smoothly;
not too much "down time."
He does not have much downtime (only initially when he would look at his LP too long). He is trying to
have a good flow to each lesson and sometimes he gets into too much detail or repeats himself.
P. Teacher's language.
- Clear, native-quality speech.
- If simplified, speech is at a level
appropriate for the students.
Good level of projection. Sometimes he speaks too quickly. His board gets congested but he is learning
to write more clearly. He usually speaks at an appropriate level.
Q. Classroom ambiance.
- Low-threat: mistakes are allowable.
- Instructor strives to create sense of community.
Great ambiance in the classroom. Students get up and mingle and listen to Isaac. (He has inherited a great
community of learning from his mentoring teacher as well).


R. Presence/style.
- Appropriate energy level.
- Professional tone.
Isaac has a professional appearance. Great energy in the classroom.
S. Rapport with students.
Good rapport with students. He knows their names and works with them individually. Its obvious he likes
being in the classroom with them and they respond positively to him as teacher.

Isaac has a very positive and energetic posture in the classroom. He is well liked and well prepared. He is
open to suggestions and acts on them. He has a teachable spirit and he is open about his mistakes. With
very little experience prior to this practicum, Isaac is a fast learner. His lessons have been very detailed and
well prepared. He has thought through scaffolding techniques and recycling of material. He likes to
present new information but he also admits he needs to get off stage and let the students respond. He
truly communicates interest in his students. He does a lot to keep their interest including PowerPoints,
handouts and visuals.
He needs to work on giving clear instructions and explanations. To make them more concise and attainable.
He also needs to monitor his rate of speech and the amount of teacher talk vs. student talk. These will be
foundational to any level of students he teaches in the future. Ive appreciated working with Isaac this
semester. He is eager to learn and teach. He truly communicates professionalism and care for his students
and I believe he will contribute a great deal to the lives of his students in the future.

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