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Biology Important Points and Definitions

Alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system. Small doses give
a sense of well-being, with a release from anxiety. However, this lowers the
reaction time of the drinker. For example, if a driver sees a child in the middle of
the road he will need more time to apply the brakes. Alcohol causes vasodilation
in the skin, wwhich gives a sensation of warmth but actually decreases the heat.
Heroin: It is a narcotic made from opium. Heroin relieves severe pain and
produces a sense of well-being and freedom from anxiety. The addiction to this
drug leads to commiting crimes for obtaining more of this drugs.
Drugs: Drugs are chemicals which change the chemistry of the body.

Variation, Selection, and Genetic Engineering:

Variation: Variation refers to observable changes within a species. There are 2
kinds of variation:
1) Continuous Variation
2) Discontinuous Variation
1) Continuous Variation: This variation is greatly influenced by the environment.
For example, a person may have the genes to grow tall, but due to lack of
enough food he may not be able to grow tall.
2) Discontinuous Variation: This variation is under the control of a single pair of
alleles or a small number of genes. It is not influenced by the environment. You
cannot change your blood group by eating more than usual.
Natural Selection:

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